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Hugh White: U.S. should share power with China

Viet, you misunderstand, the US literally cannot leave Asia without losing more than influence. Look at a map of US territories in the Pacific.

Trying to force the US out of Asia completely means nuclear war, and China doesn't have the stomach or balls to take 3000 nukes up the ***.

Sorry Chinese, you gotta live with us, deal with it.

There's nothing to deal with as China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific. China is totally different compared to US as we focus only on Asia whereas the US wants to have military base in every part of the world.
If South Korea and Japan want to host US military presence that's their business. China spends the military budget wisely and isn't trying to follow you nor the USSR's footsteps. You want to bankrupt your country with overspending the budget and waging wars that's you business. If China is afraid of your nukes Taiwan would have pushed for independence already. Sorry Americans, you gotta live with a rising China, deal with it.
There always be only one lion that can be the king of the jungle. When it gets old it has to relinquish its powers to next generation young powerful lion.There can never be power sharing. There can only be one superpower.

Well i always thought , we live in a civilized world not in a jungle . :P
There's nothing to deal with as China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific. China is totally different compared to US as we focus only on Asia whereas the US wants to have military base in every part of the world.
If South Korea and Japan want to host US military presence that's their business. China spends the military budget wisely and isn't trying to follow you nor the USSR's footsteps. You want to bankrupt your country with overspending the budget and waging wars that's you business. If China is afraid of your nukes Taiwan would have pushed for independence already. Sorry Americans, you gotta live with a rising China, deal with it.

I won't deny China will always be part of the Asia equation, but so will the US. We will be there while China rises, we will be there while China falls.
There's nothing to deal with as China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific. China is totally different compared to US as we focus only on Asia whereas the US wants to have military base in every part of the world.
If South Korea and Japan want to host US military presence that's their business. China spends the military budget wisely and isn't trying to follow you nor the USSR's footsteps. You want to bankrupt your country with overspending the budget and waging wars that's you business. If China is afraid of your nukes Taiwan would have pushed for independence already. Sorry Americans, you gotta live with a rising China, deal with it.

who said China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific?why not?so by your opinion what do china want?Sitting there and braging how powerful and great china is? how can we take over diaoyu islands and south china sea while US army sitting right before our door?what are you thinking seriously?
Let the Americans stay in Asia (for now) every dollar they spend in Asia they cannot spend that same dollar back home. So while America's debt is piling up, it's infrastructure crumbling, it's people getting poorer and less educated and it's society getting more corrupt. While that is happening to the Americans China and the rest of Asia will build up their economic, scientific and industrial base. I can see the day that the Americans can no longer afford the "gas money" to repatriate all their soldiers from all over the world.
Only idiots believe spending money in military would make US weak.If that's right,why we should keep spending money in our military force?
US is gaining more money from japan than it spending on japan.
Viet, you misunderstand, the US literally cannot leave Asia without losing more than influence. Look at a map of US territories in the Pacific.

Trying to force the US out of Asia completely means nuclear war, and China doesn't have the stomach or balls to take 3000 nukes up the ***.

Sorry Chinese, you gotta live with us, deal with it.

America is in no position to go to war with china, we can wipe Yankee land off the map in nuclear war. As more time goes by, the more it favours us since we are growing and closing the gap economically and militarily. American empire will fall once the economy falls, you watch. Without money, the American military is nothing.

We have 4 times the population which gives us a massive advantage in terms of more middle class people, more tax revenue base, bigger talent pool, bigger consumer market, etc.
The more we develop the numbers advantage will be the crucial advantage for us over the US.

America will have to learn to live with a country that is not just a little, but vastly bigger and more powerful than you over the coming decades.

If America tries any funny business, we will gladly rip your arsehole apart just like we did in the Korean War.
Only idiots believe spending money in military would make US weak.If that's right,why we should keep spending money in our military force?
US is gaining more money from japan than it spending on japan.

I suppose you are referring to me.

What about the Soviet Union ? They spend more on the military than they can afford and we all know what happened to them. The fact is that spending money on the military means less resources for the rest of the economy. If there was no such thing as war or the military in the world we will all be better off economically. I don't know if the trillion dollars plus deficit in America is known to you. How long do you think they can keep that up ? And Japan is going bankrupt too they cannot afford to prop up the US presence in Asia much longer either.
I suppose you are referring to me.

What about the Soviet Union ? They spend more on the military than they can afford and we all know what happened to them. The fact is that spending money on the military means less resources for the rest of the economy. If there was no such thing as war or the military in the world we will all be better off economically. I don't know if the trillion dollars plus deficit in America is known to you. How long do you think they can keep that up ? And Japan is going bankrupt too they cannot afford to prop up the US presence in Asia much longer either.

military itself is a part of economy.Exporting weapon is also the most profitable business.And spending money in military is actually much meaningful than spending money in some stupid things like pop music and luxury things.About soviet,their problem is not where they spend their money,its due to people got tired of the corruption and communism,they are much wealthier than china before they collapse,but they collapsed ,we didn't.
And what is the stupid and naive"if there is no war"?how about "if there is no ugly human being"?that would have a bigger possibility.
did you forgot 50,000 mighty Manchus warriors conquered and ruled 100,000,000 han people by their mighty military force?Do you want it happens again?I guess you don't really care.
America is in no position to go to war with china, we can wipe Yankee land off the map in nuclear war. As more time goes by, the more it favours us since we are growing and closing the gap economically and militarily. American empire will fall once the economy falls, you watch. Without money, the American military is nothing.

China has publicly stated it has 200-300 nukes total, not all of those are on strategic alert, and not all of those are mated to missiles that can reach the United States.

The United States has a publicly disclosed nuclear arsenal of ~5000 or so nuclear warheads (down from a cold war high of 30,000+ for context), with 800 of those warheads on strategic alert.

That means the US could launch 800 nuclear warheads in 15 minutes or less. This is all publicly available information and rather highlights your idiotic argument about China winning a nuclear war.

As a comparison, the Chinese ICBM arsenal is estimated at 90, or 1/3 of its total force by the IISS as of 2010. According to the CSIS, 30 of those are on strategic high alert (in this case it is defined as capable of being launched within 20-30 minutes).

You clearly don't know the US capabilities, or your own, Sun Tzu would laugh at your ignorance.

The rest is absolute blather and drivel based on emotions and dreams, not worthy of being copied.

who said China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific?why not?so by your opinion what do china want?Sitting there and braging how powerful and great china is? how can we take over diaoyu islands and south china sea while US army sitting right before our door?what are you thinking seriously?

You have no choice if you want your country to continue existing.

As I said, we are here to stay, deal with it.
who said China has no intention to drive US out of the Pacific?why not?so by your opinion what do china want?Sitting there and braging how powerful and great china is? how can we take over diaoyu islands and south china sea while US army sitting right before our door?what are you thinking seriously?

I totally disagree with you, the Americans have occupied Guam, Hawaii has been annexed for long time, their presence is needed in South Korea and Japan. China can't kick Americans out because it's not China's business but South Korea and Japans. If Vietnam and the Philippines want the Americans to establish military base on their soil what reasons do you think China has to drive them out? If Asian countries don't want the American base anymore then they can request them to leave (of course Japan is exceptional), it's not up to China to tell America to leave.
I totally disagree with you, the Americans have occupied Guam, Hawaii has been annexed for long time, their presence is needed in South Korea and Japan. China can't kick Americans out because it's not China's business but South Korea and Japans. If Vietnam and the Philippines want the Americans to establish military base on their soil what reasons do you think China has to drive them out? If Asian countries don't want the American base anymore then they can request them to leave (of course Japan is exceptional), it's not up to China to tell America to leave.

You have a good question.
I love the fact that whenever there is a Chinese-American rift, Chinese always bring up the nuke as a threat.

The point being, even you wipe America off the map, we still have allied, if you need to nuke us, you probably need to nuke the whole world. But if we need to take Chinese off the map, we only need to nuke China or North Korea. face it, none of your Asian neighbour are willing to take a nuke for you with all the SCS and Northern Pacific thing going on...

People who are willing to see a war (Whether or not its thermal nuclear) is crazy, China doesn't need a war now with the ecomonic booming, especially don't need a war with America. American war in the past having the main objective to suck as much money and leave the ground burn, if you want to have a war with US, you better have a lot of money to burn.

While there are every benefit to co-exist with US in the A-Pac region, anyone (Either American or Chinese) who support war and tkae each other out have a few loose on his head.

And Chinese only have A-Pac region as of this moment, i cannot tell if China will successfully gain more product exposure in other part of the world, but currently Chinese market share in the rest of the world are less than 23-30 % share. The biggest market for Chinese is current, China. Not anypart of the world.
America is in no position to go to war with china, we can wipe Yankee land off the map in nuclear war. As more time goes by, the more it favours us since we are growing and closing the gap economically and militarily. American empire will fall once the economy falls, you watch. Without money, the American military is nothing.

We have 4 times the population which gives us a massive advantage in terms of more middle class people, more tax revenue base, bigger talent pool, bigger consumer market, etc.
The more we develop the numbers advantage will be the crucial advantage for us over the US.

America will have to learn to live with a country that is not just a little, but vastly bigger and more powerful than you over the coming decades.

If America tries any funny business, we will gladly rip your arsehole apart just like we did in the Korean War.

Having a big population doesn't matter in a nuclear war. Whether you have a billion people or less you are just dead. And the Korean War has shown you couldn't help wipe South Korea off the map. So you didn't do crap.
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