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Hugh White: U.S. should share power with China

Almost half(?) of the people in NYC are naturalized and there's nothing illegal about the word. He's probably very sensitive about the word "white man' which is nothing racist about it.

Exactly, his post #115 "I did not say the word "Naturalize" is racist in CHina or what?" Yet he asked me what i would call a white American obtaining Chinese citizenship which i replied a naturalized Chinese. Then he go pointing me as racist on #101. Well he is contradicting himself isn't he? LOL what a loser

LOL look at how these 2 Chinese Troll stemmed from a reply of an American (I am not calling myself Chinese this time, happy?) to another American and getting on a American law discussion, somehow 2 american talkina bout american policy will turn into a Chinese Policy.

I REALLY do admire the Chinese logic on it, if this is what CHinese do, i don't want to be a Chinese anymore, but fortunately, this is not NORMAL chinese doing.

Go say what you want, i am not talking to you or referring to you, you butt your head in an American discussion and cannot get out, so you put on a non-human logic and try to back out of. Well, if you can master it, maybe one day China can really do become top of the world :)

Not much to say to any Chinese troll anymore.

You already have. You can paint, veneer, or bling it anyway you want to convince yourself that you created something unique in the world, but the reality is that experimentation in the democratic processes and methods pretty much have been exhausted without deviating from its core values, whereas China, despite being led by a party that bears the name of a discredited ideology, has deviated far from the core values of said discredited ideology.

Lol of course they will not copy the American style democracy, they copy it and called it Chinese Democracy model and accusing the US of stealing their ideology :) What's what they do lol, haven't you saw enough Chinese copy?
Socialism IS copying the west....where do you think this style of government came from? Seems even your leaders are tards.

Dude, you cannot use the American scale to judge the word "Copy" in chinese standard. They took it when they see fits and then they develope a more even fit more to their society and then they will call their idea original;.

We are not bad behidn these count too, look at fox and AMC copying all of the scandinavian crime drama and called it original series :) Wonder if some Chinese on this forum started working at Fox or AMC lol

Fellow American:

Don't try to reply to Chinese troll anymore the less you reply they less they post and hence the less the earn, majority of their income are from bashing and nonsence reply to any sane western thinker, every post we do not reply they earn 50 cents less or maybe more.

Let them go back to their paddie and eat potato, we are supporting their lavish lifestyle and from every post we reply, they laugh at us a little. If we don't reply as much they may not even earn enough to buy a computer, job done :)
Exactly, his post #115 "I did not say the word "Naturalize" is racist in CHina or what?" Yet he asked me what i would call a white American obtaining Chinese citizenship which i replied a naturalized Chinese. Then he go pointing me as racist on #101. Well he is contradicting himself isn't he? LOL what a loser

The motor mouth wonders why Chinese dislike him and want to disown him. Just look at his post 122, what a piece of banana.
The motor mouth wonders why Chinese dislike him and want to disown him. Just look at his post 122, what a piece of banana.

So far i have not seen any positive reactions from any Chinese about this dude. Totally deserves being called an outsider. He doesn't call Vietnam or China as his motherland yet he goes screaming around he is Chinese, Australian, American or a Swede whenever it suits him. He's a ROTTEN BANANA. That's the best way to describe him based on his heritage and his mentality. He swore his allegiance to US, served in Iraq and Afghanistan, not surprising he is on their side.
Post once again derailed by Chinese Troll since page 5 who rather discuss the fellow member Chinese "membership" than the word of Hugh White..

Let me resurrect this topic :)

Am I the only one who read 'Huge White' after seeing thread title for first time?
I thought maybe it has something to do with a bigger white house.lol

Hugh White is a fellow researcher with the australian national university and a former Secertry of Department of Defence. His view are more general against current Australian Policy and move to a leaning toward Asia rather than Americas.

To some extend, he is right, but while the Australian forge relationship with Asian, Aussie should also increase their support to the america to balance out the situation. That way we can benefit both from East and West and provide a gateway to any American Company who want to start their Asian Market, currently if you want to do it, the 2 entry point are either Hong Kong or Singapore, both of them former British Colony.

The humans are not animals and its not jungle. So don't make them act like animals. They shold respect each others on the basis of equality otherwise the destruction is waiting for everybody........:smokin:

To some people, being the strongest is the best, but to be strong, you need other people who say you are strong, if you keep on indulging yourselve on the problem and ignore what other people look at you, you are just lying to yourselve.

Problem is, even strong animal got bought down by a small one, so being strong in actually of no use in world politic. in my opinion.
My last post get mangled in edit...usually got doubled sentence fragments in edit...anyone else with this issue?
My last post get mangled in edit...usually got doubled sentence fragments in edit...anyone else with this issue?

Did you included some special symbol in your OP?
Dude, you cannot use the American scale to judge the word "Copy" in chinese standard. They took it when they see fits and then they develope a more even fit more to their society and then they will call their idea original;.

We are not bad behidn these count too, look at fox and AMC copying all of the scandinavian crime drama and called it original series :) Wonder if some Chinese on this forum started working at Fox or AMC lol

Fellow American:

Don't try to reply to Chinese troll anymore the less you reply they less they post and hence the less the earn, majority of their income are from bashing and nonsence reply to any sane western thinker, every post we do not reply they earn 50 cents less or maybe more.

Let them go back to their paddie and eat potato, we are supporting their lavish lifestyle and from every post we reply, they laugh at us a little. If we don't reply as much they may not even earn enough to buy a computer, job done :)

A real American ! Can't win an argument so revert to name calling and childish ranting.
A real American ! Can't win an argument so revert to name calling and childish ranting.

Dude, your compat have already done that after they failed attack me regarding my Mom timeline and my definition of Chinese, so, shut it
Actually British "copied" the Chinese Imperial examination and Mandarin system and become the modern civil administrative system with characteristics that are particular to the adaptive country of course.
There is nothing wrong with drawing ideas from other culture, that is how human society progress.
However, there is definitely something wrong for some country/culture/people to insist that they have a monopoly on universal truth, and force it on people of different background and culture.
Actually British "copied" the Chinese Imperial examination and Mandarin system and become the modern civil administrative system with characteristics that are particular to the adaptive country of course.
There is nothing wrong with drawing ideas from other culture, that is how human society progress.
However, there is definitely something wrong for some country/culture/people to insist that they have a monopoly on universal truth, and force it on people of different background and culture.

Lol then can i say the Chinese copy the caveman's "leaf" accounting system??

IT was just a joke, you don't need to answer it.
Dude, your compat have already done that after they failed attack me regarding my Mom timeline and my definition of Chinese, so, shut it

Who the heck cares about you're mom. You are the one on this thread calling people names like trolls and racist just because they have a view you don't agree with and after some discussion back and forth you started childishly rant about people being paid 50 cents to post here or that the Chinese can only copy. And isn't that racist too ?
Who the heck cares about you're mom. You are the one on this thread calling people names like trolls and racist just because they have a view you don't agree with and after some discussion back and forth you started childishly rant about people being paid 50 cents to post here or that the Chinese can only copy. And isn't that racist too ?

As much as i care about yours :) You have a good day sir.
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