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HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)


Jan 7, 2012
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Top Pakistani government officials on Friday said the 33-year prison sentence for the doctor who helped the CIA track down Usama bin Laden is payback for how the U.S. went about getting the Al Qaeda leader, and they shrugged off criticism of the verdict by telling America to stop “over-reacting” and “take a deep breath.”

“You got Usama bin Laden. We're happy he got killed. But the way it was done we're not happy with. We didn't like that," a Pakistani official told Fox News. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to what he described as the fragile state of U.S.-Pakistani relations.

The latest comments did not sit well with lawmakers who have been speaking out for Dr. Shakil Afridi, questioning why the Obama administration did not do more to protect the doctor and his family before he was arrested last year.

"The reaction indicates how out of touch the leaders of that country are with reality," California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee, said Friday. “They are so blinded by their radical Islamic ideology that they cannot see our outrage is justified.”

In a strong bipartisan display of congressional anger in response to Afridi’s jail term, senators on Thursday voted 30-0 in committee to cut $33 million in aid to Pakistan – one million for every year of his sentence. That move came a day after a tribal court in Pakistan – where the doctor was not allowed to be represented by a lawyer – passed its sentence. The diplomatic friction has also complicated negotiations between the countries about Pakistan re-opening overland supply routes to Afghanistan.

Afridi ran a vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA and verify bin Laden's presence at the compound in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad where U.S. commandos found and killed bin Laden in a stealthy raid in May 2011. Viewed as a hero in the U.S. for helping nab the terrorist mastermind behind 9/11, Afridi was treated like a criminal in Pakistan, a Muslim nation whose alliance with the U.S. has been uneasy.

The latest developments came the same day sources told Fox News that Afridi's physical condition in jail is deteriorating and that he has been placed on a suicide watch. There are also new questions about whether he received a fair trial and whether a federal tribunal would have been more sympathetic.

One of the founders of Pakistan's constitution and a top Supreme Court lawyer in that country told Fox News that Afridi should not have been tried by a tribal court and would not have been convicted if he had faced a federal court.

"The Jirga didn't have the jurisdiction and they exercised power without jurisdiction,” said Ahmed Kasuri, senior attorney in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. “And if some court were to apply power without jurisdiction, it’s a nullity in the eyes of the law. It's got no significance. The appellate authority can forthright set aside that decision."

Pakistani officials continued to insist the U.S. should not let the case dictate broader policy. Supply lines were closed after a U.S. attack on the Pakistani side of the border killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November, and reopening them is a key priority for the U.S.

"The U.S. is allowing one issue to become so bloated, at a difficult time,” one official told Fox News.

Those concerns don’t seem to be shared by U.S. lawmakers, who continue to call for Afridi’s release.

“All of us are outraged at the imprisonment and sentence of some 33 years, virtually a death sentence to the doctor," Arizona Sen. John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Thursday. “It frankly outraged all of us.”

GOP lawmakers also have raised questions about how Pakistan learned of Afridi's involvement in the operation that led to bin Laden's death. Officials in the Obama administration insist that it did not reveal it, telling Fox News the Pakistanis found Afridi “on their own.”

But Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has charged the administration officials talked about the doctor and his DNA sampling in describing the raid and implied that the loose talk led to Afridi's capture.
"This has been handled very poorly right from the time of the raid," said King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. "They put him out there."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday the administration thinks Pakistan’s treatment of Afridi is “unjust and unwarranted." She also said the administration is talking to Pakistan officials about the situation, saying discussions are occurring about a range of important issues, with the doctor’s treatment among them.

Afridi's lawyer, Samiullah Afridi, told AFP he plans to appeal the sentence.

"We have requested the Khyber administration to provide us with the documents related to the trial and conviction, and once we get them, we will file an appeal in the office of the commissioner of the Frontier Crimes Regulation," he said.

The lawyer, general secretary of the Peace Movement, a civil society group against militancy, said the doctor did not commit any crime, but had instead worked "to help eliminate terrorism."

Read more: Pakistan officials: Doctor's sentence payback for bin Laden raid, U.S. need to move on | Fox News

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And take a look at this poll hosted on the main page of Fox News.

"A Pakistani doctor faces 33 years in prison for helping in the bin Laden operation -- what went wrong?"


It’s not as bad as it looks. Surely, behind-the-scenes diplomacy will result in his release

There was nothing the U.S. could have done. Pakistan is no longer our ally, and cannot be swayed

The U.S. outed him, and then abandoned him.

America vs Pakistan Endgame - Black Day (02 May, 2012) [HQ] - YouTube

Along with Pakistan, Iran and North Korea also share this 'propaganda' targeting.

I'm not one to bash about conspiracy theories, but all what people have been saying about a war on Iran, Pakistan and North Korea, is turning out to be true.

There have been over 5 drone strikes in Pakistan in less than two weeks.
they will never stopped it even in 2003 2005 when we was in very good relations still they was doing it .thats why i said USA and CIA can't be friends nor allies .
they will never stopped it even in 2003 2005 when we was in very good relations still they was doing it .thats why i said USA and CIA can't be friends nor allies .

And it saddens to me to see that their are still PPP and Mushy supporters.

How can you shake hands with the enemy? We need to elect a modern, progressive party that will allow Pakistan to stand on it's own two feet and stop this foreign intervention!
It's basically a war to win people over to their side; and Pakistan is losing big time. The US has way too much support and money to spread their propaganda.

Along with Pakistan, Iran and North Korea also share this 'propaganda' targeting

When the world is openly supporting atrocities against Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. then you know the state of people's minds and wonder what the future will look like with these ignorants running around.
This is why I shut off the television whenever FOX news is on. "That's right, OBAMA bin Laden was killed."

Or, mistaking Iraq on the world map as Egypt.

It's not just Fox News. Look at any News Channel and you will know that their is paid propaganda against Pakistan.
Forget the U.S, it will die alone in growing debt and so will E.U.

Pakistan and China should both look for propaganda against India now to kill the Indian dream. This is how the world works...
Pakistan has been the target of (disproportionate) propaganda for a very long time (since 2007 to be precise). This instance is nothing unusual.

Ever since Mushy wouldnt give in to all their demands they have been crying. In my opinion Ameircans and Israelis are like little children who just can not take a no
Ever since Mushy wouldnt give in to all their demands they have been crying. .......

As far as I know, both Musharaf and Zardari were US subservient. However, the thing which differentiates them is that Musharaf was not incompetent whereas Zardari is incompetent. That is why, even though Musharaf maintained good ties with US, you did not see pakistan being bullied like it is now. Incompetent Zardari failed to counter US antagonism when it came to pakistan so, pakistan is being bullied like anything right now.

It is not a crime to be US subservient. Many countries have done very good being protected and being subservient to USA. However, being incompetent is a crime.
As far as I know, both Musharaf and Zardari were US subservient. However, the thing which differentiates them is that Musharaf was not incompetent whereas Zardari is incompetent. That is why, even though Musharaf maintained good ties with US, you did not see pakistan being bullied like it is now. Incompetent Zardari failed to counter US antagonism when it came to pakistan so, pakistan is being bullied like anything right now.

It is not a crime to be US subservient. Many countries have done very good being protected and being subservient to USA. However, being incompetent is a crime.

My understanding is that Mushy would not allow Americans hot pursuit into Pakistan. However BB went to America and made a speech in which she stated that she would allow it. So Americans suddenly resorted to democracy is required for Pakistan and brokered a deal between Mush and BB
This Propaganda is a reward for the corrupt rulers of ZPakistan cuz they suppported the Fake war on terror and helped the US/NATO in the crimes against the humanity..The world will never forget these crimes....:smokin:
My understanding is that Mushy would not allow Americans hot pursuit into Pakistan.....

He did allow. However, he always made sure Pakistan's neck would be well padded (thus he was not "incompetent")

Pakistan. However BB went to America and made a speech in which she stated that she would allow it. So Americans suddenly resorted to democracy is required for Pakistan and brokered a deal between Mush and BB

I do not know about this part so i cannot comment accurately.
We need a new government that has a clear vision and direction for the future; otherwise this situation will only get worse and worse. Trust me, the worst is yet to come if these thugs running the country are not overthrown.

The new government (whether it's PTI or composed of another party) needs to be able to address all of the issues in Pakistan effectively and consult/stand up to other nations and not always give in to their vested interests. Pakistan needs to assess itself as a country first before always meeting the demands of others.

And you can hate me for saying this, but Pakistanis need to stop blaming others for their problems, and address it themselves - blaming others won't help us move forward as other countries have just been ignoring our concerns and demands. The people need to overthrow the tyrannical rulers and bring change themselves. Imran Khan is not an angel who will save Pakistan overnight, and him or his party alone cannot bring Pakistan out of this state; the help and support of the public is crucial.
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