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Huge demonstration against Catalan independence in Barcelona


Jun 7, 2017
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Huge demonstration against Catalan independence in Barcelona
The rally comes a week after a Catalan referendum on secession condemned as unconstitutional by the Spanish government.

Hundreds of thousands of people are marching in Barcelona to demand Catalonia rejects independence and stays with Spain.

March organisers Societat Civil Catalana claimed 930,000 people turned out, but Barcelona police put the total at around 350,000.

The demonstration comes a week after the Catalan government held a referendum on secession that was condemned as illegal and unconstitutional by the Spanish government.

The vote, which was won by the Yes side, was broken up by police, who beat voters with batons.

The tactic was condemned throughout the world but a Spanish minister told Sky News it was "absolutely proportionate".

On Saturday, a similarly large rally was held in the city to demand secession from Spain, while another demonstration was held in support of Spanish unity in Madrid.

Speaking to El Pais on Sunday, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said: "Spain is not going to be divided and the nation's unity will be maintained.

"The ideal would be not to have to take drastic measures. I would like this threat of a declaration of independence to be withdrawn as quickly as possible."

Those measures could include taking over the regional government's powers, a move that could deepen the country's worst political crisis in a generation.


Image:Catalans carrying Spanish flags during a pro-union demonstration in Barcelona
The slogan for the Barcelona protest, which was organised by the Societat Civil Catalana, the main anti-independence group in Catalonia, was "Enough, let's recover good sense!"

But some people went further, chanting "Don't be fooled, Catalonia is Spain" and calling for Catalan president Carles Puigdemont to be jailed.

Mr Puigdemont is set to address the Catalan parliament on Tuesday, and although it remains unclear what he plans to say, many secessionists are urging him to declare unilateral independence.


Image:The protest was organised by 'Societat Civil Catalana' (Catalan Civil Society)
Weighing against that is the decision of several large businesses, including Catalonia's top two banks, to pull out of the region amid the uncertainty over its future.

Other companies are reportedly considering leaving Catalonia to avoid being forced to leave the European Union and the single market in the case of secession.

Mr Rajoy told Catalan leaders that there "is still time" to backtrack and avoid Madrid taking over the region's government.

Though 90% of voters backed independence at the outlawed referendum, fewer than half of the region's electorate voted.

Most recent polls showed that Catalonia's 7.5m residents were roughly split down the middle over secession.

Neo-Francoists can complain all they want!!! But Catalonia will become free with Barcelona as its capital INSHALLAH

The oppressed peoples within the Spanish realm have had enough with the Francoist regime
lol, the poll is fixe, Spanish folk live in Catalonia see this as an illegal vote, and that's the reason they don't vote, because they vote, they will go to jail, hence the 44.1% turn out rate.

The vote is not even majority and nobody beside Catalonia independence movement see this as a legitimate thing (Not even under UN rules as they require 55% plus turn out rate)

There will not be an independent Catalonia, they have the same vote every 4 years since 2007 and the last 4 vote is roughly the same result, everyone knows this is a sham vote.
Neo-Francoists can complain all they want!!! But Catalonia will become free with Barcelona as its capital INSHALLAH

The oppressed peoples within the Spanish realm have had enough with the Francoist regime



Good...there was no need for Catalan to conduct any referendum. With such huge people turnout, Spanish government will have more confidence in dealing with Catalan crisis. Hope Spain emerge more united.
Got to love the double standards of foreign media when it comes to reporting separatist movements in India vs Europe. Only is sucker Indian elites were able to see this bias.

You are comparing an obsecure terrorist movement (which is divided on tribal lines LOL) with legitimate separatists who after this historic referendum have every right to self determination.

We WILL have our mega mosque in Barcelona once Catalonia is free!

Neo-Francoists can try defending the crumbling Spanish federation, but Catalonia will be first among many changes that will happen in the European status quo
You are comparing an obsecure terrorist movement (which is divided on tribal lines LOL) with legitimate separatists who after this historic referendum have every right to self determination.

We WILL have our mega mosque in Barcelona once Catalonia is free!

Neo-Francoists can try defending the crumbling Spanish federation, but Catalonia will be first among many changes that will happen in the European status quo

lol. You are good in comedy.
You are comparing an obsecure terrorist movement (which is divided on tribal lines LOL) with legitimate separatists who after this historic referendum have every right to self determination.

We WILL have our mega mosque in Barcelona once Catalonia is free!

Neo-Francoists can try defending the crumbling Spanish federation, but Catalonia will be first among many changes that will happen in the European status quo

Ok but guess what it aint gonna happen ... Or maby in your fantasies.
Ok and back to reality quicker Balochistan will be independent country then Catalonia.
There are more movements in Europe like that than countries in the world... This is because Europe is one hell of a oppressive Shit hole :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ok but guess what it aint gonna happen ... Or maby in your fantasies.
Ok and back to reality quicker Balochistan will be independent country then Catalonia.
There are more movements in Europe like that than countries in the world... This is because Europe is one hell of a oppressive Shit hole :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have you seen how the neo-Francoist reactionaries have been charging on to the Catalonians? Very shameful-yet even with such a strong show of force by the government against them the resolve of the Catalonia public still remains strong!

Spain has in fact messed things up to a point where it cannot be reversed with the intense Francoist era police brutality that they introduced again!!

lol. You are good in comedy.

You back a party call Lega Nord that as the name implies wants Northern Italy to become separate. A bit of introspection never hurts does it?
We WILL have our mega mosque in Barcelona once Catalonia is free!

What had Islam have to do with Catalonia independence movement??

And if you had studied Spanish history, Catalonia is a minority who actually abuse and oppress the majority Castillo Spaniard back when they were the Capital of Spanish empire....Which basically lasted for the last 200-300 years. Just look up how Francisco Franco can rise to the top after Spanish Civil war and why he hated Catalonia so much and you will know.

I don't see exactly how or why would Madrid let go of Catalonia. They have absolutely no power what so ever and what's more important, no support...

I have no sympathy for neo Francoists. How can you sympathize for a people who were proud about deceiving and then subsequently removing cultures like the Aztecs and Incas?

You do know that (Conquest of South America) was the doing of then CATALONIAN Spanish government -ARagon under the order of Ferdinand and funded by Isabella (Barcelona was then called the Capital of all HISPANIA, which is in case you are wondering where the term Hispanic came from). Which is where Royal Palace of Spanish Empire used to be until the 1500s when they started centralising power in Madrid. Madrid is always pro-European trade and Barcelona is always pro-South American trade....And Carlos V, the empire of Spain is the issue of Joanna I whom was the daughter of Ferdinand....

And it have no bearing on the Great Mosque whether or not Catalonia was independent, it would be built whether or not Spanish government is still in control of Catalonia. So, I don't honestly know why Islam have any bearing in this.
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Have you seen how the neo-Francoist reactionaries have been charging on to the Catalonians? Very shameful-yet even with such a strong show of force by the government against them the resolve of the Catalonia public still remains strong!

Spain has in fact messed things up to a point where it cannot be reversed with the intense Francoist era police brutality that they introduced again!!

You back a party call Lega Nord that as the name implies wants Northern Italy to become separate. A bit of introspection never hurts does it?

My party is Forza Italia.

There will be no catalunian independence. Puidgemont hoped for support of the EU. He lost. EU sides with Madrid. Economy leaves Barcelona, hundredthousands in Barcelona demonstrate for Spain. What he will achieve is that Barcelona loses its autonomy.
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