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How would Pakistan defence an aerial attack from India?



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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hi guys,
my name is arsalan, i am pakistani studying in canada. I dont have much technical knowledge about military but i am always interested and willing to learn more about every aspect of pakistan military, especially airforce. Due to current tension between pakistan and india,i got furious to one question and i wanted to ask it here. As far as i know, both numerically and technically( technically referes to machines not pilots) our airforce is far behind indian airforce. so how can we defend indian aerial attack. And can anyone tell me other then f-16 and around 8 jf-17 which are other recognized aircraft in our force. It am sorry, i had to ask this most basic question but i wanted the answer to this.
In Every War India Out numbered our focres, With Our Available Machines and our Faith , We defend Our home land.

And We ( GOD WILLING ) will do this time too
In Every War India Out numbered our focres, With Our Available Machines and our Faith , We defend Our home land.

And We ( GOD WILLING ) will do this time too

it is excellent to have faith and confidence but the question need a more technical answer in case of conflict between the two countries.
i think our jf 17 have yet not become a part of our combat fleet. they are still in testing stage.
ground forces have got their own air defence unit. which includes azna I and II, anti aircraft guns, SA 7 (man portable surface to air launcher), orlicon, spada 2000, stinger missiles.
our air defence for short to medium range is gud but we lack long range air defence system. we dont really need long range air defence system for our northern areas including kashmir. bec its a mountainious are so the jets have to come down inorder to make a strike. however we do need long range air defence system when we start moving towards south. but again 'faith' is also something which plays a big role during war.
Indian surgical attack or first attack would be replied by salvos of our strategic long range 700 to 1,000kms cruise missiles on their airbases or ABM batteries + it is anticipated that Pakistan will have nuclear tipped 1 to 2 BM based on Shaheen II missile ready for delivery on Indian nicobar Island where the SU-30mki are being based.

This alongwith the already dispatched Pakistani Agosta 90B subs which are capabable of staying below water for nearly 3 weeks will be given green light to target any thing of IN.

Only after this will the PAF fly it's sorties in enemy areas. However, we do have air to ground guided RAAD which is another headache for the Indians.

Having said that the only way out for India would be to do massive attack on Pakistani military establishment cause they are talking about massive return fire power if attacked even for any surgical mis-adventure. No wonder the passive statements from Indians which are now emating from their country today !

It is a confirmed news that PAF has 10 already inducted JF-17 in it's inventory. Armed or unarmed is another story !

If the above is not enough we are getting on emergency basis cargo planes loaded with ???? on daily basis from our brotherly states !

War clouds are looming in the sub-continent, there is no denying now.
Indian surgical attack or first attack would be replied by salvos of our strategic long range 700 to 1,000kms cruise missiles on their airbases or ABM batteries + it is anticipated that Pakistan will have nuclear tipped 1 to 2 BM based on Shaheen II missile ready for delivery on Indian nicobar Island where the SU-30mki are being based.

This alongwith the already dispatched Pakistani Agosta 90B subs which are capabable of staying below water for nearly 3 weeks will be given green light to target any thing of IN.

Only after this will the PAF fly it's sorties in enemy areas. However, we do have air to ground guided RAAD which is another headache for the Indians.

Having said that the only way out for India would be to do massive attack on Pakistani military establishment cause they are talking about massive return fire power if attacked even for any surgical mis-adventure. No wonder the passive statements from Indians which are now emating from their country today !

It is a confirmed news that PAF has 10 already inducted JF-17 in it's inventory. Armed or unarmed is another story !

If the above is not enough we are getting on emergency basis cargo planes loaded with ???? on daily basis from our brotherly states !

War clouds are looming in the sub-continent, there is no denying now.
lol do u think that MKIs are only based in andaman nicobar?? lol man that was the joke of the century!!! all the MKIs based in Andaman! come on, read more bro and comment.
Welcome to PDF arsipk, try looking into other threads in different parts of the forum aswell, i'm sure you'll find what you're looking for as alot of our members have speculated and debated about possible attacks coming from India aswell as what our countermeasures would be on that.
lol do u think that MKIs are only based in andaman nicobar?? lol man that was the joke of the century!!! all the MKIs based in Andaman! come on, read more bro and comment.

No I have never mentioned anywhere the word neither "only" nor "all" ! So the joke of the century is presently ?

If you call joke of the century that should have been India cause in 2001 / 2002 .. they mobilized a half a million troops on Pakistani border (in fact the mobilization was well before and it is documented) on a so called full of evidence terrorist attack on it's parliament and after having a picnic of 9 months, several aircraft accidents, troops stepping on their own mines, etc. and went back.

You will say what was the laughing thing, well as usual India did not allow any joint investigation on the affair but the case of the same terrorist act appeared in Indian court, under Indian law, with Indian judge, fought by Indian lawyers, witnesses & the man convicted "Afzal" was from Indian held kashmir who even after conviction up to this date is not hanged due to the aftermath of his hanging in Indian held Kashmir. No where in this case evidence against Pakistan was given or brought to light !

That's what we call a laugh of the century .. If you want I can provide you with the question on the debacle from Indian sources too !
There wont be any attack,so chill :coffee:

Why not, if thrust upon us ? Why has Pakistan been doing all those air sorties with daily fighter planes going in circles around the bases !

Just for fresh air !

hahaha on the lighter side.. No nobody likes war but have we not been taking & doing PEACE & FRIENDSHIP in the last 8 years with India ? What has it brought to us ? Claims & counter claims ? Heck we did not even get our Siachen back ! They got their Kargil (ok, minus a couple of peaks) back.

So why not talk war, we are receiving daily consignment of cargo on Chaklala base, several people have seen earlier unseen sandy brown camo fighter plane over Lahore (2 days back) ... We should now be talking war, cause the enemy & the Yankees do not understand the words alone.

I remember the mafia saying "Nice words with a gun in a hand would bring results, which mere words would have not brought" !

So why not talk war, we are receiving daily consignment of cargo on Chaklala base, several people have seen earlier unseen sandy brown camo fighter plane over Lahore (2 days back) ...QUOTE]

Could they be J-10s ?
India as at least 4 OPERRATIONAL squadrons of flankers. Thats at least 72 planes.

These are based in India Westerns Air command. Which has bases in Punjab & Haryana around new Delhi and further north in Kashmir ie Srinagar.

The reports are that at least another 40 MKI are due to arrive any time in 2009 from Russia & India itself is building around 10 a year.

A Few points.

1. The Pakistani response to a surgical air strike will defo be a cruise missle strike and not air strike. The reason for no PAF air strike there is nothing current in PAFS arsenal that could go into india and survive the Indian combination of BVR fighters & sams.

2. There is nothing in the PAF inventory that can go toe to toe with the SU30 MKI. CETAINLY NOT UNTIL BLOCK 52 F16 are delivered in 2010.

3. PAF response to a indian assult with mirages & jaguars will be to swamp the indians flankers & mirages with shear nos of F7 & MIRAGES...
paf PLANES CAN WIN 1-1 ONE ON ONE but 5 X F7 VERSIS 1 SU30 MKI & 1 JAGUAR over PAF air space is a different matter.
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