Neither of the above will do that "magic" you expect!! With floods and damaged crop, these will take a direct hit.
Here is what we should focus on:
- TECH: Both free lancing and working with the US / EU in getting Tech maintenance contracts and build a a partnership
- Free Lancing: Teach our youth on what's hot and allow that skillset. Our youth is selling itself cheap by doing "logo design" and "coding" when the real stuff is far from distance such as Cloud, IOT, Project Management, Tech architecture (all high paying)
- Create IT boom internally
- License produce things for CPEC as it's going to be around for next 10-15 years. Heavy machinery (pick something like a Dump truck or Crane, etc) and build an industry to build those locally and setup support services for all equipment locally.
- I know there are companies that build Hydraulic a generation behind. Upgrade these companies and build and export Hydraulics. These will always remain hot as humans use equipment, cars, trucks, machines, all with Hydraulics.
- Create a high paying healthcare boom with Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine (specialized) and introduce Robotics in medicine and train Doctors and Surgeons on it. The WB gives grants for this work. EXPORT our Doctors and Surgeons when they are trained. India does that.
- Establish Pharmaceutical R&D here, That's billions of dollars in research that come in every year for advance research in medicine, protocols, etc.
- Add traditional stuff like Sports equipment, Textile, etc, etc. But the above are the QUICKEST way to earn much needed revenue!