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How to solve terrorism in Pakistan?

It takes Courage to adress such issuse.
Some steps can be taken such as.
1. Removal of Madarsa Education
2. Ban on extremist org.
3. Secularism
4. Motivation to tech. Education.
5. Creation of job opportunities.
6. Large trade volume.
7. Good HDI
It takes Courage to adress such issuse.
Some steps can be taken such as.
1. Removal of Madarsa Education
2. Ban on extremist org.
3. Secularism
4. Motivation to tech. Education.
5. Creation of job opportunities.
6. Large trade volume.
7. Good HDI

Madrassah's are not a bad thing, they just need proper regulation and should follow the national curriculum in addition to religious education. What people don't understand is that Madrassah exists because education is not free, people have kids then send them off to Madrassah because the child will be fed, clothed, sheltered and will have a trade/profession in 16 years: Hafiz Quran.

I do agree that more should be done to "vet" madrassah's, imams should have proper training and vocational training and academic training should also be imparted in such institutions. An external observer/monitor should be created to oversee the quality of education and welfare of children in such establishments.

Everything else you have mentioned is sound logic.
In other words, accept the terrorists demands. Next would be implementation of Taliban version of Sharia in all of Pakistan.

Nonsense. Complete lie and utter propaganda created by Pakistan Army to justify their illegal encroachment of the tribal areas.
if pakistan realli wants to finish terorrism do this and within a decade this problem will dissolve

1. uproot the Feudalism

2. Revamp the jeudicial system to sharia law so a common man has faith in the system

3. totalli rewamp the beurocracy & police

4. make the education system uniform and its main focus should be patriotism not hate aginst non muslims

5. give new employment to all like building infra and soon in a decade when people will have work , justice and security they will stop following these so called jihadies i know this seems immpossible but that is all you could do or keep fighting a lost war ....good luck
I agree with Imran Khan formula.

1. Disengage from American war. This will take away the 'jihad' narrative from the terrorists.
2. Negotiate with them and divide them by taking away those who peacefully give up weapons.
3. This will leave those who will fight regardless. These are the terrorists the state will target and people then will have no confusion regarding who law enforcement is targeting.

This is a solution for terrorism emanating from war on terror.

The other terrorism is sectarian terrorism. For this we need strict law enforcement. The state must not compromise with them. Same applies to terrorism patronized by political parties like MQM,ANP and PPP in Karachi.

For all this, the parliament needs to enact laws, make penal more stringent and allow new types of evidences to be admissible in a court of law.

For these terrorists, I m all for death by hanging. The state needs to act. For how long will Pakistan suffer? I think law enforcement, political parties and intelligence and courts are not doing their job honestly.

sorry but he only narrates a soft surrender like sawat, as a leader he need to grow up, higher then that?
& as his follower you need to convince him, to speak up against TTP killers, who are killing ptì MPAs right now?
Nonsense. Complete lie and utter propaganda created by Pakistan Army to justify their illegal encroachment of the tribal areas.

thats what a utter nonsense prapoganda, in your dam mind feuled by some stupid mullahs, who were crying fake, for the womens & babies in lal masjid?
investigation report on lal masjid is strong slap. to those crying fool against pakarmy?
wow, thts how pakarmy was frammed in all of fake prapoganda movments of yours?
keep it up, all your dam prapogandas against pakarmy,its just there to be proven wrong, & to make prapogandist shamefull?
if they hve some sort of?
What would you do when a robber enter your house late at night ? Do you negotiate :omghaha: as surprisingly mentioned by many decent members here !!
You take the responsibility and start hunting the robber at the cost of your life no matter what . This is what is missing for Pakistan's freedom against terrorism .
There is nothing to solve in terrorism. You have to fight it.

Even here in India we refuse to see the light and are trying to "solve" naxalism.
. .
Terrorism is a cancer caused due to decades of poor law and order,justice system ..remove those cancer cells and then maintain good law and order system ..you will be free from these infections

That, and better education for all.
btw, we are putting all types of terrorism in one basket, there are sectarian terrorist, religious terrorists and separatists, each have different reason why they commit acts of terror, and one need to deal with them in different ways
Arab imperialism?? There's not even much arab influence in pakistan. We might have some Pro-arab people but no arab influence. English is spoken more than arabic and mandarin in pakistan.

The Arab imperialism is not like the usual type of imperialism. Its quite subtle, but much more effective. European or Japanese or Turkish imperialism was very overt and visible, with very strong military and economic presence of the emperial powers in the subject states. Arab imperialism, on the other, hand is very covert and the subject states don't even realise that they are subjects of an imperial power. some of the manifestations of the Arab imperialism are as below:
1. Make the imperial subjects completely reject their pre-imperial history, culture and traditions and adopt new ones.
2. Make the subjects take up Arabic names.
3. Make the subjects learn Arabic language in order to read the religious scriptures and Pray in Arabic language.
4. Make the subjects bow towards Arabia five times a day. Make the subjects pay obeisance to Arabia at least once in their lifetime.
5. Force the female subjects to wear 7th century Arab female attire.
There are many more. But most importantly, make the subjects believe in Arab imperialism and fight holy wars to further spread Arab imperialism on their own will.
The Arab imperialism is not like the usual type of imperialism. Its quite subtle, but much more effective. European or Japanese or Turkish imperialism was very overt and visible, with very strong military and economic presence of the emperial powers in the subject states. Arab imperialism, on the other, hand is very covert and the subject states don't even realise that they are subjects of an imperial power. some of the manifestations of the Arab imperialism are as below:
1. Make the imperial subjects completely reject their pre-imperial history, culture and traditions and adopt new ones.
2. Make the subjects take up Arabic names.
3. Make the subjects learn Arabic language in order to read the religious scriptures and Pray in Arabic language.
4. Make the subjects bow towards Arabia five times a day. Make the subjects pay obeisance to Arabia at least once in their lifetime.
5. Force the female subjects to wear 7th century Arab female attire.
There are many more. But most importantly, make the subjects believe in Arab imperialism and fight holy wars to further spread Arab imperialism on their own will.

This might be imperialism in your views but not everyone. Besides not everyone in pakistan follows these rules.
Actually now Saudis have huge influence over Pakistan, but I really dont think that is the main reason for terrorism in Pakistan. There are many many more other reasons
Cut the supplies going to Afghanistan.

Batman for Mod :D

Actually now Saudis have huge influence over Pakistan, but I really dont think that is the main reason for terrorism in Pakistan. There are many many more other reasons

Saudis have influence over 2% of the population(uneducated no future retards) Rest want nothing to do with this.
thats what a utter nonsense prapoganda, in your dam mind feuled by some stupid mullahs, who were crying fake, for the womens & babies in lal masjid?
investigation report on lal masjid is strong slap. to those crying fool against pakarmy?
wow, thts how pakarmy was frammed in all of fake prapoganda movments of yours?
keep it up, all your dam prapogandas against pakarmy,its just there to be proven wrong, & to make prapogandist shamefull?
if they hve some sort of?

Brother, who created Lal Masjid with who's authorisation? If you know it, come back and we shall continue our discussion. If you don't know it, then get lost.
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