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How to develop Karachi? Do not vote for MQM and PPP


As Karachi is the heart and soul f Pakistan----the most important city----then it falls on the federal govt to make sure that the city is setup for success every step of the way----. A strong and prosperous Karachi mean and strong and prosperous Pakistan.

And for the reason that Karachi has so much wealth is the reason for the political criminal enterprises to focus their target on Karachi----.

There was no excuse for the fed govt to let Karachi be looted and plundered by Zardari and co without putting a stop to it immediately.

Karachi needs the respect from the fed govt that it deserves.

You mean Karachi should be declared Federal territory. Like Islamabad?
That's emotional response for sure.

Real immigrants aka MQM if not elected for 5 years is not going to die.

From then on they will work hard for development instead of shifting bhatta to London.
I'm ok if MQM is not elected , but then only sectarian groups have potential to replace it, If not ethnicity then religiosity will show its colors, Just tell me then what will you do, Another operation? Another clean up? That is not solution.
Why will we support Pukhtoon, Punjabi, Sindhi, balochi political parties when they don't have anything to do with Karachi's affairs, They are simply the real immigrants that labeled Karachi'ites as traitors. This nation have to realize that only people of Karachi will love their city more then anyone, outsider don't need to interfere as we don't interfere in their matters.


pappy----Punjabi was there before mohajirs immigrated to Karachi in 1947 and so were Pashtuns and balochis----and Karachi is the land of sindhis----everyone immigrated to Karachi before you even showed up on the scene---not in as large a numbers---but in numbers in proportion to people moving at that time.

As Karachi is the heart and soul f Pakistan----the most important city----then it falls on the federal govt to make sure that the city is setup for success every step of the way----. A strong and prosperous Karachi mean and strong and prosperous Pakistan.

And for the reason that Karachi has so much wealth is the reason for the political criminal enterprises to focus their target on Karachi----.

There was no excuse for the fed govt to let Karachi be looted and plundered by Zardari and co without putting a stop to it immediately.

Karachi needs the respect from the fed govt that it deserves.
Sir , with Respect , Their is non other in Pakistan to trust as of when Matters of Karachi come, If federal is interested in us then Karachi was not stuck in some of major deadliest crisis. we are left alone and we feel to be alone when we need major assistance from federal government and other respected Pakistani institutions.

pappy----Punjabi was there before mohajirs immigrated to Karachi in 1947 and so were Pashtuns and balochis----and Karachi is the land of sindhis----everyone immigrated to Karachi before you even showed up on the scene---not in as large a numbers---but in numbers in proportion to people moving at that time.
Why should we compare 2015 with 1947, we have to move forward and have take some bold decisions whether others digest it or not.
You mean Karachi should be declared Federal territory. Like Islamabad?


I really don't see any reason not to----. Declare it a national asset----and take charge and control of everything so that the petty loot of plunder of the city can be stopped and people of the city can have a normal lifestyle to live and prosper.

The thing is regardless of what ever needs to be done----the bleeding of capital and theft of resources of Karachi need to be stopped.
. .
For sure Khyber Pakhtuns and Punjabi voters are being more selective toward development goals and that's why whoever takes over both provinces tends to be under pressure or they know they will get the boot come the elections.
That is completely not true especially for KPK because KPK is still under develop after trying so many Platforms which means something is wrong with it and on the other hand Punjab is more Concern with having Strong Political Platform that enjoys considerable Strength in central instead of development based Priorities.

Karachi and Sindh. This province unfortunatly is trapped around the ethnic divide. Almost 70 years after the Mohahir's migrated from India they have still not integrated into Sindh instead they just have carved a block - I can't say that this has not happened in other parts of the world although I think this example is rather unique.
That is also not true because Sindhi Language is a Compulsory course till 9th Grade and is offered in every schools except O and A Levels. Since Karachi is mini Pakistan hence Urdu Language serve all the purpose of communication that is why Karachi COLLECTIVELY doesnt Adopt any other language because those Language Offers Limited purpose for Karachiite hence the Urban Culture which is similar to Lahore or Islamabad does thrive but not the language so Integration Argument is totally Baseless.

I frankly don't know enough about Karachi/Sindh but if I were to hazard a guess for sure MQM need sorting out and maybe the army might do that. Governor rule is another option. The problem is the Mohajir's are eitheir through threat or choice tied to the MQM. The Sindhi are still living lives in feudal setup. The Sindhi elite hass made no real attempt to change their rural society.

Five years of governor rule with focus on education and strong reinforcing of law and order might just do the trick to get this "sick man of Pakistan" moving. My fear is the future. WE have had significant Pashtun's move in to Karachi and more will move over the next decade. We are going to end up with three way split with Pashtun/Mohajir in Karachi and Sindhi at the provincial level.
All of it is short term Solution because Karachiite are Administratively Powerless in their own City. The LB system with Considerable Administrative Powers which was introduced by Musharraf worked Magnificently for Karachi and that too under MQM's Shadows on it so if that system is Relaunched then Karachi can develop much rapidly and faster then Punjab or KPK put together because it has all the ingredient starting from Mentality to EXPERTISE to do so but it would still remain Limited so best idea for Karachi ADMINISTRATIVELY speaking is Separate Province. We call Karachi a Mini Pakistan but Treat it like Part of Sindh province rather then Mini Pakistan is an HYPOCRISY in itself.

Of course like I said my knowledge of this part of Pakistan is extremely limited and I wait for others 'on the ground' to correct me.

*The MQM bile for PTI/Pashtuns/Imran Khan is I believe driven by the population change that Karachi has seen in the last 30 years and will see in next 20 years.
The Population would start Integrating and Allied themselves with MQM just like most of Punjabis and Baluchistan based Pashtuns in Karachi who have been living here since 1960s and today consider Karachi as their Only home rather then Parts of Baluchistan and Punjab they Originally came from. PTI will remain a Temporary Phenomenon even if it gain some strength just like ANP, JUI in Karachi because they dont have Local Roots like MQM and JI has.
Sir , with Respect , Their is non other in Pakistan to trust as of when Matters of Karachi come, If federal is interested in us then Karachi was not stuck in some of major deadliest crisis. we are left alone and we feel to be alone when we need major assistance from federal government and other respected Pakistani institutions.


I can understand that part----. The drama created by Nawaz Sharif is extremely vicious in nature---.
Can we not just try PPP in courts (civilian/military idk) and prove corruption charges against them? That should be relatively easy given the mammoth scale of corruption they're indulged in. We could then just ban them from taking part in elections. No one's going to vote someone who just isn't there. As for MQM, well just wait for the rotten potato's arrest in london ;).
Street crime was introduced during that tenure. 99% of karachi became a victim of it. People became scared of letting their kids have phones or attending a call in public and the impact multiplied Please add this to the achievements list as well.
Street Crimes have Existed in Karachi's Kachi Abadis in most Notorious Form since very beginning where PPP and other so called National Parties enjoys Considerable support within Karachi so it wasnt completely MQM but yes they got their hands dirty on it no doubt but not on Party level Capacity rather individual Workers capacity.

I can understand that part----. The drama created by Nawaz Sharif is extremely vicious in nature---.
We don't have any options left because state is not doing what had to be done, we become harsh because its need of time. Indirectly , Karachi'ites are saying , Please help us or we look to some other options?
. .
Don't vote MQM and PPP thugs

Otherwise you are proven to be traitors to Pakistan or must surrender to authorities for investigations.

Let's clean Karachi from political free environments. Fix this dirty beach - Why are oceans in Karachi beach so dirty ?
What difference does it make even if Karachiite doesnt vote for PPP or MQM????All the administrative Powers rest with Sindh Govt. which is elected from whole Sindh and PPP is in charge of that and remain In charge because Bhutto is still Alive in Interior Sindh so even if we change we wont get anything from it because Administratively Karachiite are POWERLESS so its Hopeless until Karachi is Actually TREATED as Mini Pakistan rather then just Claimed to be one Administratively Speaking.
The best way for Karachi is to privatize the whole city. Hand the affairs over to certain citizens and let it be a tax free zone. Have the Karachi police reformed( execute 25% of them and see how the rest perform admirably). Implement zero tolerance for crimes(shoot on sight). See how massively it develops.
The reason we didn't develop, because we supported parties based on ethnic and religious lines.
--- Thus we got more Mohajirism, Sindhism, and Islamism.

Had we supported parties based on development,
--- We would have seen development.

Punjab parties know, that they must show something positive at least in Lahore.

When Shahbaz Sharif was kicked out of country by Mush,

Who came to power there?

you guessed it! PML-Q (Chaudhry brathran)

And guess what PML-Q had to to do huge amount of development in Lahore.

Today everyone in Punjab knows that they must show some progress so the politicians show projects.

In Punjab all parties including PML-ABCDEFG, PTI, PPP, JI all have EQUAL chances of winning.

Punjabis are supporting ALL parties.
KPK too.

But sadly in Sindh (and particularly in Karachi)

In Sindh, we are blind followers. year after year we support ethnic gods aka Tafu mota chor and Bhutto-Zardari clan

MQM seats are secure not because of development, but due to Mohajirism.

So Karachi suffers
While Lahore develops.

we must adopt the principle.

you got my vote last time. Show me development.
if not, your are out.
No! I am not going to hear speeches and cries from London or Larkana.


out out out out out out!
I'll give a chance to the other guy, different guy. May be PTI, may be PML-N, may be martians. But MQM and PPP must be OUT! at least for one election cycle. At least!
I am sick and tired of you!
MQM and PPP are not parties they are a curse pretty much ALLAH ka Azab. As long both of them are not eliminated progress is far fetch thing even saving Pakistan could become impossible.

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