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How much longer can the Iranian Theocracy survive in view of such changes in wider society?

None of our business. Why do we Pakistanis want to find out how many girl friends and boy friends Iranians have? This same culture of meddling into other peoples lives is quite apparent in Pakistani homes.

Typical resident kala angrez poking at things that need not be poked.

Could Mutah be a factor? I know nothing about it apart from the meaning and controversy. Could someone knowledgeable throw light on this?

I think Mutah is what the Mullahs use for themselves lol.
Yeah, that's because that country is ruled by weird people who believe that they can govern people's lives through religion.

The greater question is for how long can such a theocracy continue if there is such a difference between them and the people they rule?
The greater question is for how long can such a theocracy continue if there is such a difference between them and the people they rule?

It's hard to say any specific time period.

The one reason why The Shah was toppled was due to Iran's high unemployment rate. Even college grads couldn't find jobs while The Shah was living a life of opulence. That guy was destined to fall.

The same may apply to the Yahoyatollahs....or whatever they are called.
It's hard to say any specific time period.

The one reason why The Shah was toppled was due to Iran's high unemployment rate. Even college grads couldn't find jobs while The Shah was living a life of opulence. That guy was destined to fall.

The same may apply to the Yahoyatollahs....or whatever they are called.

Well, right now, the Iranian economy is reeling badly from the sanctions and not likely to recover anytime soon.
This article is thought provoking, given that it is an official report that contains this information:

Sexual mores in Iran: Throwing off the covers | The Economist

QUOTE: " An 82-page document recently issued by Iran’s parliamentary research department is stark in its findings. Not only are young adults sexually active, with 80% of unmarried females having boyfriends, but secondary-school pupils are, too. Illicit unions are not just between girls and boys; 17% of the 142,000 students who were surveyed said that they were homosexual.

In Tehran, the capital, long known for its underground sex scene, chastity is plainly becoming less common. The scope and pace of change are challenging the government and posing a headache for the clerics who dispense guidance at Friday prayers."/QUOTE

I pose this question for discussion:

How much longer can the Iranian Theocracy survive in view of such changes in wider society?

See those numbers mean nothing
unless a distinction is made as to how much of the proverbial banging takes place under "Mutaa' " Vs actual marriage.

Only then will the numbers accurately point to what the situation is !
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