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Oct 10, 2013
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United States
United States
... are you Middle Easterners, Muslims, Arabs... going to keep crying about the Jews ? You know, that tiny fraction of the worlds population that just seems to kick your collective @sses in EVERYTHING. How does a tiny country who hasn't even existed for one hundred years yet they just OWN your crying @sses ? And all you can do is cry. You like to brag about how your civilizations have been around for millenia, you invented algebra, blah, blah, blah. Face it, you are INFERIOR to the Jew. I'm not even Jewish, yet it's blatantly clear. Stop your boo hooing and face facts.
Look at all the inventions, cures and innovations attributed to that small sliver of the world, the Jews. That's why the U.S. backs them over the other mooks over there. What has the arab, muslim, middle east contributed ? They have nothing. If it weren't for oil, the U.S. wouldn't take the time to spit at the Middle East. And we are QUICKLY taking care of that.
In my short time on this site, the most GLARING thing I've noticed is the total buying into of every anti-Jew stereotype to come down the pike. The way some (a lot) of posters work the anti-Jew angle into every evil facet of life is just laughable. Don't they realize how stupid they sound ?
In my short time on this site, the most GLARING thing I've noticed is the total buying into of every anti-Jew stereotype to come down the pike. The way some (a lot) of posters work the anti-Jew angle into every evil facet of life is just laughable. Don't they realize how stupid they sound ?
report the posts when you see. Lot of people write stuff against hindus / muslims too , so jews are not the only one targetted.
Inferior to Jew??? When was the last time in History a Jewish empire ever rule the world? then think of the Muslim empires...

Do I have to remind you that we weren't the ones who were turned into soap in millions just 70 years ago.

There are 5 million Turks in Germany in now, lets see what would happen if they try to do what they have done to timid, coward Jews to Muslims today. Then you would see whose is inferior, or who kicks the ***.
... are you Middle Easterners, Muslims, Arabs... going to keep crying about the Jews ? You know, that tiny fraction of the worlds population that just seems to kick your collective @sses in EVERYTHING. How does a tiny country who hasn't even existed for one hundred years yet they just OWN your crying @sses ? And all you can do is cry. You like to brag about how your civilizations have been around for millenia, you invented algebra, blah, blah, blah. Face it, you are INFERIOR to the Jew. I'm not even Jewish, yet it's blatantly clear. Stop your boo hooing and face facts.

At least provide some substanstination with all that trolling, noob :D
... are you Middle Easterners, Muslims, Arabs... going to keep crying about the Jews ? You know, that tiny fraction of the worlds population that just seems to kick your collective @sses in EVERYTHING. How does a tiny country who hasn't even existed for one hundred years yet they just OWN your crying @sses ? And all you can do is cry. You like to brag about how your civilizations have been around for millenia, you invented algebra, blah, blah, blah. Face it, you are INFERIOR to the Jew. I'm not even Jewish, yet it's blatantly clear. Stop your boo hooing and face facts.
What is this ? And you are from?
In my short time on this site, the most GLARING thing I've noticed is the total buying into of every anti-Jew stereotype to come down the pike. The way some (a lot) of posters work the anti-Jew angle into every evil facet of life is just laughable. Don't they realize how stupid they sound ?
Relax man! This Jew-bashing is part of their DNA. Let them scream till the cows come home. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they can never hope to achieve what the Jews have achieved. Amen!

And I ain't a Jew!
Relax man! This Jew-bashing is part of their DNA. Let them scream till the cows come home. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they can never hope to achieve what the Jews have achieved. Amen!

And I ain't a Jew!

Jewish accomplishments could look not so hot in less than 20-100 years, tho, with current jewish attitudes about peace processes.
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