How is china constructing expressway so efficiently? They added some 11,000 km of expressway last year with a budget of just roughly $20 Billion USD.
Is their something different with the build quality of the expressway? because from what I gather, its 11,000 of access controlled legit expressways. How is it possible to construct it so efficiently or am I mistaken that they are expressways?
let me try to answer your questions.
1. about the speed.11,000 in 9.6 million Square kilometers lands and for 1.3 billion people is not very much when you focus your power on infrastructure.two main reasons:
firstly,most of the expressways are owned by the govt, which means sufficient funds for construction.and we are a dictatorship country,officials don't have to worry about their votes,measure standards of the officials' achievement is what they do in economic construction,in which the most obvious is the GDP and the we never lack of shining buildings and huge bridges,good or not.
secondly,efficiency and profitability. for the construction companies, the faster their speed is , the more money they earn.
2.the cost.the materials and labor costs are lower than other countries.but our expressway network in the eastern region is already near saturation,the new roads are mostly in the middle and west part of China ,which is full of mountains and rivers.bridges and tunnels are everywhere,so the cost is higher.
3.about the quality.most are good,but it is undeniable that there are some desperadoes who take the risk for money.