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How India Will Win a Nuclear War With the United States Starting Now

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Oct 31, 2008
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How India Will Win a Nuclear War With the United States Starting From This Moment

I. Reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast

The reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast is that India is in a state of slavery to the United States. How is that -- didn't India become Independent in 1947? It was a fake Independence, as I have shown below.

Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies, Hazare's fake fast was entertainment -- the arrests and conflicts with government are meant to generate support and make/keep him a hero -- sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' -- and so poor, weak and enslaved -- due to the recent disclosure that M. K. Gandhi, a lifelong British agent, was a homosexual who wrote to the white man "How completely you have taken possession of my body. It is slavery with a vengeance". Nehru admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith that he was a lifelong British agent. In my press release dated May 31, 2011 I said "In a letter which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, under the heading "The Organ and the Keys" two decades ago, I described how RAW was supporting the half dozen terrorist groups in Sri Lanka against one another, playing them like the keys of an organ, bringing them all under its control to produce whatever music it wanted. I have said Anna Hazare's fast was sponsored by CIA-RAW (see my blog below) but now RAW is also supporting Baba Ram Dev and if it makes him prime minister, will keep the threat of bringing his office under Lok Pal and, with true or false charges of corruption against him, keep him under its control. The Intelligence Bureau, out of which RAW was created, did this for half a century under the British -- instigating Hindu-Muslim conflicts and partition of India, etc. -- and continues the tactic to this day. Other activities of CIA-RAW, the real ruler of India, are deadlier, such as sabotaging its defence and economy. ... In the same letter in Indian Express I pointed out that a New York Times report shortly before the 1991 General Elections and Rajiv Gandhi's assassination said that Rajiv Gandhi told the foreign media in New Delhi that the Indian armed forces had "gone berserk in Kashmir. Human rights have been violated in Kashmir", that this comment of his was directed at U.S. lawmakers who control the CIA money which elects and keeps India's prime ministers in office and that the Indian press had failed to report this comment, controlled as it is by the CIA. His assassination followed within days of the publication of this letter of mine." The entire so-called freedom struggle under M. K. Gandhi consisted of such fake struggle with the government managed by the Intelligence Bureau after the British set up the Indian National Congress through the Britisher A. O. Hume after they had killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857, depopulating entire regions so there were not enough men left to till the land: The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..."; see my blog below.

India is ruled by the CIA, through RAW. This is what I wrote:-
August 26, 2008: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RAW: I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.') about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).

An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who serves as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controls the forum, recently locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which
was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).

There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.

An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).

The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' which can be found by doing a Yahoo search with the title.

Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.

Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how Both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only
because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.

The nuclear deal in its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 31 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
The Delhi High Court blast on September 7 , 2011 was carried out by RAW within a couple of hours of my pointing to RAW'S sabotage of India's nuclear warheads to divert attention from it.

A fuller treatment of India's continued slavery to the white man is in my blog below.

II. Now for India's real war of Independence.

India has said that its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in various cities/countries such as New Delhi, Washington and New York. The nuclear destruction of these three cities, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is the first step in the implementation of India's National Security Doctrine. The only way the United States will be able to keep two to three additional cities from being destroyed is by doing nothing in return. Five years later India can finish the job with its coast-to-coast destruction. With the impending nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, nothing else matters. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, answers all questions.

And what have CIA-RAW been doing to the leader of India's real war of Independence? I have described in my blog how the C.I.A. keeps India poor, weak and enslaved: "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States.

By emplacing its nuclear warheads in U. S. cities as I urged some time ago saying "Compare the infinite ease, speed and economy of pre-positioning India's nuclear bombs in U.S. cities to any other method of getting them there" (see my blog), India has realized the folly of waiting for "Nau Man Tel" (as in "Na Nau Man Tel Hoga Na Radha Nachegi") in the form of missiles that can reach the continental United States before destroying the enemy. India must not fall into the error of waiting for its nuclear warheads to be emplaced in more and more U. S. cities before destroying Washington and New York; so long as they have been emplaced in just two or three additional cities besides Washington and New York -- just one twenty kiloton warhead in each city will do the job -- the destruction of Washington and New York should proceed with the warning that additional U. S. cities (two or three additional cities, or more if warheads have already been emplaced in more than two or three cities in addition to Washington and New York) will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. The destruction of Washington and New York will enable India to build missiles to finish the job of the coast-to-coast destruction of the U. S. five years later. Nor should India wait for the Army to destroy RAW despite the Army chief's recent reference to the "morass" India is in in which some people have sought to see a ray of hope; it will be an endless wait; India's nuclear weapons program will flourish after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and so will India.

III. The Issue of Testing

Like the folly of having India's nuclear warheads 'tested' in Russian and French high energy labs that I dealt with in my press releases dated November 26, 2010 and November 29, 2010 (appended below), it is folly not to test the warheads that are being emplaced in U. S. cities to see if even one of these warheads -- even 17 kiloton warheads -- will work or whether they have been sabotaged by RAW or other traitors -- the fact that K. Santhanam who was in charge of the 1998 tests was a RAW man means that RAW has the ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads and has almost certainly done so (see my 'What You Should Know About RAW' above) -- even after a successful test. They can be tested at Pokhran or they can be tested by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York -- it is India's choice -- but tested they must be without delay. And without seeking the 'permission' of traitors such as Manmohan Singh or A. K. Antony or anyone else. Such testing should be routine like the testing of other munitions at Pokhran without reference to anyone in New Delhi.
PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2010: When I say there is no substitute for full yield explosive tests of nuclear weapons, I say this from a purely engineering point of view and not for demonstrating to the world that our weapons work. As I said in a letter to the press after the 1998 tests when R. Chidambaram claimed that his computer models enable him to build higher yield weapons which need not undergo explosive tests, 'One could not legitimately rely on an automobile engine developed on that basis if your life depended on its working the very first time it is ever used, much less a nuclear weapon'. This applies to both computer models and laboratory models. What happens in a high energy lab is a highly imperfect laboratory model of a nuclear weapon which does not take account of a multitude of things. If computer models and laboratory models were sufficient, there will be no need for flight tests of missiles and jet aircraft, etc.

The Physics of what happens in a nuclear explosion cannot adequately be replicated in a high energy lab. Laboratory models of missiles and jet aircraft may not have this deficiency but laboratory models of nuclear weapons do.

PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2010: It is now being put out that a "fix" has been applied to the 1998 failed thermonuclear weapon design and there is no need for an explosive test of the "fixed" design because the designers have "confidence" it will work. But it is a very foolish designer who does not test his "fix" with an explosive test. Didn't R. Chidambaram have confidence in his 1998 design which failed? There has been no "fix" until the weapon is shown to work in an explosive test -- shown as much to the designer as to the world. A designer who says it is not necessary is too stupid to design even a toaster, much less a nuclear weapon.

September 11, 2011: It is folly for India to think that India's defence or India can get any where without destroying RAW first which means the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York. India has already emplaced its nuclear warheads in these three cities. I said above that the warheads have almost certainly been sabotaged by RAW. There remained the possibility that they will work. The fact that CIA kingpin K. Subrahmanyam staged his fake death right after India said its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in a number of cities/countries (he was in Orlando, Florida a couple months ago) makes it more likely that the warheads will work. India also said a few weeks ago that the warheads already emplaced in U. S. cities are way beyond the five or six I have mentioned. India should trigger the warheads in New Delhi, Washington and New York without delay and trigger the warheads in other U. S. cities if there is any retaliation.

K. Subrahmanyam's staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States does not necessarily mean that the warheads have not been sabotaged; India's adoption of what I urged -- pre-positioning nuclear warheads in U. S. cities -- meant that RAW's sabotage of India's defence by sabotaging the development of delivery vehicles had ended and he faced punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. But RAW continues its crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. Aside from the sabotage of the warheads themselves, there is the possibility -- which is a virtual certainty -- of RAW or other traitors informing the U. S. of the exact locations of the warheads in U. S. cities. These risks can be cleared by triggering the warheads right away; the longer India waits to trigger them, the greater the risks while there are no benefits from waiting.

There is a lot of bamboozlement about "sanctions" if India tests the warheads at Pokhran. I have shown in my blog that the things that the U. S. and other countries will stop selling India should not be buying in the first place even if they are offered on a platter and free of charge, how exports to our enemies are unnecessary and harmful and how India's economy can grow 30% per year or more.

September 13, 2011: A PTI report says "Army, IAF should reconcile differences on assets: Antony: ... The army contends that it should control [the Mi-35 attack helicopters] ... whereas the IAF doesn't want to lose them ... This effort should be among yourselves ... He said if the forces wanted, the Ministry "could also play a limited role" in the reconciliation process." What he is saying is that the forces can test India's nuclear warheads as a routine matter at Pokhran without reference to any one in New Delhi -- as I said above should be done -- and don't have to test them by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York. This does not end the sabotage of India's defence. So long as RAW exists, neither India's defence nor India can get anywhere. RAW has to be rubbed out, that is, all its present and past employees killed (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' above). This still requires the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York.

IV. Perspective

The destruction of RAW will be just a way station to the destruction of other criminals. Later, all present and past CIA employees will have to be killed. All present and past American presidents have participated in the CIA's crimes against India and after a trial in India -- a wave of my hand will be trial enough -- they will be impaled on "shoolis" in a stadium full of people. How about the crimes of the Jews and Americans in general (see my blog)? Ah, you just wait and see.

V. Leadership

September 14, 2011: With the ability to destroy New Delhi, Washington and New York, India's forces should be reporting directly and openly to me instead of saying "We have a set of advisers" and it is "dangerous territory" to refer to me or what I say. A nuclear warhead of the type emplaced in U. S. cities has to be tested and RAW has to be destroyed without delay.

VI. The Situation Now

September 16, 2011: "[PTI] India today welcomed the designation by the US of Indian Mujahideen (IM) as Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO)", the first organization in India so designated. Like all terrorist organizations in the subcontinent, Indian Mujahideen is CIA-RAW-sponsored (see my blog above) and the presence of such organizations has been used by the U. S. as the excuse to invade and occupy other countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U. S. did this right after I said above that India's forces should directly and openly report to me, in preparation for invading India, destroying India's defence capabilities and occupying it which is the ultimate goal of its invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Pakistan (see my blog). India's victory over the U. S. depends on destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads, already emplaced in U. S. cities, BEFORE the U. S. does anything as I have emphasized above, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.

For a fuller treatment of how India will win a nuclear war with the United States, see my blog.

Satish Chandra
P. S. RAW routinely posts abuse on what Satish Chandra says; ignore it; these criminals are guilty of the gravest treason -- see above -- and deserve the death penalty and that is what they will get.

The following that Satish Chandra has said is relevant here:-
"Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches."

The following that Satish Chandra has said is also relevant here:-
(The Hindu, September 20, 2011: http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/article2468144.ece )
"INDIA'S MILITARY CHIEFS LICK BOOTS OF THE WHITE MASTER. They should be licking my boots instead or they are headed for the compost heap. They did not mind licking the boots of George Fernandes who faked an inability to speak for several years to avoid having to answer for his collaboration in crimes against me and against India. Vajpayee is still faking an inability to speak for the same reason. I am infinitely better than either of them. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler. JOIN INDIA'S WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, go to JoinIndiaWarOfIndependence.blogspot.com. There you will also find a reference to K. Subrahmanyam staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States to escape punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. A link there also shows him, along with the CIA Director Michael Hayden, coming on line on August 9, 2008 and offering to transfer one crore rupees into my account within 48 hours if I agree to cooperate with them. Less than a week after I wrote, on September 13 '11, that RAW -- which works as a branch of the CIA against India -- will have to be rubbed out and all its present and past employees killed, a former head of RAW, from 2007 to 2009, Ashok Chaturvedi has staged his fake death, at the age of 63, from 'multiple organ failure'. When I wrote about a former head of RAW, Vikram Sood, citing the white Christian headmaster of a missionary school he attended as the fount of all wisdom on various issues in a column in Hindustan Times and referring to Indians as worshippers of snakes and monkeys on a Times of India blog, this bugger Chaturvedi put in the media an 'expose' of himself and his wife using government aircraft to visit temples. A couple days ago, after ending his fake inability to speak, Fernandes had a video posted on Bharat-Rakshak showing him having a photograph of the Italian whore removed from a group of photographs, of former President Rajendra Prasad, etc., at the Constitution Club, demanding on what basis her photograph was put there (" because she is white?") because around September 11 '11 I had written "The head of the Strategic Forces Command is a Christian and now the head of the Indian Air Force is also a Christian, not to mention that the Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor [Fernandes] -- motivated appointments, at the direction of the CIA, of armed forces chiefs who would be loyal to the Italian whore and to the white countries, expressly made to prevent India from emerging from slavery." But India's armed forces chiefs lick the boots of the White Master regardless of their religion."

Satish Chandra"
Another false flag on the lines of Venkata Venumuri.. these guys are so ashamed of their nationality.. Till now these guys were faking themselves in interviews and their businesses as Indians now they have turned their online profiles as Indians as well.. Get a life you loosers!!
probably some indian troll. DPK is infected with them, not surprised to see other threads with them as well.
OR the author was simply retarded
i dnt want waste my time by reading this stupid article. False flagger shut mouth hold u r flag.
Well, India can start by getting the cheat codes.

The Americans won't be able to do jack, then. :lol:
read some wild ones in my time . :lol: this takes the cake.:rofl:
Lol google some hindu name create a ID in that name then post some $#iT and run away :lol:
How India Will Win a Nuclear War With the United States Starting From This Moment

I. Reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast

The reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast is that India is in a state of slavery to the United States. How is that -- didn't India become Independent in 1947? It was a fake Independence, as I have shown below.

Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies, Hazare's fake fast was entertainment -- the arrests and conflicts with government are meant to generate support and make/keep him a hero -- sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' -- and so poor, weak and enslaved -- due to the recent disclosure that M. K. Gandhi, a lifelong British agent, was a homosexual who wrote to the white man "How completely you have taken possession of my body. It is slavery with a vengeance". Nehru admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith that he was a lifelong British agent. In my press release dated May 31, 2011 I said "In a letter which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, under the heading "The Organ and the Keys" two decades ago, I described how RAW was supporting the half dozen terrorist groups in Sri Lanka against one another, playing them like the keys of an organ, bringing them all under its control to produce whatever music it wanted. I have said Anna Hazare's fast was sponsored by CIA-RAW (see my blog below) but now RAW is also supporting Baba Ram Dev and if it makes him prime minister, will keep the threat of bringing his office under Lok Pal and, with true or false charges of corruption against him, keep him under its control. The Intelligence Bureau, out of which RAW was created, did this for half a century under the British -- instigating Hindu-Muslim conflicts and partition of India, etc. -- and continues the tactic to this day. Other activities of CIA-RAW, the real ruler of India, are deadlier, such as sabotaging its defence and economy. ... In the same letter in Indian Express I pointed out that a New York Times report shortly before the 1991 General Elections and Rajiv Gandhi's assassination said that Rajiv Gandhi told the foreign media in New Delhi that the Indian armed forces had "gone berserk in Kashmir. Human rights have been violated in Kashmir", that this comment of his was directed at U.S. lawmakers who control the CIA money which elects and keeps India's prime ministers in office and that the Indian press had failed to report this comment, controlled as it is by the CIA. His assassination followed within days of the publication of this letter of mine." The entire so-called freedom struggle under M. K. Gandhi consisted of such fake struggle with the government managed by the Intelligence Bureau after the British set up the Indian National Congress through the Britisher A. O. Hume after they had killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857, depopulating entire regions so there were not enough men left to till the land: The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..."; see my blog below.

India is ruled by the CIA, through RAW. This is what I wrote:-
August 26, 2008: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RAW: I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.') about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).

An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who serves as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controls the forum, recently locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which
was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).

There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.

An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).

The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' which can be found by doing a Yahoo search with the title.

Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.

Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how Both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only
because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.

The nuclear deal in its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 31 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
The Delhi High Court blast on September 7 , 2011 was carried out by RAW within a couple of hours of my pointing to RAW'S sabotage of India's nuclear warheads to divert attention from it.

A fuller treatment of India's continued slavery to the white man is in my blog below.

II. Now for India's real war of Independence.

India has said that its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in various cities/countries such as New Delhi, Washington and New York. The nuclear destruction of these three cities, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is the first step in the implementation of India's National Security Doctrine. The only way the United States will be able to keep two to three additional cities from being destroyed is by doing nothing in return. Five years later India can finish the job with its coast-to-coast destruction. With the impending nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, nothing else matters. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, answers all questions.

And what have CIA-RAW been doing to the leader of India's real war of Independence? I have described in my blog how the C.I.A. keeps India poor, weak and enslaved: "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States.

By emplacing its nuclear warheads in U. S. cities as I urged some time ago saying "Compare the infinite ease, speed and economy of pre-positioning India's nuclear bombs in U.S. cities to any other method of getting them there" (see my blog), India has realized the folly of waiting for "Nau Man Tel" (as in "Na Nau Man Tel Hoga Na Radha Nachegi") in the form of missiles that can reach the continental United States before destroying the enemy. India must not fall into the error of waiting for its nuclear warheads to be emplaced in more and more U. S. cities before destroying Washington and New York; so long as they have been emplaced in just two or three additional cities besides Washington and New York -- just one twenty kiloton warhead in each city will do the job -- the destruction of Washington and New York should proceed with the warning that additional U. S. cities (two or three additional cities, or more if warheads have already been emplaced in more than two or three cities in addition to Washington and New York) will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. The destruction of Washington and New York will enable India to build missiles to finish the job of the coast-to-coast destruction of the U. S. five years later. Nor should India wait for the Army to destroy RAW despite the Army chief's recent reference to the "morass" India is in in which some people have sought to see a ray of hope; it will be an endless wait; India's nuclear weapons program will flourish after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and so will India.

III. The Issue of Testing

Like the folly of having India's nuclear warheads 'tested' in Russian and French high energy labs that I dealt with in my press releases dated November 26, 2010 and November 29, 2010 (appended below), it is folly not to test the warheads that are being emplaced in U. S. cities to see if even one of these warheads -- even 17 kiloton warheads -- will work or whether they have been sabotaged by RAW or other traitors -- the fact that K. Santhanam who was in charge of the 1998 tests was a RAW man means that RAW has the ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads and has almost certainly done so (see my 'What You Should Know About RAW' above) -- even after a successful test. They can be tested at Pokhran or they can be tested by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York -- it is India's choice -- but tested they must be without delay. And without seeking the 'permission' of traitors such as Manmohan Singh or A. K. Antony or anyone else. Such testing should be routine like the testing of other munitions at Pokhran without reference to anyone in New Delhi.
PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2010: When I say there is no substitute for full yield explosive tests of nuclear weapons, I say this from a purely engineering point of view and not for demonstrating to the world that our weapons work. As I said in a letter to the press after the 1998 tests when R. Chidambaram claimed that his computer models enable him to build higher yield weapons which need not undergo explosive tests, 'One could not legitimately rely on an automobile engine developed on that basis if your life depended on its working the very first time it is ever used, much less a nuclear weapon'. This applies to both computer models and laboratory models. What happens in a high energy lab is a highly imperfect laboratory model of a nuclear weapon which does not take account of a multitude of things. If computer models and laboratory models were sufficient, there will be no need for flight tests of missiles and jet aircraft, etc.

The Physics of what happens in a nuclear explosion cannot adequately be replicated in a high energy lab. Laboratory models of missiles and jet aircraft may not have this deficiency but laboratory models of nuclear weapons do.

PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2010: It is now being put out that a "fix" has been applied to the 1998 failed thermonuclear weapon design and there is no need for an explosive test of the "fixed" design because the designers have "confidence" it will work. But it is a very foolish designer who does not test his "fix" with an explosive test. Didn't R. Chidambaram have confidence in his 1998 design which failed? There has been no "fix" until the weapon is shown to work in an explosive test -- shown as much to the designer as to the world. A designer who says it is not necessary is too stupid to design even a toaster, much less a nuclear weapon.

September 11, 2011: It is folly for India to think that India's defence or India can get any where without destroying RAW first which means the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York. India has already emplaced its nuclear warheads in these three cities. I said above that the warheads have almost certainly been sabotaged by RAW. There remained the possibility that they will work. The fact that CIA kingpin K. Subrahmanyam staged his fake death right after India said its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in a number of cities/countries (he was in Orlando, Florida a couple months ago) makes it more likely that the warheads will work. India also said a few weeks ago that the warheads already emplaced in U. S. cities are way beyond the five or six I have mentioned. India should trigger the warheads in New Delhi, Washington and New York without delay and trigger the warheads in other U. S. cities if there is any retaliation.

K. Subrahmanyam's staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States does not necessarily mean that the warheads have not been sabotaged; India's adoption of what I urged -- pre-positioning nuclear warheads in U. S. cities -- meant that RAW's sabotage of India's defence by sabotaging the development of delivery vehicles had ended and he faced punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. But RAW continues its crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. Aside from the sabotage of the warheads themselves, there is the possibility -- which is a virtual certainty -- of RAW or other traitors informing the U. S. of the exact locations of the warheads in U. S. cities. These risks can be cleared by triggering the warheads right away; the longer India waits to trigger them, the greater the risks while there are no benefits from waiting.

There is a lot of bamboozlement about "sanctions" if India tests the warheads at Pokhran. I have shown in my blog that the things that the U. S. and other countries will stop selling India should not be buying in the first place even if they are offered on a platter and free of charge, how exports to our enemies are unnecessary and harmful and how India's economy can grow 30% per year or more.

September 13, 2011: A PTI report says "Army, IAF should reconcile differences on assets: Antony: ... The army contends that it should control [the Mi-35 attack helicopters] ... whereas the IAF doesn't want to lose them ... This effort should be among yourselves ... He said if the forces wanted, the Ministry "could also play a limited role" in the reconciliation process." What he is saying is that the forces can test India's nuclear warheads as a routine matter at Pokhran without reference to any one in New Delhi -- as I said above should be done -- and don't have to test them by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York. This does not end the sabotage of India's defence. So long as RAW exists, neither India's defence nor India can get anywhere. RAW has to be rubbed out, that is, all its present and past employees killed (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' above). This still requires the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York.

IV. Perspective

The destruction of RAW will be just a way station to the destruction of other criminals. Later, all present and past CIA employees will have to be killed. All present and past American presidents have participated in the CIA's crimes against India and after a trial in India -- a wave of my hand will be trial enough -- they will be impaled on "shoolis" in a stadium full of people. How about the crimes of the Jews and Americans in general (see my blog)? Ah, you just wait and see.

V. Leadership

September 14, 2011: With the ability to destroy New Delhi, Washington and New York, India's forces should be reporting directly and openly to me instead of saying "We have a set of advisers" and it is "dangerous territory" to refer to me or what I say. A nuclear warhead of the type emplaced in U. S. cities has to be tested and RAW has to be destroyed without delay.

VI. The Situation Now

September 16, 2011: "[PTI] India today welcomed the designation by the US of Indian Mujahideen (IM) as Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO)", the first organization in India so designated. Like all terrorist organizations in the subcontinent, Indian Mujahideen is CIA-RAW-sponsored (see my blog above) and the presence of such organizations has been used by the U. S. as the excuse to invade and occupy other countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U. S. did this right after I said above that India's forces should directly and openly report to me, in preparation for invading India, destroying India's defence capabilities and occupying it which is the ultimate goal of its invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Pakistan (see my blog). India's victory over the U. S. depends on destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads, already emplaced in U. S. cities, BEFORE the U. S. does anything as I have emphasized above, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.

For a fuller treatment of how India will win a nuclear war with the United States, see my blog.

Satish Chandra
P. S. RAW routinely posts abuse on what Satish Chandra says; ignore it; these criminals are guilty of the gravest treason -- see above -- and deserve the death penalty and that is what they will get.

The following that Satish Chandra has said is relevant here:-
"Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches."

The following that Satish Chandra has said is also relevant here:-
INDIA'S MILITARY CHIEFS LICK BOOTS OF THE WHITE MASTER. They should be licking my boots instead or they are headed for the compost heap. They did not mind licking the boots of George Fernandes who faked an inability to speak for several years to avoid having to answer for his collaboration in crimes against me and against India. Vajpayee is still faking an inability to speak for the same reason. I am infinitely better than either of them. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler. JOIN INDIA'S WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, go to JoinIndiaWarOfIndependence.blogspot.com. There you will also find a reference to K. Subrahmanyam staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States to escape punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. A link there also shows him, along with the CIA Director Michael Hayden, coming on line on August 9, 2008 and offering to transfer one crore rupees into my account within 48 hours if I agree to cooperate with them. Less than a week after I wrote, on September 13 '11, that RAW -- which works as a branch of the CIA against India -- will have to be rubbed out and all its present and past employees killed, a former head of RAW, from 2007 to 2009, Ashok Chaturvedi has staged his fake death, at the age of 63, from 'multiple organ failure'. When I wrote about a former head of RAW, Vikram Sood, citing the white Christian headmaster of a missionary school he attended as the fount of all wisdom on various issues in a column in Hindustan Times and referring to Indians as worshippers of snakes and monkeys on a Times of India blog, this bugger Chaturvedi put in the media an 'expose' of himself and his wife using government aircraft to visit temples. A couple days ago, after ending his fake inability to speak, Fernandes had a video posted on Bharat-Rakshak showing him having a photograph of the Italian whore removed from a group of photographs, of former President Rajendra Prasad, etc., at the Constitution Club, demanding on what basis her photograph was put there (" because she is white?") because around September 11 '11 I had written "The head of the Strategic Forces Command is a Christian and now the head of the Indian Air Force is also a Christian, not to mention that the Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor [Fernandes] -- motivated appointments, at the direction of the CIA, of armed forces chiefs who would be loyal to the Italian whore and to the white countries, expressly made to prevent India from emerging from slavery." But India's armed forces chiefs lick the boots of the White Master regardless of their religion.

Satish Chandra"

you are very lucky you arent saying this in front of me,else i would have broken your neck,i love the USA as much as india you go against it you are my enemy

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

How India Will Win a Nuclear War With the United States Starting From This Moment

I. Reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast

The reason for India to destroy the United States coast-to-coast is that India is in a state of slavery to the United States. How is that -- didn't India become Independent in 1947? It was a fake Independence, as I have shown below.

Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies, Hazare's fake fast was entertainment -- the arrests and conflicts with government are meant to generate support and make/keep him a hero -- sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' -- and so poor, weak and enslaved -- due to the recent disclosure that M. K. Gandhi, a lifelong British agent, was a homosexual who wrote to the white man "How completely you have taken possession of my body. It is slavery with a vengeance". Nehru admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith that he was a lifelong British agent. In my press release dated May 31, 2011 I said "In a letter which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, under the heading "The Organ and the Keys" two decades ago, I described how RAW was supporting the half dozen terrorist groups in Sri Lanka against one another, playing them like the keys of an organ, bringing them all under its control to produce whatever music it wanted. I have said Anna Hazare's fast was sponsored by CIA-RAW (see my blog below) but now RAW is also supporting Baba Ram Dev and if it makes him prime minister, will keep the threat of bringing his office under Lok Pal and, with true or false charges of corruption against him, keep him under its control. The Intelligence Bureau, out of which RAW was created, did this for half a century under the British -- instigating Hindu-Muslim conflicts and partition of India, etc. -- and continues the tactic to this day. Other activities of CIA-RAW, the real ruler of India, are deadlier, such as sabotaging its defence and economy. ... In the same letter in Indian Express I pointed out that a New York Times report shortly before the 1991 General Elections and Rajiv Gandhi's assassination said that Rajiv Gandhi told the foreign media in New Delhi that the Indian armed forces had "gone berserk in Kashmir. Human rights have been violated in Kashmir", that this comment of his was directed at U.S. lawmakers who control the CIA money which elects and keeps India's prime ministers in office and that the Indian press had failed to report this comment, controlled as it is by the CIA. His assassination followed within days of the publication of this letter of mine." The entire so-called freedom struggle under M. K. Gandhi consisted of such fake struggle with the government managed by the Intelligence Bureau after the British set up the Indian National Congress through the Britisher A. O. Hume after they had killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857, depopulating entire regions so there were not enough men left to till the land: The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..."; see my blog below.

India is ruled by the CIA, through RAW. This is what I wrote:-
August 26, 2008: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RAW: I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.') about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).

An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who serves as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controls the forum, recently locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which
was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).

There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.

An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).

The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' which can be found by doing a Yahoo search with the title.

Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.

Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how Both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only
because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.

The nuclear deal in its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 31 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year or more‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
The Delhi High Court blast on September 7 , 2011 was carried out by RAW within a couple of hours of my pointing to RAW'S sabotage of India's nuclear warheads to divert attention from it.

A fuller treatment of India's continued slavery to the white man is in my blog below.

II. Now for India's real war of Independence.

India has said that its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in various cities/countries such as New Delhi, Washington and New York. The nuclear destruction of these three cities, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is the first step in the implementation of India's National Security Doctrine. The only way the United States will be able to keep two to three additional cities from being destroyed is by doing nothing in return. Five years later India can finish the job with its coast-to-coast destruction. With the impending nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, nothing else matters. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, answers all questions.

And what have CIA-RAW been doing to the leader of India's real war of Independence? I have described in my blog how the C.I.A. keeps India poor, weak and enslaved: "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States.

By emplacing its nuclear warheads in U. S. cities as I urged some time ago saying "Compare the infinite ease, speed and economy of pre-positioning India's nuclear bombs in U.S. cities to any other method of getting them there" (see my blog), India has realized the folly of waiting for "Nau Man Tel" (as in "Na Nau Man Tel Hoga Na Radha Nachegi") in the form of missiles that can reach the continental United States before destroying the enemy. India must not fall into the error of waiting for its nuclear warheads to be emplaced in more and more U. S. cities before destroying Washington and New York; so long as they have been emplaced in just two or three additional cities besides Washington and New York -- just one twenty kiloton warhead in each city will do the job -- the destruction of Washington and New York should proceed with the warning that additional U. S. cities (two or three additional cities, or more if warheads have already been emplaced in more than two or three cities in addition to Washington and New York) will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. The destruction of Washington and New York will enable India to build missiles to finish the job of the coast-to-coast destruction of the U. S. five years later. Nor should India wait for the Army to destroy RAW despite the Army chief's recent reference to the "morass" India is in in which some people have sought to see a ray of hope; it will be an endless wait; India's nuclear weapons program will flourish after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and so will India.

III. The Issue of Testing

Like the folly of having India's nuclear warheads 'tested' in Russian and French high energy labs that I dealt with in my press releases dated November 26, 2010 and November 29, 2010 (appended below), it is folly not to test the warheads that are being emplaced in U. S. cities to see if even one of these warheads -- even 17 kiloton warheads -- will work or whether they have been sabotaged by RAW or other traitors -- the fact that K. Santhanam who was in charge of the 1998 tests was a RAW man means that RAW has the ability to sabotage India's nuclear warheads and has almost certainly done so (see my 'What You Should Know About RAW' above) -- even after a successful test. They can be tested at Pokhran or they can be tested by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York -- it is India's choice -- but tested they must be without delay. And without seeking the 'permission' of traitors such as Manmohan Singh or A. K. Antony or anyone else. Such testing should be routine like the testing of other munitions at Pokhran without reference to anyone in New Delhi.
PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2010: When I say there is no substitute for full yield explosive tests of nuclear weapons, I say this from a purely engineering point of view and not for demonstrating to the world that our weapons work. As I said in a letter to the press after the 1998 tests when R. Chidambaram claimed that his computer models enable him to build higher yield weapons which need not undergo explosive tests, 'One could not legitimately rely on an automobile engine developed on that basis if your life depended on its working the very first time it is ever used, much less a nuclear weapon'. This applies to both computer models and laboratory models. What happens in a high energy lab is a highly imperfect laboratory model of a nuclear weapon which does not take account of a multitude of things. If computer models and laboratory models were sufficient, there will be no need for flight tests of missiles and jet aircraft, etc.

The Physics of what happens in a nuclear explosion cannot adequately be replicated in a high energy lab. Laboratory models of missiles and jet aircraft may not have this deficiency but laboratory models of nuclear weapons do.

PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2010: It is now being put out that a "fix" has been applied to the 1998 failed thermonuclear weapon design and there is no need for an explosive test of the "fixed" design because the designers have "confidence" it will work. But it is a very foolish designer who does not test his "fix" with an explosive test. Didn't R. Chidambaram have confidence in his 1998 design which failed? There has been no "fix" until the weapon is shown to work in an explosive test -- shown as much to the designer as to the world. A designer who says it is not necessary is too stupid to design even a toaster, much less a nuclear weapon.

September 11, 2011: It is folly for India to think that India's defence or India can get any where without destroying RAW first which means the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York. India has already emplaced its nuclear warheads in these three cities. I said above that the warheads have almost certainly been sabotaged by RAW. There remained the possibility that they will work. The fact that CIA kingpin K. Subrahmanyam staged his fake death right after India said its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in a number of cities/countries (he was in Orlando, Florida a couple months ago) makes it more likely that the warheads will work. India also said a few weeks ago that the warheads already emplaced in U. S. cities are way beyond the five or six I have mentioned. India should trigger the warheads in New Delhi, Washington and New York without delay and trigger the warheads in other U. S. cities if there is any retaliation.

K. Subrahmanyam's staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States does not necessarily mean that the warheads have not been sabotaged; India's adoption of what I urged -- pre-positioning nuclear warheads in U. S. cities -- meant that RAW's sabotage of India's defence by sabotaging the development of delivery vehicles had ended and he faced punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. But RAW continues its crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. Aside from the sabotage of the warheads themselves, there is the possibility -- which is a virtual certainty -- of RAW or other traitors informing the U. S. of the exact locations of the warheads in U. S. cities. These risks can be cleared by triggering the warheads right away; the longer India waits to trigger them, the greater the risks while there are no benefits from waiting.

There is a lot of bamboozlement about "sanctions" if India tests the warheads at Pokhran. I have shown in my blog that the things that the U. S. and other countries will stop selling India should not be buying in the first place even if they are offered on a platter and free of charge, how exports to our enemies are unnecessary and harmful and how India's economy can grow 30% per year or more.

September 13, 2011: A PTI report says "Army, IAF should reconcile differences on assets: Antony: ... The army contends that it should control [the Mi-35 attack helicopters] ... whereas the IAF doesn't want to lose them ... This effort should be among yourselves ... He said if the forces wanted, the Ministry "could also play a limited role" in the reconciliation process." What he is saying is that the forces can test India's nuclear warheads as a routine matter at Pokhran without reference to any one in New Delhi -- as I said above should be done -- and don't have to test them by triggering them in New Delhi, Washington and New York. This does not end the sabotage of India's defence. So long as RAW exists, neither India's defence nor India can get anywhere. RAW has to be rubbed out, that is, all its present and past employees killed (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' above). This still requires the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York.

IV. Perspective

The destruction of RAW will be just a way station to the destruction of other criminals. Later, all present and past CIA employees will have to be killed. All present and past American presidents have participated in the CIA's crimes against India and after a trial in India -- a wave of my hand will be trial enough -- they will be impaled on "shoolis" in a stadium full of people. How about the crimes of the Jews and Americans in general (see my blog)? Ah, you just wait and see.

V. Leadership

September 14, 2011: With the ability to destroy New Delhi, Washington and New York, India's forces should be reporting directly and openly to me instead of saying "We have a set of advisers" and it is "dangerous territory" to refer to me or what I say. A nuclear warhead of the type emplaced in U. S. cities has to be tested and RAW has to be destroyed without delay.

VI. The Situation Now

September 16, 2011: "[PTI] India today welcomed the designation by the US of Indian Mujahideen (IM) as Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO)", the first organization in India so designated. Like all terrorist organizations in the subcontinent, Indian Mujahideen is CIA-RAW-sponsored (see my blog above) and the presence of such organizations has been used by the U. S. as the excuse to invade and occupy other countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U. S. did this right after I said above that India's forces should directly and openly report to me, in preparation for invading India, destroying India's defence capabilities and occupying it which is the ultimate goal of its invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Pakistan (see my blog). India's victory over the U. S. depends on destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads, already emplaced in U. S. cities, BEFORE the U. S. does anything as I have emphasized above, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.

For a fuller treatment of how India will win a nuclear war with the United States, see my blog.

Satish Chandra
P. S. RAW routinely posts abuse on what Satish Chandra says; ignore it; these criminals are guilty of the gravest treason -- see above -- and deserve the death penalty and that is what they will get.

The following that Satish Chandra has said is relevant here:-
"Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches."

The following that Satish Chandra has said is also relevant here:-
INDIA'S MILITARY CHIEFS LICK BOOTS OF THE WHITE MASTER. They should be licking my boots instead or they are headed for the compost heap. They did not mind licking the boots of George Fernandes who faked an inability to speak for several years to avoid having to answer for his collaboration in crimes against me and against India. Vajpayee is still faking an inability to speak for the same reason. I am infinitely better than either of them. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler. JOIN INDIA'S WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, go to JoinIndiaWarOfIndependence.blogspot.com. There you will also find a reference to K. Subrahmanyam staging his fake death and fleeing to the United States to escape punishment for his crimes against me and sabotage of India's defence. A link there also shows him, along with the CIA Director Michael Hayden, coming on line on August 9, 2008 and offering to transfer one crore rupees into my account within 48 hours if I agree to cooperate with them. Less than a week after I wrote, on September 13 '11, that RAW -- which works as a branch of the CIA against India -- will have to be rubbed out and all its present and past employees killed, a former head of RAW, from 2007 to 2009, Ashok Chaturvedi has staged his fake death, at the age of 63, from 'multiple organ failure'. When I wrote about a former head of RAW, Vikram Sood, citing the white Christian headmaster of a missionary school he attended as the fount of all wisdom on various issues in a column in Hindustan Times and referring to Indians as worshippers of snakes and monkeys on a Times of India blog, this bugger Chaturvedi put in the media an 'expose' of himself and his wife using government aircraft to visit temples. A couple days ago, after ending his fake inability to speak, Fernandes had a video posted on Bharat-Rakshak showing him having a photograph of the Italian whore removed from a group of photographs, of former President Rajendra Prasad, etc., at the Constitution Club, demanding on what basis her photograph was put there (" because she is white?") because around September 11 '11 I had written "The head of the Strategic Forces Command is a Christian and now the head of the Indian Air Force is also a Christian, not to mention that the Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor [Fernandes] -- motivated appointments, at the direction of the CIA, of armed forces chiefs who would be loyal to the Italian whore and to the white countries, expressly made to prevent India from emerging from slavery." But India's armed forces chiefs lick the boots of the White Master regardless of their religion.

Satish Chandra"

you are very lucky you arent saying this in front of me,else i would have broken your neck,i love the USA as much as india you go against it you are my enemy
he has been thanked zero times..hahaah
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