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How India betrayed Pakistan

Absolutely not. All you require is an unbiased mind to read and understand facts from Neutral sources and then come to conclusions.

Except that there are no neutral sources. Everyone has an agenda.
Except that there are no neutral sources. Everyone has an agenda.
A long time ago, i read a story from the Mahabharata. In that, Lord Krishna calls Yudhishtira and Duryodhana and gives each of them a task. The Lord tells Yudhishtira - "Find me at least one really bad person today." The Lord then tells Duryodhana - "Find me at least one good person today". They both go off on their search and return after a long tiring day. The Lord asks for their results.
Yudhishtira says - "I scoured the city and went to every house. I met every man, woman and child. I really looked for a bad person but at the end of my search, I am convinced that everyone in the city is actually very nice. There is not a single bad person in this city."

Duryodhana says - "I don’t agree. I too scoured the city and went to every house. But everyone I met was a scoundrel - even the children! There is no good person in this city."

Moral of the Story
A person willing to see neutrality in sources will see neutrality.
What kind of typical brahmin hypocrisy is this??

Typical Brahmin hypocrisy? and what kind would you prefer yours to be known by?

Anyone who wants to understand classic indian shrewed, ethicless and self-centered mentality should spend a month with a native south indian bania. ( Not in a degoratry sense but a real person belonging to "bania" caste. Those who cant afford the honour can do one internet search or resort to vintage Indian movies about poverty)

Actually, that would be a very interesting exercise. Especially since there are no native south Indian banias! Maybe you should post your garbage among people who might actually be dumb enough to swallow your gibberish. Your lack of knowledge is so obvious that even your overwhelming hatred cannot mask it.

This remark alone should give you a better understanding of the events that led to the formation of Bangladesh.

The alleged Pakistani massacares in east-pakistan was last resort damage by outnumbered and outgunned troops totally left to fend on their own in completely unfamiliar and untrusted terriotry .........
woooo thankfully everything single stuff on this article i already knew by reading a school book of my relative.

This is one good thing our government has done never let out next generation forget about what India did and is doing with us.
Why do you read school book of your relative? You did not have one?

This remark alone should give you a better understanding of the events that led to the formation of Bangladesh.

I'm not interested in moral judgement to be honest. History is more interesting and while justifying massacre is wrong so is describing an event without context.
Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report

so why dont you people start by reading here and go on to

Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1969-1976 - The South Asia Crisis and the Founding of Bangladesh

which shows how naive the Pakistani leadership was. It also shows how the US foreign policy failed in that case and how we played both.

Time to stop acting like an ostrich and see actually who is the culprit.

It is not the guy who cheats should be the only person to blame, it is also a part of the cheated guy.

Welcome to the world of Politics.
Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report

so why dont you people start by reading here and go on to

Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1969-1976 - The South Asia Crisis and the Founding of Bangladesh

which shows how naive the Pakistani leadership was. It also shows how the US foreign policy failed in that case and how we played both.

Time to stop acting like an ostrich and see actually who is the culprit.

It is not the guy who cheats should be the only person to blame, it is also a part of the cheated guy.

Welcome to the world of Politics.

Thank the report looks legit (at least superficially). I'll put it on my reading list.
A long time ago, i read a story from the Mahabharata.

That's basically the same as "you find what you look for."

True, but not relevant to the discussion about neutrality.

Moral of the Story

You cannot just wish neutrality upon someone. The mark of neutrality has to be earned over the long term and, like I said, no one has earned it in the world of politics. Everybody has their own agenda.
That's basically the same as "you find what you look for."

True, but not relevant to the discussion about neutrality.

You cannot just wish neutrality upon someone. The mark of neutrality has to be earned over the long term and, like I said, no one has earned it in the world of politics. Everybody has their own agenda.

So is your neutrality about India is debatable. All you have to go is check wikipedia about 1965 war (which by neutral sources Pakistan got whacked) and Mukti Bahini.

If you are still pissed that we played a part in dismembering pakistan, you have not left any stone unturn to return India that favor.

So PLEASE Spare us.. your high horse sermon.
Thank the report looks legit (at least superficially). I'll put it on my reading list.

I cant find a more legit report than this: one is by the Pakistani Govt. and the other is from the US state History website. These are the only sources that actually exists with neutrality. The rest are wither burned by the Indian MoD and the other bunch is ******* in the KGB office.
India is eternal enemy of Pakistan from day 1 for the obvious reasons.

1. Hindu coloring of freedom movement by Nehru and Gandhi

It was Not a Coloring, It was Indeed True, Name Some Of Your Freedom Fighters Who Fought for the Freedom of Hindustan and Those who fought for the Freedom of Pakistan???

2. India annexed the Pakistani share of treasury and ammunitions

You still Owe Us 300 Crores as Pre partition Debt...

3. India annexed the legally acceded state of Junagarh to enforce a plesbestite.

????Care to Explain a bit??

4. But it has enforced policy of duplicity when it comes to Kashmir. In a nutsell whatever floats the boat in India favour is accecptable.

I have always Made it a Policy Since I was Suspended From here, Not to Open My Mouth On "Kashmir", But since its a Reply I dont think the Mods would Mind.... Kashmir was Not a Part of You ever, It was snatched from Us Out Of Your Greed And Jealousy... It was Legally Given to us the By the Maharajah of Kashmir.... And You have No Legal Rights Over it, though You made it a Disputed area with the help of Proxy War's.... Your Crooked Mids Made the Army Station in the valley by Pushing in terrorists...

5. India interfered in east-Pakistan by terrorist infiltration.

Never, If You wouldnt have attacked Our Air Bases , 1972 would not have sparked off, and Dint You Stab a wounded India(after Sino-India war) in 1965 although it dint Yield You anything

6. Indias nuclear blast were primarily show of muscle to Pakistan.

No, It was for china, it was Our only Possible solution to Stop any Mis adventure from them....

7. India has always done its best to taint Pakistan on international fronts / forums.

How did India taint you??? The World By itself Is Un earthing Your Un healthy past....
With comments like the ones by 'Somebozo' above, is it any wonder that the whole world is beginning to treat Pakistan like a Pariah? Brahmin and Bania indeed! It seems like the Pakistanis are more caste conscious than the Indians.

We, in India, don't want any Pakistani territory (thank god that part of the world is not with India!), but India does not even need to make any efforts to dismember Pakistan anymore. If the Pakistani middle class attitude is like what I see here on defence.pk, there is no hope for the country. Looks like all the Western naysayers will be proved right.
What kind of typical brahmin hypocrisy is this?? The Kashmiris are also evading Indian burtality and we should start allowing them to cross the borders and be trained by PA under the shade of supporting human rights. Seriously all the Indian accusations of cross border infiltration are legacy of wet dreams circa 1971. There is no more soviet union to save their arse and create a naval blockade of Pakitan. Further what Pakistan did to soviet union with some infiltrated fighters and to Indra Gandhi indirectly is a subject of much fear among Indian political circles.

And you show typical Pakistani-Wahhabi pseudo-Arab hypocrisy.

Indian political circles are sick of Pakistan, no one 'fears' you. Your ISI can send terrorists to kill people on trains in Indian cities, but in the overall picture, those are just pinpricks to our country. And we are getting better and better and preventing such attacks.

And we really don't need to do anything to harm Pakistan. We can all see the daily bomb blasts, terror attacks, arson and disturbances in Pakistan. DAILY.

You have still not learnt your lesson, eh? Continue supporting the "Kashmiri freedom fighters", militantcy there will be suppressed just like it was in 1990s, same with Khalistan. But when those actions rebound to bite you in your backside (as is already happening), you will think about the dreams of Pakistan's founding fathers and wonder what went wrong.
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