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How good the Mig-29 UPG/SMT against the F-16 Blk 50/52+ ??

while they are against 63 M29s backed by cutting edge tech enablled (ASEA multiple band)Ground based & AWAC supportas we will fight next doar so no range issue here even if you forget top cover given buy MKIs (which F 15s gave to US F 16s)

Are Indian Navy Mig-29s or IAF upgraded Mig-29s AESA equipped?
No, currently not IAF & IN BOTH MIG29 have ZHUK-ME Radar but IN's MIG 29K would upgraded with ZHUK-AE radar & IAF's MIG-29 got their last upgrade.
well not quite bro as land based M 29s will also get ASEA in very near future cause the latest indian air force doctroine is to equip all it offensive platforms/fighter air crafts to be fitted with ASEA (FGFA & Rafale will have it from day one) LCAs, Mkis & Mig 29s will get them as soon as they are ready & tested while M2Ks, Bisons & Jags will be retaired
well not quite bro as land based M 29s will also get ASEA in very near future cause the latest indian air force doctroine is to equip all it offensive platforms/fighter air crafts to be fitted with ASEA (FGFA & Rafale will have it from day one) LCAs, Mkis & Mig 29s will get them as soon as they are ready & tested while M2Ks, Bisons & Jags will be retaired

IAF's MIG-29s live their lives & this were their last upgrade for 15 years . IAF's MIG-29s we got in eighties.
IAF's MIG-29s live their lives & this were their last upgrade for 15 years . IAF's MIG-29s we got in eighties.
well bro thing is indians have extended the lives of there M2Ks & M 29s for another 1.5 decade and this is not there last upgrade trust me bro :cheers:
well bro thing is indians have extended the lives of there M2Ks & M 29s for another 1.5 decade and this is not there last upgrade trust me bro :cheers:

It is matter of comman sense but IAF official says it clearly that Mirage 2000, MIG-29 & Jaguar got their last upgrade another upgrade would be sheer stupidity because you can get more capable, less expensive brand new fighter.
he he he he what F 16s PAF has buddy + the US strings attached to there use and maintainence while IAF is as free to use its Mig 29s as RAF ,,, i know you realli dont likethe situation PAF is finding it self

First, PAF is free to use the F16's against India, make no mistake about it.

Second, PAF maintains 45 days worth of supplies for a War. A war between India and Pakistan will most likely not last more than a week. Thus, your assertion that PAF will have maintenance problems are unfounded and not supported by any evidence.
Are Indian Navy Mig-29s or IAF upgraded Mig-29s AESA equipped?

No. AESA was not available when we ordered the mig-29Ks, but they will get the zhuk-AE in their first upgrade ten years from now. The IAF's mig-29UPGs were deemed to have too little life left to make an AESA cost effective.
well bro thing is indians have extended the lives of there M2Ks & M 29s for another 1.5 decade and this is not there last upgrade trust me bro :cheers:

It is, there won't be an AESA upgrade and if that would be important, they would have waited for the Zhuk AE to ve developed and ready, but that wasn't the case, therefor IAF took the Zhuk ME. It's also questionable if the older Mig 29s airframes are capable of supporting an AESA, they couldn't get the latest varient of the RD 33 either, unlike the Mig 29K and even if the latter will get the Zhuk AE in future is not clear at the moment, since adding the indigenously developed AESA would make more sense. The weapon pack of the K will have a far bigger Indian content in future, they already have HMS and avionics developed or produced in India, so it's more likely to see a next step of MKIzing than simply getting more Russian parts.

& Jaguar got their last upgrade

The Jags actually didn't get their last upgrade, since the newst of them are only 5 years old. We kept producing them waaaaaay too long and if we want to keep them for their operational life of 2-3 decades, upgrades and life extentions are obviously needed. One reason I would sell at least the last 2 x squads to another country (Afghanistan for example), to safe us the cost, with no operational importance for IAF's future.
First, PAF is free to use the F16's against India, make no mistake about it.

Second, PAF maintains 45 days worth of supplies for a War. A war between India and Pakistan will most likely not last more than a week. Thus, your assertion that PAF will have maintenance problems are unfounded and not supported by any evidence.
ok but bro tell me are 18+42 F 16s backed by 150 JF 17s further backed by 2 swedish + 4 chinese AWACS + equal Nos of AARs will be able to tackle 69 Mig29 SMTs backed by 100 MKIs,150 bisons backed by 5 phalcon AWACS & equal number of AARs given top cover by latest satelites

It is, there won't be an AESA upgrade and if that would be important, they would have waited for the Zhuk AE to ve developed and ready, but that wasn't the case, therefor IAF took the Zhuk ME. It's also questionable if the older Mig 29s airframes are capable of supporting an AESA, they couldn't get the latest varient of the RD 33 either, unlike the Mig 29K and even if the latter will get the Zhuk AE in future is not clear at the moment, since adding the indigenously developed AESA would make more sense. The weapon pack of the K will have a far bigger Indian content in future, they already have HMS and avionics developed or produced in India, so it's more likely to see a next step of MKIzing than simply getting more Russian parts.

The Jags actually didn't get their last upgrade, since the newst of them are only 5 years old. We kept producing them waaaaaay too long and if we want to keep them for their operational life of 2-3 decades, upgrades and life extentions are obviously needed. One reason I would sell at least the last 2 x squads to another country (Afghanistan for example), to safe us the cost, with no operational importance for IAF's future.
well bro ever hered about kick backs/ corruption well IAF top brass and MOD will go forASEA upgrade as soon as they are ready just keep some paitence and faith bro im not competent enof to challenge whatever you say Sir but will onli say ASEA is on the menu + thee will also be newer vrsion of RD 33 dont worry
It is, there won't be an AESA upgrade and if that would be important, they would have waited for the Zhuk AE to ve developed and ready, but that wasn't the case, therefor IAF took the Zhuk ME. It's also questionable if the older Mig 29s airframes are capable of supporting an AESA, they couldn't get the latest varient of the RD 33 either, unlike the Mig 29K and even if the latter will get the Zhuk AE in future is not clear at the moment, since adding the indigenously developed AESA would make more sense. The weapon pack of the K will have a far bigger Indian content in future, they already have HMS and avionics developed or produced in India, so it's more likely to see a next step of MKIzing than simply getting more Russian parts.

The Jags actually didn't get their last upgrade, since the newst of them are only 5 years old. We kept producing them waaaaaay too long and if we want to keep them for their operational life of 2-3 decades, upgrades and life extentions are obviously needed. One reason I would sell at least the last 2 x squads to another country (Afghanistan for example), to safe us the cost, with no operational importance for IAF's future.

Yes, you are right. HAL produced Jaguar till 2008 but IAF issued RFI for re-engined & Honeywell is front runner in it but I think its take another decade to complete this project & that last batch of Jaguars live 15 years in IAF service & may be they could sold to Afghanistan or other country because after that they would be become obeselete for IAF like AF. But it would be very good ground attack fighter for Afghanistan like country.
Well, Jaguar updates are impressive.
Yes, you are right. HAL produced Jaguar till 2008 but IAF issued RFI for re-engined & Honeywell is front runner in it but I think its take another decade to complete this project & that last batch of Jaguars live 15 years in IAF service & may be they could sold to Afghanistan or other country because after that they would be become obeselete for IAF like AF. But it would be very good ground attack fighter for Afghanistan like country.
Well, Jaguar updates are impressive.

The Jaguars will get scrapped from IAF service whenever that happens, since the IAF is still impressed enough by its performance and capability in its role.
There are no chances of the Jaguars ever making it to Afghanistan for the above reason. Apart from that the Afghans will not know what to do with it given their unfamiliarity with western aircraft and specifically British Aircraft. A more suitable aircraft for the Afghans will be the IAF's MiG-27 BNs, which the Afghans are quite familiar with. Assuming of course; that India will consider transferring fighter aircraft to Afghanistan
The Jaguars will get scrapped from IAF service whenever that happens, since the IAF is still impressed enough by its performance and capability in its role.
There are no chances of the Jaguars ever making it to Afghanistan for the above reason. Apart from that the Afghans will not know what to do with it given their unfamiliarity with western aircraft and specifically British Aircraft. A more suitable aircraft for the Afghans will be the IAF's MiG-27 BNs, which the Afghans are quite familiar with. Assuming of course; that India will consider transferring fighter aircraft to Afghanistan

My hometown is Gorakhpur Where Jaguar squadran are posted & IAF is very impressed with its capabilities & reliability but they have problem with its low range, limited hardpoints & under powered.
Under powered issue will be sorted by its new engine but other two problem would be never sorted out.
Jaguar would be outdated after 15 years after induction of Rafale which also have low operating cost than Jaguar. IAF insisted that Jaguar would be in their service till 2027-28
My hometown is Gorakhpur Where Jaguar squadran are posted & IAF is very impressed with its capabilities & reliability but they have problem with its low range, limited hardpoints & under powered.
Under powered issue will be sorted by its new engine but other two problem would be never sorted out.
Jaguar would be outdated after 15 years after induction of Rafale which also have low operating cost than Jaguar. IAF insisted that Jaguar would be in their service till 2027-28

Only "under-powered" is the issue that needs to and will get addressed. With the Re-Engining project. As for the other points; the aircraft is designated for BAS/CAS; so they are not critical at all. To start with, the IAF does not even look upon it as a "Bomb-Truck". Other aircraft will fulfil that role. It has been found to be a robust and reliable aircraft that can operate with quite primitive facilities. And its low-level flying abilities are unmatched by any other aircraft in the IAF inventory.
Only "under-powered" is the issue that needs to and will get addressed. With the Re-Engining project. As for the other points; the aircraft is designated for BAS/CAS; so they are not critical at all. To start with, the IAF does not even look upon it as a "Bomb-Truck". Other aircraft will fulfil that role. It has been found to be a robust and reliable aircraft that can operate with quite primitive facilities. And its low-level flying abilities are unmatched by any other aircraft in the IAF inventory.

True, sir but we complete deal for Jaguar in 1979 & its first induction in RAF is in 1971. Currently Jaguar is more than 40 year old technology & we would plan for more 15 years. Didn't you think Jaguar would live their life more than they worth it. We put MIG-21 in our fleet more than hlf century due to 'LOST DECADE' today situation is different. Jaguar would be replace by more capable multirole fighter with low operating cost.
We have some new airframe due to HAL's pathetic production rate.
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