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How far ahead of India is China?

Indian human rights are down right despicable. From the killings of Sikhs, the killings of Muslims and many other minorities. To say India is a democracy and have fee speech is laughable. India is run by a ruling monarchy where Nehru family members are hand picked to lead the country. How else can an Italian housewife become the most powerful person in India. Sikhs, Muslims and Tamils are crushed if they talk about independence from the thugs in New Delhi. So much for free speech.
India has no rule of law and a highly illiterate population. Add to this the multiple ethnicities and religions, you know why India has zero chance of catching upto China.

India overtaking China will forever remain a pipe dream of some jingoistic Indians.

and their judiciary system is as good as DEAD!

Courts will take 320 years to clear backlog cases: Justice Rao
I surely do not mind - Post #135 - "Have you ever read the works of Marx? I guess not, or else you wouldn't spew that much ingnorance"

Countries that became industrialized in the 19th and early part of the 20th century became highly industrialized by exploitation - irrespective of whether they were monarchy, a dictatorship or a democracy. The Americans became industrialized on the back of slavery, the Brits on the back of their colonies and indentured labor. Both of these were champions of democracy. So it wasn't exactly very rosy for the slaves in Alabama or the indentured workers in Suriname. China is continuing that same model by exploiting child labor and its own citizens and stifling their rights. These barbaric practices are completely out of sync with the prevalent ethos of the 21st century.

kid, India has the world's biggest child labour, and low caste indians dont have basic human rights```my work is visiting factories all the time in China, Europe and India, I know it very well how backward and premitive india labour market is``
That Hitler accusation should get you banned.

The reason India will never catch up to us is due to their failed political system.

Catch up in what - human rights violations and suppression of freedom? I have to concur with you there.

Indian human rights are down right despicable. From the killings of Sikhs, the killings of Muslims and many other minorities. To say India is a democracy and have fee speech is laughable. India is run by a ruling monarchy where Nehru family members are hand picked to lead the country. How else can an Italian housewife become the most powerful person in India. Sikhs, Muslims and Tamils are crushed if they talk about independence from the thugs in New Delhi. So much for free speech.
India has no rule of law and a highly illiterate population. Add to this the multiple ethnicities and religions, you know why India has zero chance of catching upto China.

India overtaking China will forever remain a pipe dream of some jingoistic Indians.

You are entitled to your view - even if it is pretty much drilled into you my a some communist news agency which clearly does not believe in facts when it comes to reporting. Tamils?? LOL - Tamils were persecuted in Sri Lanka, not India - wrong country - perhaps the Chinese maps can't tell the difference.

kid, India has the world's biggest child labour, and low caste indians dont have basic human rights```my work is visiting factories all the time in China, Europe and India, I know it very well how backward and premitive india labour market is``

Kid - you are talking rubbish - hardly surprising. If Indians didn't have basic human rights, your citizens would not be seeking refugee status in India.
From the opening post:

I wonder how is it possible? India growth had to be around 20% annually?

It is entirely possible. Have you heard something called nominal GDP growth? which is what China reports every year as its GDP growth.
It is entirely possible. Have you heard something called nominal GDP growth? which is what China reports every year as its GDP growth.
Well, India says nominal GDP grew from $1tn to 2$tn in 5 years. Given that exchange rate of US-Rupee was stable, India´s GDP growth had to be 14,9% annually.
Well, India says nominal GDP grew from $1tn to 2$tn in 5 years. Given that exchange rate of US-Rupee was stable, India´s GDP growth had to be 14,9% annually.

Nominal growth rate means it is not adjusted for inflation and exchange rate(if based on a foreign currency). and that's why it is much less informative than the real growth rate.

Take China's GDP for example, it was 47.31 trillion RMB or 7.32 trillion USD in 2011, and 51.93 trillion RMB or 8.23 trillion USD in 2012. So the nominal growth rate of Chinese GDP from 2011 to 2012 is 9.8% based on RMB, or 12.3% based on USD. But the real growth rate reported in the news, which is adjusted for inflation and based on RMB, is 7.8%. Similarly for India and Vietnam, the reported growth rates in the news are inflation adjusted growth rates based on Rupee and Dong respectively.
I surely do not mind - Post #135 - "Have you ever read the works of Marx? I guess not, or else you wouldn't spew that much ingnorance"

Countries that became industrialized in the 19th and early part of the 20th century became highly industrialized by exploitation - irrespective of whether they were monarchy, a dictatorship or a democracy. The Americans became industrialized on the back of slavery, the Brits on the back of their colonies and indentured labor. Both of these were champions of democracy. So it wasn't exactly very rosy for the slaves in Alabama or the indentured workers in Suriname. China is continuing that same model by exploiting child labor and its own citizens and stifling their rights. These barbaric practices are completely out of sync with the prevalent ethos of the 21st century.

You indeed spewed ignorance as you claimed that China is politically communist and has a market economy, which if you have read Marx' works complete BS because in communism politics and economy go hand in hand.

Germany didn't have slaves and our colonial adventure lasted from 1871 to 1918. Neither the UK nor the US were champions of democracy during industrialisation where the majority didn't have the right to vote.

Your claim that China built its economy on child labour couldn't be more absurd. Just take a look at the social inducators and you'll see who is the exploiter of its weakest members of society. Ranging from literacy, child malnourishment, child death to the latest PISA test, India is at the bottom of the list in all indicators.

The basic rights are the right to life, to get education, to have work, to have food and to have basic healthcare. And in these, India is way below China.
Götterdämmerung;4026258 said:
You indeed spewed ignorance as you claimed that China is politically communist and has a market economy, which if you have read Marx' works complete BS because in communism politics and economy go hand in hand.

Germany didn't have slaves and our colonial adventure lasted from 1871 to 1918. Neither the UK nor the US were champions of democracy during industrialisation where the majority didn't have the right to vote.

Your claim that China built its economy on child labour couldn't be more absurd. Just take a look at the social inducators and you'll see who is the exploiter of its weakest members of society. Ranging from literacy, child malnourishment, child death to the latest PISA test, India is at the bottom of the list in all indicators.

The basic rights are the right to life, to get education, to have work, to have food and to have basic healthcare. And in these, India is way below China.

If you had actually read Marx instead of spending your time rote learning Mein Kampf - you would realize that no country has actually been true to the ideals Marx - "highest happiness of the greatest number" - LOL - through what - the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution? UK and US always prided themselves on their democratic ideals. You really need to read a bit more.
Catch up in what - human rights violations and suppression of freedom? I have to concur with you there.

Kid - you are talking rubbish - hardly surprising. If Indians didn't have basic human rights, your citizens would not be seeking refugee status in India.

BS, do your untouchable brothers and sisters have human rights? Do the children who are starving to death have human rights? Or what the indian you said does not include them only includes you high caste guys? You are the biggest human right violations country, you let millons of your countryman under starving and deprive the right of them to be alive .
BS, do your untouchable brothers and sisters have human rights? Do the children who are starving to death have human rights? Or what the indian you said does not include them only includes you high caste guys? You are the biggest human right violations country, you let millons of your countryman under starving and deprive the right of them to be alive .

Perhaps that is the kind of news spewed by your state run communist media. The reality is different. If things were as bad as say, why do Chinese citizens come to India to seek refuge leaving behind their homes and trek across the Himalayas. In the media in the civilized world - China's human right abuses are very well known.
Perhaps that is the kind of news spewed by your state run communist media. The reality is different. If things were as bad as say, why do Chinese citizens come to India to seek refuge leaving behind their homes and trek across the Himalayas. In the media in the civilized world - China's human right abuses are very well known.

You keep bringing up Tibetan issue, lol. Tibetans go to India, not to seek Indian democracy, but to worship their Lama. Get real. Religion indeed is very powerful on human minds!

I also have read a report on some Tibetan enclave in Deli. They are watching China TVs, they still can speak Chinese and they are very hospitable to Chinese tourists. They have hotels specifically catering to Chinese tourists. Tibetan issue is a very complicated issue. The Chinese government spent too much money fixing their temples and building their roads, but in my mind, they fail at communicating with Tibetan monks. Also among Tibetans, the upper class and monk class tend to favor more autonomy since they want to retain their lost power; while lower working class prefer living in a more secular society.

Also about child labor, where the heck did you get news that China's economic development relies upon child labor. that's just absurd. I cannot voucher whether some unscrupulous employer in some backward inland village might or not use child labor, but I am sure child labor issue is more prevalent in India than in China since China has much higher literacy. Educated people tend not to let their kids be child labor.
You keep bringing up Tibetan issue, lol. Tibetans go to India, not to seek Indian democracy, but to worship their Lama. Get real. Religion indeed is very powerful on human minds!

I also have read a report on some Tibetan enclave in Deli. They are watching China TVs, they still can speak Chinese and they are very hospitable to Chinese tourists. They have hotels specifically catering to Chinese tourists. Tibetan issue is a very complicated issue. The Chinese government spent too much money fixing their temples and building their roads, but in my mind, they fail at communicating with Tibetan monks. Also among Tibetans, the upper class and monk class tend to favor more autonomy since they want to retain their lost power; while lower working class prefer living in a more secular society.

Also about child labor, where the heck did you get news that China's economic development relies upon child labor. that's just absurd. I cannot voucher whether some unscrupulous employer in some backward inland village might or not use child labor, but I am sure child labor issue is more prevalent in India than in China since China has much higher literacy. Educated people tend not to let their kids be child labor.

Once again - I don't know what the Chinese state run media tells their citizens who seem to lap up every word. People seek refuge in nations where they have more freedom - be it religious or political freedom. I would like to see this report on them watching Chinese TV and being hospitable to Chinese tourists. I have doubts on the hospitality part for sure.

And if child labor is not rampant in China - why has the Chinese Government categorized child labor statistics in China as "highly secret" and not released data? It is hardly a nuclear submarine.
Once again - I don't know what the Chinese state run media tells their citizens who seem to lap up every word. People seek refuge in nations where they have more freedom - be it religious or political freedom. I would like to see this report on them watching Chinese TV and being hospitable to Chinese tourists. I have doubts on the hospitality part for sure.

And if child labor is not rampant in China - why has the Chinese Government categorized child labor statistics in China as "highly secret" and not released data? It is hardly a nuclear submarine.

Source? You only have a big mouth like most your countryman, talking big and blaming others based on nothing is your daily homework, nothing else, get a life kid.
Source? You only have a big mouth like most your countryman, talking big and blaming others based on nothing is your daily homework, nothing else, get a life kid.

Get an education, kid.
Source - here it is - Children's Rights: China | Law Library of Congress - clearly states "highly secret".

Now let's see if you can show us a source for these Tibetans being hospitable to Chinese tourists in India. Let's see kid if you really have any data or source or are you just suffering from verbal diarrhea likes the rest of your countrymen.
BS, do your untouchable brothers and sisters have human rights? Do the children who are starving to death have human rights? Or what the indian you said does not include them only includes you high caste guys? You are the biggest human right violations country, you let millons of your countryman under starving and deprive the right of them to be alive .

Absolutely! They have positive discrimination laws (Reservations in govt jobs and education sector) in India. In fact the former chief minister of India's biggest state was a dalit. As for starvation, I agree malnutrition (which is way different from hunger) is a major issue, but it is more because of lack of awareness rather than deprivement.

Source? You only have a big mouth like most your countryman, talking big and blaming others based on nothing is your daily homework, nothing else, get a life kid.

The very fact that you have come to the forum to denounce India shows your insecurity, after all we are only assessing the situation and taking corrective action which should actually a elucidate positive response rather than denouncements
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