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How do you guys buy protection in Pakistani chemist shops/Medical stores?

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John Doe

May 7, 2010
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Hey guys,

From one bro to others, how cool (or weird) is it to buy protection at the local medical stores over in Pakistan?

Just to compare notes on cultures. Over here, they are placed right up in the front of the store and people buy it very easy and without any embarrassment. Though it wasn't this cool when I was in college. Back then one would actually go to another locality where the shop owner does not know you to make this purchase:-)

Is this a weird way of learning about life in another culture? I hope not. I remember my wife's Chinese classmate ask her: do any Indian women wear 2 piece bikini's at the beaches in India?!? I guess this is her way of learning about life in India. Pakistani members, feel free to ask any questions about life in India or the US, no matter how weird, I or others will definitely answer them.
What type of 'Protection' are you talking about? We have Blackwater, XE, Dynacorp etc. From what I hear, they're quite good at their job but I must warn you in advance, they charge a LOT for their services, them being ex Marines and SFs an' all. ;)
What type of 'Protection' are you talking about? We have Blackwater, XE, Dynacorp etc. From what I hear, they're quite good at their job but I must warn you in advance, they charge a LOT for their services, them being ex Marines and SFs an' all. ;)

I think he is talking about the protection that comes in packages, while you are talking about the ones who send people in packages.;)
What type of 'Protection' are you talking about? We have Blackwater, XE, Dynacorp etc. From what I hear, they're quite good at their job but I must warn you in advance, they charge a LOT for their services, them being ex Marines and SFs an' all. ;)

He is scared to utter the C word: Condom.
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What type of 'Protection' are you talking about? We have Blackwater, XE, Dynacorp etc. From what I hear, they're quite good at their job but I must warn you in advance, they charge a LOT for their services, them being ex Marines and SFs an' all. ;)

Man, Love your sense of humour...:)
Usualy its on display at the Pakistan general stores by the brand name of saathi
But many of my mohallah general stores walas have asked for specific varities of durex and trojans in bulk
Having good connections on airports my luggaged is barely touched by customs so I pass easily.
Not sure if one day someone opens it up and i will be left embarassed.
i have been buying it through one of my friend....when i was bit young ...now even i can't go to a medical store at least not in my town....i send my friends.
Why would you be embarassed? It means you at least are not so repulsive that a lady might consider having sex with you!
Ask my gf to get it. She works at a pharmacy.

old times there was a code word SATHI just whisper it to the chemist and he sneaks one in a little brown bag ... Now they are kept open on shelves so just say the brand
not that hard i dont think....contraceptives are not illegal in Pakistan

in fact I remember not too long ago in Lahore, female police officers were handing out free condoms to women --i dont know if that scheme is still existing now or not perhaps someone there cud inform me.

you can get anything and everything in Pakistan.....legally and illegally. Just know the right people.
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