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How can we defeat anger?


Oct 18, 2007
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To root out anger is impossible and unnatural, and may even be harmful. But what we should do is to control this feeling and do not let it lead us to what's wrong and forbidden in our religion (Islam).

Firstly I advise you to avoid too much sensitivity that makes you "deaf, dumb and mute." For some people getting engaged in something else that diverts their attention away from what's angers them can be useful. For others, engaging in remembrance of God or meditation might work, but for common folk, they need some worldly tools.

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had advised us that when angry, one should try to change his body position. Meaning, if you're standing up, sit down, and if you're sitting down stand up. If this didn't work, then go and wash and get prepared for praying.

When you're angry, think of Allah. Think of Allah's anger and punishment. Is Allah's wrathless than your wrath? And what happens when He expresses His wrath? We humans who seek forgiveness from Allah must forgive others first. When one forgives someone else, it establishes peace and tranquility in one's heart.

The first attribute of Allah that we Muslims are reminded (of) is Ar Rahman-Ar Rahim that is, Kind and Merciful. God Himself said, my mercy overtakes my wrath, and He told in one of the Hadith Qudusi, 'O son of Adam, when you get angry, remember Me." Thus, remembrance of God and meditation will put us on the right track. One of the meditation words is ya Halim (Patient), which is one of the attributes of God, being the Mild One. One can also pray to God to take control. We must also think that our life that is so dear to us, is a temporary life, and we must not forget our death and destroy the life of eternity at the cost of this life. Washing one's face with cold water or taking a cold shower is also helpful.

That is how the saying, "turn the other cheek" came about. One will become a calm person when he makes peace with himself, Allah and his surroundings. Anger is a costly weed; it costs one his health, life in this world, and the life in the Hereafter. This weed must be rooted out to allow the healthy plant of righteousness, piety and obeying Allah nurture and grow. Also anger is one of the weapons of Satan, we should be careful that we do not fall prey to his weapons, rather we should protect ourselves by being patient.
It is funny that the major religious books do teach the right thing, but looking at the world how many people really do follow/apply there sayings. It is a form of prejeduce that fills the peoples mind that leads to relgious wars, riots and discontent. The ones that do follow the religious books heartly are considered closes to God and revered, but that power is given to all of us. It is shame that human beings are still savages and have not grown much.
It is a form of prejeduce that fills the peoples mind that leads to relgious wars, riots and discontent.

IMO this happens when people mis-intrepret or misuse the teachings of their religions. all religions preach peace!
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