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Nov 28, 2012
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United States
After all all those arab springs didn't bloom and resembled more to a spring in their desert ...Why don't you hire Israel mage the whole middle east as one country...as one state solution.
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What a moronic thread by a pastime troll.

Why don't you let the great French nation rule your *** again for a few more centuries and let them treat you like cattle again? How about that? You liked that?

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @jaibi @nuclearpak @Emmie

What is the point of this thread? To spread more Zionist propaganda? Like there was not enough of it with @Solomon2 around.

So what are we supposed to discuss here? Why don't you suggest that Jews should rule your country or maybe the whole world? Would that not be lovely? Maybe the Palestinians would get a little breather this way around from time to time.

Surely "The Chosen People" are this generous? At least show some mercy for your cousins the Arabs.
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What a moronic thread by a pastime troll.
look who is talking? I thought the thread will pleases you, since you showed us countless time your undying love for your half cousins when they bombed Syria and when Bandar Bush went to pay them KSA respects...What happen to all that ?
Beside there not much difference between KSA and Israel? Both are an anomaly in the Middle east...or shall I say animalistic! One is with a brain and the other just an ***..

Why don't you let the great French nation rule your *** again for a few more centuries and let them treat you like cattle again? How about that? You liked that?
We are barbaric, remember you said so often that the french apparently got your message and refused to learn amazigh...The French are smart people , they don't use buffet and they don't go for second..they made once, that mistake with Germans..It didn't work out good...for them...
But for KSA, she fenced by foreign bases that give her a sense of an elusive security...They can hire the half cousin to run the country...It will be no more war between Arabs, no Palestinian nagba, no more Hamas, girls will go to school unstead being forced to marry a senile 80 years old carpet bagger, women free to drive, to travel, to shop, to join the army...

Typical Saudi! When at loss of argument, call in the artillery to the rescue! Or is it that this thread hit a nail because , even though, it a comical reply by an Israeli to the middle east events, the vaggaries of the bedouin culture.

What is the point of this thread? To spread more Zionist propaganda? Like there was not enough of it with @Solomon2 around.
The point of this thread, is to show the contribution that Israel can bring to the arab world and get your asses with two feet in the 21st century...And you need it...Because now you are seen as a cancer sore..
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia competes with Israel as an incarceration center of pro-democracy dissidents; the Saudi’s recycle hundreds of billions of petro-rents through Wall Street, enriching local Saudi despots and overseas pro-Israel investment bankers. The Saudi-US-Israeli convergence is more than incidental. They share military interests in warring against pro-independence, pro-democracy Arab movements throughout the Middle East. Saudi houses the major US military base and the biggest intelligence operations in the Gulf. It backed the US invasion of Iraq. It finances thousands of Islamic mercenaries in the US-NATO proxy war against Syria. It invaded Bahrain to smash the pro-democracy movement. It intervenes with Washington in support of the Yemen police state. It is the biggest and most lucrative market for the US military-industrial complex. US military sales between 1951 – 2006 totaled $80 billion. In October 2010 it signed off on a $60.5 billion purchase of US arms and services.[/img]

So what are we supposed to discuss here? Why don't you suggest that Jews should rule your country or maybe the whole world?
The Jewish fellow was discussing, Israel ruling the middle east, maybe he is of north African origin and didn't see the North African needing help...

Would that not be lovely? Maybe the Palestinians would get a little breather this way around from time to time.
Palestinian know, that the Arabs used them as pocket change and ruined their dream of a state of their own...Palestinian, I know don't see a problem living in Israel, and wouldn't mind one bit to have the whole region managed by Israel...In fact Israeli Arabs have more opportunities and freedom that their counterpart living in the territories controlled by the PLO or Hamas..

Surely "The Chosen People" are this generous? At least show some mercy for your cousins the Arabs.

After all it is their land ...So in reality they no strangers...

LOL! You call me a nigger? I'll add that to my feather...Coming from a Bangladeshi:suicide:
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