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HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

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Singapreans are ethnic Chinese,they can't accept non Chinese leaders,it runs in their blood,you Indians will never understand Chinese culture ,mentality and ethics.

Singaporean bashes Chinese like hell.. Go google and find it yourself and then talk about rich Chinese culture..

Moreover, this thread is not about India or Singapore but about Honkongese survey where they claim they were more happy as Bristish than as Chinese.. Chinese culture must be the reason for such claims too.. What do you think?

tell the people in Kashmir, Manipur and all along that rebellious "Red Corridor"

Off topic, post reported.

Thread is about how Hongkongese feel about China..

Indian posters, stop feeding the trolls and report off topic posts..
Ma on Shan

I have relatives living in Pokfulam, Homantin, friends in Shatin and Clear Water Bay. There are people in HK who dont attach to the Maninland but a vast majority of 'em are pro China. Its the HK media and the democratic right wings that suck BIG TIME!

Funny how you keep labeling us with slave mentality, when people like you would jump to defend your colonial masters. People said they were better off in life because events like "the Asian financial crisis, a flu epidemic, a SARS crisis and the global financial tsunami. did not occur prior to 1997. Events like these, are not in any governments control. Nowhere in the article has it stated that CPC take over has any direct relation to current levels of happiness.
stop being in denial and read the title if not thread lol.

this thread is a proof that you hongkongees want your colonial masters back (lol @ this mentality). why is it so hard for you to comprehend?
Singaporean bashes Chinese like hell.. Go google and find it yourself and then talk about rich Chinese culture..

Moreover, this thread is not about India or Singapore but about Honkongese survey where they claim they were more happy as Bristish than as Chinese.. Chinese culture must be the reason for such claims too.. What do you think?

Off topic, post reported.

Thread is about how Hongkongese feel about China..

Indian posters, stop feeding the trolls and report off topic posts.

On topic! this is the response to draw analogy of dissidents in india which is a lot more violent. By comparison the poll showing the reaction of HKers is lame!

Singaporean bashes Chinese like hell.. Go google and find it yourself and then talk about rich Chinese culture..

Moreover, this thread is not about India or Singapore but about Honkongese survey where they claim they were more happy as Bristish than as Chinese.. Chinese culture must be the reason for such claims too.. What do you think?

Off topic, post reported.

Thread is about how Hongkongese feel about China..

Indian posters, stop feeding the trolls and report off topic posts..

the thread is not about indian but india is drawn into the topic because:

1. there are a lot indianese as usual who are drawn to similar topics than Chinese members
2. indian is in Asia and there are a lot of examples in india although mostly negative ones, that we as Chinese or Chinese living in HK can take admonition from
3. it is usually attracting more controversies when members of a third country, in this case obviously india, pointing acusing fingers towards the internal affair between 2 locations of the same country
4. indian members are making use of the internal conflict between people of the same race to troll fest China
5. indians have persistent track records of troll festing and vastly misbehaving starting the racial insults on many incidences when China is involved
6. there ARE indians living in HK and China!
7. PDF is an international forum you can draw examples from anywhere on earth
8. if indian members feel so disgusted about themselves being brought in as part of the discussion why they cant stop throwing insult on another Country in the first place
9. if you cant stand the heat why start the fire as another saying goes: Do unto others as you would have them do to you and indians live in the largest glass house in the world but they keep hurling stones
10. it also shows how ungrateful that indians are after Huawei decided to invest in that place where investment can be translated into a torrent of insults on China
This is probably the first time somebody has chosen slavery over self rule. quite interesting really.
This is probably the first time somebody has chosen slavery over self rule. quite interesting really.

How were the people of Hong Kong Slaves under British Rule?
The fact remains that hongkonese are han chinese like main land china and with increasing chinese global power stature the younger gen of Hongkonese would be more proud of their chinese flag. Wet dreaming indians won't understand such simple logic though.
omg how can you say that? you want to be a slave

dude, really britishers are great, wherever they go they turn gold if they make it a colony good examples are singapore and hong kong.....but they snatched all the wealth and gold in india's case!!.....if only indians would have allowed britishers to stay and develop in the country like south africa, they would have never done that!!
Without any trolling:

It is absolutely true that Hong Kong's economic status has declined since it returned to China. However, it is a natural progress and support from China has only increased since the handover. The very reason Hong Kong was able to prosper during the 1960's to 1980's was because China sealed its door to the outside world due to economic isolation, so the city was a window to China. Now that China has opened its doors, nobody would be climbing in through the windows anymore.

Now foreign investors can set up shops directly in China, without having to go through Hong Kong. It has nothing to do with China ruining the city, and everything to do with the city itself losing influence. Cape of Good Hope in South Africa was very prosperous port too before the Suez Canal opened, just an analogy.
yes i would say because you are under another country when you are not ethnically british , its not slave but its still being ruled

How were the people of Hong Kong Slaves under British Rule?
However, when starting become a British colony, Hong Kong was a fishing village. After 100 years of living under the British regime, it becomes one of the most rich city of Asia ...
So, easy to understand if they still have feelings for the British...

Yea so before the return to China Hong Kong per capital GDP income was below UK. Today after 15years under Chinese rule Hong Kong per capital GDP is now way richer than UK which by the way is in a second dip recession shithole.

China should have bought the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal tow it to Hong Kong and use it for target practice and sink it to the bottom of the harbor. Then only they will realized that the sun has already set on the British Empire !
stop being in denial and read the title if not thread lol.

this thread is a proof that you hongkongees want your colonial masters back (lol @ this mentality). why is it so hard for you to comprehend?

Sure bro, continue spouting **** you don't know crap about
"I don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll just throw insults, maybe that will help me"
This survey is conducted by a consistent anti-CPC professor of a consistent anti-CPC college,and published by a consistent anti-CPC
newspaper, So no surprising.
Singaporean bashes Chinese like hell.. Go google and find it yourself and then talk about rich Chinese culture..

are you too slow or what,in China Beijinger bashing Shanghaiese like hell,people from different parts of China bashing each other like hell,but does it stop us accepting Chinese culture?see how those Singaporean PDF users bash you Indians and you can get their general sentiment about you.

this thread can go this far totally reflects the fact that how jealous those Indians are toward our Hongkong,it is one of the best cities in the world and India has nothing great to compare to Hongkong,Shanghai,Beijing,Guangzhou,Shenzhen...SO,slandering those great cities becomes the only way to make those Indians feel better.
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