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HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

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Feb 12, 2012
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More than half of the Hong Kong residents who responded to a recent survey said their quality of life is worse than prior to 1997, when Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule, according to the poll results released by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Tuesday.

In the survey of 878 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 or older, 52.1 percent of the respondents said their lives are worse than before 1997, while only 17.5 percent said their lives have improved.

The results show that 57.9 percent of the respondents said Hong Kong's economy is worse than when the British ruled Hong Kong as a colony, while 18.3 percent said the economy is better than before.

On the issue of government service, 66.2 percent of those polled said it is worse now than the pre-1997 era and only 10.1 percent said it is better.

A researcher with the university's Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, which conducted the survey, said that since 1997, Hong Kong has experienced the Asian financial crisis, a flu epidemic, a SARS crisis and the global financial tsunami.

"These events have driven Hong Kong's economy to historic lows, battering its real estate and stock markets, and causing widespread grievances among ordinary people," said the researcher.

Although Hong Kong's economy has improved in recent years, he noted, some structural problems have emerged, such as the over-concentration of industries and the widening gap between rich and poor.

"As most people feel the government can do little about these problems, it's understandable that they would think their lives are not so good as before 1997," he said.


44% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese
23% identify themselves as Chinese
21% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese in China
10% identify themselves as Chinese in Hong Kong

Whopping 2/3 of respondents carry an identity of Hong Kong-ese separate from Chinese.

The results show that, select the "Hong Kong people" 44%, select "Chinese" for 23%, China Hong Kong people and Hong Kong Chinese were 21% and 10%.

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BBC??? - ???? - ??14??????????

Chinese Locusts(Low Caste)
In Hong Kong, "locust" is a derogatory term for immigrants and tourists from China and the ad has struck a chord amongst residents so dissatisfied with their mainland compatriots that, 15 years after Hong Kong ceased to be a British colony, more than twice as many people identify themselves as citizens of Hong Kong rather than of China.

Hong Kong rails against invasion of Chinese 'locusts' - Telegraph
More than half of the Hong Kong residents who responded to a recent survey said their quality of life is worse than prior to 1997, when Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule, according to the poll results released by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Tuesday.

In the survey of 878 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 or older, 52.1 percent of the respondents said their lives are worse than before 1997, while only 17.5 percent said their lives have improved.

The results show that 57.9 percent of the respondents said Hong Kong's economy is worse than when the British ruled Hong Kong as a colony, while 18.3 percent said the economy is better than before.

On the issue of government service, 66.2 percent of those polled said it is worse now than the pre-1997 era and only 10.1 percent said it is better.

A researcher with the university's Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, which conducted the survey, said that since 1997, Hong Kong has experienced the Asian financial crisis, a flu epidemic, a SARS crisis and the global financial tsunami.

"These events have driven Hong Kong's economy to historic lows, battering its real estate and stock markets, and causing widespread grievances among ordinary people," said the researcher.

Although Hong Kong's economy has improved in recent years, he noted, some structural problems have emerged, such as the over-concentration of industries and the widening gap between rich and poor.

"As most people feel the government can do little about these problems, it's understandable that they would think their lives are not so good as before 1997," he said.


44% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese
23% identify themselves as Chinese
21% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese in China
10% identify themselves as Chinese in Hong Kong

Whopping 2/3 of respondents carry an identity of Hong Kong-ese separate from Chinese.

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BBC??? - ???? - ??14??????????

Chinese Locusts(Low Caste)

Hong Kong rails against invasion of Chinese 'locusts' - Telegraph

Ur IQ is so low that you can not read basic English sentences.
23% identify themselves as Chinese+
21% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese in China+
10% identify themselves as Chinese in HongKong=?
Can you do this simple calculation? Low IQ
Chinese is about to become parasite of the earth
Hongkongers are the chosen citizens who are good-manners and well-educated ,should live in the sunshine of democracy and freedom
but one day the communist devil parasite from north invaded this beautiful small island.
the freedom world including india shall show their power immediately to liberate this poor island and poor hongkongers

how about 1962's India-China war once again ?
indian bull-**** ?
Ur IQ is so low that you can not read basic English sentences.
23% identify themselves as Chinese+
21% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese in China+
10% identify themselves as Chinese in HongKong=?
Can you do this simple calculation? Low IQ

44%+21% = Hongkongese Identity.
Chinese is about to become parasite of the earth
Hongkongers are the chosen citizens who are good-manners and well-educated ,should live in the sunshine of democracy and freedom
but one day the communist devil parasite from north invaded this beautiful small island.
the freedom world including india shall show their power immediately to liberate this poor island and poor hongkongers

how about 1962's India-China war once again ?
indian bull-**** ?

Dont bother to give them a glance because when you give them a glance you will see nothing at night.
Ur IQ is so low that you can not read basic English sentences.
23% identify themselves as Chinese+
21% identify themselves as Hong Kong-ese in China+
10% identify themselves as Chinese in HongKong=?
Can you do this simple calculation? Low IQ

Firstly, blame the IQ of the Hong Kong-ese professor who did the survey, why attack the messenger for just posting the article?

23 + 10 = 33%, which is one-third. 21% say they are Hong Kong-ese who happen to be under Chinese rule (thats what Hong Kong-ese in China means as per my best knowledge, just like I am an Indian in Canada), but they consider themselves to be a seperate entity of people called Hong Kong-ese.

Feel free to refute my points with logic rather than personal insults.
A "Hong Konger" is like a "Beijinger", they are both city identities, not national identities.

And both these cities are a part of the PRC. Neither of them are separate nationalities, they both exist within the national boundaries of the PRC.
Low IQ, HongKongese are CHinese just like shanghaiese likes to claim they are shanghainese. Contonese claims they are contonese does not mean that they are not chinese. I dont want to bother myself to educate low caste people from the devil of the world.

so you consider you are Indian or Indian happens to be in canada or Canadian?

Well lets not get into my personal views, what I was trying to say is that the 23% people is open-ended (the survey was worded as such), as it is not clear whether this 23% is pro-China or anti-China.

On topic, has economic situation in Hong Kong worsened so much in the last few years under China that the Hong Kong-ese people want to go back to being a British colony rather than being with China? Any data or facts that show that Hong Kong has gone bad economically?
Chinese invasion of Hongkong, seems to have slowed it down..

Great survey by S.C Chang and team

S.C Chang - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong kong

And Hongkongese Consider you as Locusts (Low Caste :lol:)

Locusts are these


and Hongkongese love to call Chinese locusts because they have invaded them like this


But, in any case, since this may hurt Chinese ego so lets not discuss about it..
No, you are so black that where there is Indian, there is no light

Wow! :woot:

we Indians are a black hole now? i.e region of spacetime where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.


Just to help you out with your ignorance, Indian is a nationality, or Demonym.

We aren't Heavy massed celestial bodies, present in the universe. or the most powerful objects in the Universe.
A "Hong Konger" is like a "Beijinger", they are both city identities, not national identities.

And both these cities are a part of the PRC. Neither of them are separate nationalities, they both exist within the national boundaries of the PRC.

no one is doubting it CD

the survey just says that hongkongers feel that they were more happy under British rule
No, the HongKongese don't have any choice, after the former British colony returned to China after 100 years of the contract in 1997.
The document signed by the colony 100 years, upon expiration it must be done, no choice.
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