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HK woman took her own life in UK after struggling to pay for food and rent

HK woman took her own life in UK after struggling to pay for food and rent | The Standard

Local | 26 Jan 2023 6:17 pm

A 27-year-old woman, who moved to London from Hong Kong last year, took her own life after she struggled to afford her rent and buy food.
Fion Ho Yee-king moved into a flat in Richmond in April 2022, in what her family thought was an exciting new chapter in her life, an inquest heard.
However, her brother Tommy Ho Yiu-hang said she told him she couldn't sleep, was uncomfortable with the state the flat was in, and struggling to afford her £900 "unhygienic" flat share.
He also revealed that Fion chose between eating only lunch or dinner each day in a desperate attempt to save money.

On November 3, Fion was found dead at her flat after Tommy asked a fellow tenant to check on her as Fion failed to show up for work or answer her phone.
Tommy would only later learn the full extent of his sister's struggles, including that she had even booked counseling sessions for depression due to take place just four days after she took her own life.
Her death was listed as a suicide, Coroner Dr Anton van Dellen confirmed on Tuesday.
A statement from Tommy, read by the coroner, said: "She mentioned to me on September 7 that since July, she was worried about her income and was not able to sustain her life in the UK and felt depressed."
"The hygiene condition of the bathroom made her feel uncomfortable … this made her pressure build up and fall to a loss of strength to work from home and live at home.
"She was scared she will be laid off from work due to stress and face a loss of income due to her poor working performance."
Fion completed her bachelor's degree in Hong Kong in 2017, followed by a master's degree in international affairs in Switzerland two years later. She then moved to the UK in 2022 and planned to stay there.
She had worked for the Hong Kong Red Cross and, at the time of her death, had been working for a charity promoting education for women and girls internationally.
Anton van Dellen described Fion as an "intelligent" and "dedicated" young woman and expressed his sorrow that her time in the UK had been so unhappy.
The coroner told the inquest: "Fion is an excellent example of the high calibre of person who is so welcome in England. She was clearly a very highly intelligent and dedicated humanitarian worker. The world is a much sorry-er place for not having her in organizations that help people in need.
"I hope her family holds dear to them the memory that Fion was someone who wanted to try and make the world a better place."

If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts, help is available. Dial 2896 0000 for The Samaritans or 2382 2007 for Suicide Prevention Services.
You can also call Suicide Prevention Services at 2382 0000 or CEASE Crisis Centre of Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals at 18281.

(Staff reporter, The Mirror and The Sun)
@Skimming protection? But you were talking only about sexual assaults? What about such situations?
She killed herself because she is depressed. And that would not have materialised in just a year, she was depressed before she went to the UK.

The situation, or her situation, may or may not have anything to do with her decision to kill herself. Because that the same old story we all know new immigrant suffering from, a lot of them did not end up suicide. And there are many other ways to deal with the situation they faced.
She was depressed because she regretted leaving the cameras of eleven Jinping. Eleven would have given food and slaved her to work.
She killed herself because she is depressed. And that would not have materialised in just a year, she was depressed before she went to the UK.

The situation, or her situation, may or may not have anything to do with her decision to kill herself. Because that the same old story we all know new immigrant suffering from, a lot of them did not end up suicide. And there are many other ways to deal with the situation they faced.
She is depressed because of money problems.
As long as you have money, all problems can be solved.
She is depressed because of money problems.
As long as you have money, all problems can be solved.
Well, not sure have you ever went thru depression. I had, after serving 2 tours in the middle east, for the stuff that I have seen, and for that stuff that I had done, to which I wouldn't even wish it for my worse enemy. This is nothing to joke about. Because when you are under depression, you basically pile problem on yourself like there is no way out, that that's because you solely focus on the problem and keep piling it on and telling yourself no way out. And when your brain also think that's no way out, then you give up.

Also, I wouldn't say this is about money problem. This is probably more about expectation. Because you either have money or you don't, unless you squander around all your money in that single year in the UK, which mean you don't have any to begin with, then what's the problem?

She and her group were already being warned so many times.

But instead of listening, her group is ridiculing, laughing, attacking back at the kind people who are trying to warn them the truth.

It's easy for young people to be fooled, to be blinded by sweet things, by perfect idealism, but the reality is not like that.

HK prosperity of today is not something easy to achieve, the good life, the money used for her to study in Swiss, all are not easy to get and have.

I envy her, but she throws everything she had into the garbage bin.

She was depressed because she regretted leaving the cameras of eleven Jinping. Eleven would have given food and slaved her to work.


And it turns out she doesn't need to be a slave in UK anymore.

Except she doesn't have the money and food anymore.
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