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Hindus struggle to protect temples in Pakistan


Feb 21, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: The minority Hindu community in Pakistan is struggling to protect its temples and the land around them from the land mafia, a media report said on Wednesday.

Most of the Hindu inhabitants migrated to India at the time of Partition, leaving behind a number of properties and places of worship.

"These properties have been up for grabs. Some allege that locals forged documents in order to occupy land around temples and construct markets. These temples are located in areas where the value of land is very high. This acts as a magnet for the land mafia," Express Tribune reported.

"No temple here exists that has been spared by land grabbers," claims Amarnath, a resident of Kirtarpura.

The helpless community can do nothing to protect the dilapidated and plundered buildings, the report said.

For around 5,000 Hindus living in Rawalpindi, Krishna Mandir is the only place of worship left.

The temple is built on a small plot which is not enough to accommodate the community members during religious ceremonies.

"But the fact that this temple remains is also nothing short of an achievement. There was a time when its future was also bleak and even today's there are challenges to its daily existence," the daily said.

The community members believe that the land mafia attacked temples around which Muslim families were living so that the families would vacate the land and the land grabbers could take over, considering the commercial value.

Some local politicians led mobs and attacked temples, the report said.

"There is a perception that the Hindus (who migrated) had buried their wealth in these temples. Temples on the outskirts of the city were dug but when they found nothing, they destroyed the statues and defaced the statues," a community member said.

Hindus struggle to protect temples in Pakistan - The Times of India
Government never did anything to save Muslims historic places, then how they can raise issue on it?
I don't know why some Indian members think they have right to post about minorities in pakistan even when they are not safe in their own country state of Gujarat and its CM Modi says the people who dies in the riots are the puppy of dog. What will you feel if pakistanis start posting the same? Look at ur home before throwing stones on others.

And Pakistani members of PDF clamour about one mosque which was demolished in India (not that I support that either)

If you read carefully u will understand that the temples in pakistan are grabbed by the land grabbers and they are also in India. Land grabbing when there is no Hindu living in that area or to be there to worship is different.

But Babri was demolished by the BJP for vote bank politics and polymerization of votes on communal grounds like Modi have done in Gujarat Riots or Muzzafarnagar riots.
I don't know why some Indian members think they have right to post about minorities in pakistan even when they are not safe in their own country state of Gujarat and its CM Modi says the people who dies in the riots are the puppy of dog. What will you feel if pakistanis start posting the same? Look at ur home before throwing stones on others.

If you read carefully u will understand that the temples in pakistan are grabbed by the land grabbers and they are also in India. Land grabbing when there is no Hindu living in that area or to be there to worship is different.

But Babri was demolished by the BJP for vote bank politics and polymerization of votes on communal grounds like Modi have done in Gujarat Riots or Muzzafarnagar riots.

@Bhai Zakir Rajiv Gandhi dont do anything to prevent the chance of mob violence in Ayodhya at that time even he got intelligence report.
He and his party also take advantage from this.I dont like BJP at in early times.But now I will support BJP and future it will remain like this.Because BJP and Hindus got only one land that is India so they dont cheat this country .But Congress will do at any extent for their existence.
This Congress and other secular parties snatched away the rights of poor majority and exploits them.They dont get any benefit because they are majority .So youth like me is general quota,it dont create problem for me.But my poor friend with poor income dont get any benefit because he is general and he is talented.Last ten years this is what I saw from the congress.we accomodated all religions but we only beaten by govt. because we are majority.I hate Congress and I will not support them in future.Any way sorry for offtopic.
On topic:It is land mafia, there is no religion in here.There is no religion for money.
I don't know why some Indian members think they have right to post about minorities in pakistan
They do have a right to post.

What will you feel if pakistanis start posting the same? Look at ur home before throwing stones on others.

You are deluded if you don't think Pakistanis do the same.

I'm sorry, but responding to this by clamoring about how India is no better or how India does this, or India does that will do no good. Lets recognize what has been happening, and work on improving it instead of spreading more hatred.
The sorry state of security concerns and lack of proper law enforcement in Pakistan have made everyone concerned about themselves, their property as well as their place of worships irrespective of being a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh or any religion one belongs to.

Nonetheless, such actions should be taken into notice by the government. Pakistani Hindus are Pakistanis foremost and if the place of worship is legally their property then they should have every right to keep it.
I don't know why some Indian members think they have right to post about minorities in pakistan even when they are not safe in their own country state of Gujarat and its CM Modi says the people who dies in the riots are the puppy of dog. What will you feel if pakistanis start posting the same? Look at ur home before throwing stones on others.

If you read carefully u will understand that the temples in pakistan are grabbed by the land grabbers and they are also in India. Land grabbing when there is no Hindu living in that area or to be there to worship is different.

But Babri was demolished by the BJP for vote bank politics and polymerization of votes on communal grounds like Modi have done in Gujarat Riots or Muzzafarnagar riots.
why do you have to bring modi..gujrat and BJP in all this...this thread is about ....pakisan temple...not Indian mosque....
its ok..you hate him....but don't turn blind in hate.....that will cause you......
I don't know why some Indian members think they have right to post about minorities in pakistan even when they are not safe in their own country state of Gujarat and its CM Modi says the people who dies in the riots are the puppy of dog. What will you feel if pakistanis start posting the same? Look at ur home before throwing stones on others.

If you read carefully u will understand that the temples in pakistan are grabbed by the land grabbers and they are also in India. Land grabbing when there is no Hindu living in that area or to be there to worship is different.

But Babri was demolished by the BJP for vote bank politics and polymerization of votes on communal grounds like Modi have done in Gujarat Riots or Muzzafarnagar riots.

this thread is about Modi ??

this thread is about Gujarat ??

this thread is about India ??

Grow up dude . . :disagree:

On topic- i think land Mafias have no Religion . . but. . again, this is not an excuse. . Pakistani government should look into this . . they are also your ppl :tup:
On topic- i think land Mafias have no Religion . . but. . again, this is not an excuse. . Pakistani government should look into this . . they are also your ppl

My family has had experiences with land-grabbers, and the government has proved useless after a threat was made towards us by the land grabbers.
My family has had experiences with land-grabbers, and the government has proved useless after a threat was made towards us by the land grabbers.

these things are very common in India as well . . but Religious places are spared . . . even if its a government work.

i've seen Roads been diverted if it comes in line with some religious places ( even a small temple or Mosque ) :agree:
The government should act, but then security of its people doesn't figure high on the agenda. You only need to look at the many "peace" overtures they offer to the TTP....

This land mafia should be arrested and flogged in prison. These temples are the heritage of Pakistan and the spiritual inheritance of our Hindu population. This angers me considering we recently had some good news in the form of the great renovations at Katasraj (tears of Shiva) mandir.

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