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Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam

life imprisonment for wearing a pair of shoes? bit too much.. I would say..
just ask him to deposit his shoes with the promotion of virtue prevention of vice department :)
A famous King of Egypt,Syria..."Noor-ud-din" used to say one statement to his governors...You must give value to small happenings...otherwise they'll lead us to Big Incidents. He was acutely justful in his Kingdom affairs that nobody ever complaints to him...he even ordered his Governers to settle your affairs within the area of your Jurisdiction...Otherwise i'll held you responsible for severe consequences...
So coming to the subject......
That above type of incidents can lead to mistrust among society, If we overlook them by saying it is not that serious then some other day it'll reappear in more ugly form....or maybe it'll diminish hope of Justice in Hindu minority of Pakistan
so why not ...Nip the ugly in the Bud instead of crafting ways to revoke his detention
:) For example what is criticizing in this case ? I mean how can you Hindus criticize your gods? do you call Krishana a thief while a kid without offending other Hindus?

Their is no one god in Hinduism ... there are multiple gods... and above all their is Param Athma, Brahman which mean Supreme Soul ... No one prays to Brahman directly, people pray to each gods which are associated gods Like God of Death Shiva , Goddess of wealth Laxmi , God who preserves the Universe Vishnu and each god are manifestation of the Supreme Soul just as we Humans are...

We can criticize Gods mean for example a Hindu can criticize Lord Krishna for using treachery for killing Bshima and Karna ... nothing wrong in that... A Hindu can criticize him for not listening to his prayers ... A Hindu can question his existence... he has every right to find his own path of salvation without the help of gods by wondering in search of truth or meditation ( but by this he should not hurt other living being by speech or action ...) infact a Hindu is expected to find his own path for uniting himself with the supreme soul...

If you have lead a righteous life, fulfilling all your earthly duties while opposing god all the time still u can unite with the Brahman...

Its a very difficult thing to understand unless you are a Hindu...
I don't think it is intentional as I don't think many in Pakistan can even read this language (99%) . However it should be discouraged and if they are making shoes in Pakistan (which I doubt), the symbol should be replaced with some geometrical shape and they should be warned.
It is impossible to 'insult' Bhagwan or holy religion. If this was done to insult anything or anybody, it only insults people and hopefully they will take care of that without resorting to violence.

That said, even if it was done without knowledge or with full knowledge, Aum will make whoever says it a better soul. The visual symbol actual does not matter - it is uttering it that makes Aum Aum.There are other symbols that work by visual form, Aum works by the saying of it whether with or without voice amplitude
I respect what you say and your prudent of view
I would have been more forgiving had it been Jay Shiv Shankar written in Sansikrat scripture but OM stands out just like thw word Allah in Arabic does. its a very well sign.

in essence disrespecting the word Allah is impossible or illogical because its simply the Arabic of "THE" God.

that "God" , in Hindu faith would be called Bhagwan and Yazdan in Yazidi faith and so forth. but in all such insidents... the purpose is always to insult and provoke the followers.. just like when people burn the flags of their opposing countries... again.. its just a piece of cloth but the intent is so insult and cause offence

now it is up to the person to decide whether he takes offence or not and whatever action he takes or response he shows. but the perpetrator has already shown himself to be petty and pathetic and he thinks that since he is in majority and power then his actions are funny and shouldn't mean much since the affected party is weak
the least I expect is that the shop takes these shoes off the sale and a petition is submitted in the courts for a start.
I would expect Lawyer union or journalists or scholars make a peaceful protest about it.. making few comments on facebook wont help.
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Despite all that I don't see any Pakistani Hindu trying to lynch the business owner.
Respect every religion . But anything can be expected from Interior Sindh. They half drunk or rest in busy making BHANG...
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Lel what if it was a mistake and the shop keeper was like i can't burn it to much stock business goes down the stream and i can't sell it either because it's not right.

Just get rid of it all and pay the shop keeper ( govt ) that should fix everything
do post link which you know are correct
First of all It is strictly prohibited to destroy the worshipping places of non-believers. YoU cannot kill the weak, the child, the women, cannot destroy their crops or poison their wells, nor kill the one who has surrendered
First of all It is strictly prohibited to destroy the worshipping places of non-believers. YoU cannot kill the weak, the child, the women, cannot destroy their crops or poison their wells, nor kill the one who has surrendered
Do know any religion which allows these kind of injustices ? What are you trying to prove o_O
Dont know what persuaded putting such shoes in shop, as both muslims and hindus wont buy it. On lighter side DONON KA DHARAM NASHT HOTA HAI :)
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