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Hindus asked to pay Rs 6 mn jiziya in Pak


Mar 4, 2009
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Hindus asked to pay Rs 6 mn jiziya in Pak'​

Islamabad, June 28: An unidentified caller claiming to represent the Taliban demanded Rs 6 million as "jiziya" from the minority Hindu community of Battagram district in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province on Sunday.

The caller made the demand during a phone call to local Hindu leader Parkash. He asked Parkash, a doctor, to collect Rs 6 million from the Hindus in Battagram and pay the amount to the Taliban.

According to media reports, the caller said all minorities living in Battagram must pay "jiziya" or a tax levied on non-Muslims.

Last month, some 35 Sikh families were forced to leave their homes in the Aurakzai tribal region after they failed to pay a jiziya of Rs 50 million demanded by the Taliban. The militants burnt their houses and looted their shops.

District police chief Sohail Khalid said he was unaware of the call. He said similar calls and threatening letters had also been received by NGOs and other people in Battagram.

Talibans are terrorists, they are asking for money from everyone, besides Muslims, Hindus, Sikh etc. they are taking Muslims children by forcing their parents or in the most brutal way by killing their parents. Atleast the non-Muslims are not facing these problems and also so many others that only Muslim comunity is facing....beside all this Hind, Christian, Sikh or any other minorty is part of Pakistani nation, they are at first place a Pakistani then anything else and have equal rights.

Minorties have particular rights in Islam, they must be respected and must have all the security they need. Goverment of Pakistan have always payed special attention to them.
Talibans are terrorists, they are asking for money from everyone, besides Muslims, Hindus, Sikh etc. they are taking Muslims children by forcing their parents or in the most brutal way by killing their parents. Atleast the non-Muslims are not facing these problems and also so many others that only Muslim comunity is facing....beside all this Hind, Christian, Sikh or any other minorty is part of Pakistani nation, they are at first place a Pakistani then anything else and have equal rights.

Minorties have particular rights in Islam, they must be respected and must have all the security they need. Goverment of Pakistan have always payed special attention to them.

Hi sergente rehan,
Well said, just hope you guys eliminate this menace once and for all. Just curious, you said that these guys are taking away the children, why is it so? First time I am hearing this. Is it to bring them up as terrorists? Children soldiers?
Don't worry; we are taking care of the Taliban.

They do not know the first thing about Islam, and are just trying to raise funds for their terrorist activities.

They even harass Muslim families. For examples they force Muslim families to give their daughters away for marriage, force Muslim families to give their sons away for fighting / suicide bombings and even force Muslim families to support their cause monetarily.

Most of their funds are raised through extortion and drug trafficking.

Non-Muslims in Pakistan are not eligible to pay Jizya because they pay other taxes the same as Muslims.

The concept of Jizya is very beautiful, and you need to understand that during the Islamic caliphate muslims had to pay a much higher tax called the Zakah. In fact – non-Muslims paid lower taxes than Muslims.

For further information on Jizya, please read post 28 onwards on this thread:

The matter is more beyond mere financial aspect of jazia. It creates a doubt about one's rights whether they are at par with the other communities. After all Taliban are offering them protection and anybody could take favour on that if the Talibans exercise as an alternative state. The problem is that it is not the religious interpretation that is challenged but the basic citizenship rights that often get crossed by such political agenda. Even if there are no Taliban there can always be indirect pressures on minorities to secure equal participation in national life.
We are working on killing these bastards and inshallah we will furthermore, as sergente rehan said these bastards are terrorists and they have just not made life hard for hindu's & sikhs but muslims all of Pakistan so please dont point out things towards hindu's only it will only cause more tension here ! These cowards are doing this so it will give Pakistan even a worse name in the region and in the world watever they can do to hurt us they will do it since now they are getting hurt they are seeking other ways to damage or image and way of life we kill all these bastards soon enough inshallah GOD bless Pakistan.

Or instead of getting into the whole complicated mess of Jizya and Zakat why not everyone pay the same taxes and be the same citizen of the country. Why make things complicated by bringing religous laws into the political sphere clearly where they don't belong!!!

The whole concent of Jizya tax and Zakah tax is sound fair enough but for crying out loud why make things complicated based on religion? How much more complicated do you want things to be? Everyone just pays the same dam tax. Problem solved.

For e.g In Canada everyone pays a 15% Tax in Ontario no matter who you are, where your from, what religous sect you belong.. simple as that.. no discrimination or no different 'wordings' to confuse people, some people just want to make things complicated for no reason because its not according to their religon
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We just want their F-16's, in other words .. We just want the fish .. not how to catch the fish.
The matter is more beyond mere financial aspect of jazia. It creates a doubt about one's rights whether they are at par with the other communities. After all Taliban are offering them protection and anybody could take favour on that if the Talibans exercise as an alternative state. The problem is that it is not the religious interpretation that is challenged but the basic citizenship rights that often get crossed by such political agenda. Even if there are no Taliban there can always be indirect pressures on minorities to secure equal participation in national life.

All minorties have equal rights in Pakistan and it's not from today but from the begining, just read the Quaid-e-Azam speachs and you will get your answer beside if you want to see the religious aspect it's even more in the favour of minorties. Islam gives them particular rights and the minorties must be free to lead a dignified life as Muslims (right to participate in political life, economic, follow their religion etc). if you people don't know it's the Muslim Caliph Hazrat Umar (if i'm not wrong on the name) who introduced the pension system and the first person to take advantage of this was a Jew!

Today in Pakistan Minorties have special reserve seats in every sector. From Parliament to Armed forces.
Talibans are terrorists, they are asking for money from everyone, besides Muslims, Hindus, Sikh etc. they are taking Muslims children by forcing their parents or in the most brutal way by killing their parents. Atleast the non-Muslims are not facing these problems and also so many others that only Muslim comunity is facing....beside all this Hind, Christian, Sikh or any other minorty is part of Pakistani nation, they are at first place a Pakistani then anything else and have equal rights.

Minorties have particular rights in Islam, they must be respected and must have all the security they need. Goverment of Pakistan have always payed special attention to them.

Respect your attitude....But I dont think you have gone through all the threads on this forum brother....

Many a times simple useless topics are turned into "Hindu mentality of India...Hindu zionism"....basically churning every issue through a microscope....

I can see why this post is here to show that inequality towards minorities exists world over....I take the news with a grain of salt....Pakistan and its citizens run through troubled times...

Or instead of getting into the whole complicated mess of Jizya and Zakat why not everyone pay the same taxes and be the same citizen of the country.

Your judgement is somewhat clouded and you have not understood why I deemed it necessary to elaborate the concept of Jizya.

Let me break it down for you:

- The Taliban claim to represent Islam, and are in desperate need of funds.

- The best way for them to raise funds from non-Muslims in the guise of Islam is "Jizya".

If they are successful, there is no doubt that they could generate a large amount of revenue in this way whilst still maintaining an aura of “Islam” in the eyes of ignoramuses and those who wish to believe that the Taliban are a true manifestation of Islam for whatever reason…

Anybody who is fooled into thinking that this is an application of Islam is an Ignoramus for two primary reasons:

- In reality, a true application of Jizya would not generate funds that the Taliban demand.

- More importantly, non-Muslims in Pakistan are not eligible to pay Jizya to begin with.

Why make things complicated by bringing religous laws into the political sphere clearly where they don't belong!!!

The whole concent of Jizya tax and Zakah tax is sound fair enough but for crying out loud why make things complicated based on religion? How much more complicated do you want things to be? Everyone just pays the same dam tax. Problem solved.

That may work in a secular state, and that is how it is in Pakistan today too.

However – what about a state where the majority of the people are Muslim? If the Muslims of this state want shariah, and if a true manifestation of shariah is implemented there, then the will of the people must be met. Let’s not compromise democracy for your staunch secularism.

You cannot force your secular ideals onto other people. in this case – religion really does belong.

The Muslims will HAVE TO PAY zakah as it is part of their faith. Moreover, the Muslims will have to fight for this state if the case calls for it.

In this instance, it would be foolish to ask non-Muslims living under Islamic rule to fight for the Islamic state too. This is where Jizya comes in, it’s a tax paid by all adult males who do not wish to fight for the state. They can forfeit the tax if they take up arms.

Jizya was implemented throughout Islamic history with great success, over a span of 1000 years. There have been instances where non-Muslims happily paid jizya, forfeit Jizya by fighting alongside Muslims, and in once case the non-Muslims decided to give to charity instead of Jizya, which the caliph accepted.

It’s really not that complicated. Islamic taxation is really very simple. Allot simpler than the taxes we have to pay today!

There are two facts in life – death and taxes.

In an Islamic state, the taxes are tailored to meet the requirements of all the faiths living under it’s jurisdiction.
Don't worry; we are taking care of the Taliban.

They do not know the first thing about Islam, and are just trying to raise funds for their terrorist activities.

They even harass Muslim families. For examples they force Muslim families to give their daughters away for marriage, force Muslim families to give their sons away for fighting / suicide bombings and even force Muslim families to support their cause monetarily.

Most of their funds are raised through extortion and drug trafficking.

Non-Muslims in Pakistan are not eligible to pay Jizya because they pay other taxes the same as Muslims.

The concept of Jizya is very beautiful, and you need to understand that during the Islamic caliphate muslims had to pay a much higher tax called the Zakah. In fact – non-Muslims paid lower taxes than Muslims.

For further information on Jizya, please read post 28 onwards on this thread:


Correct me if i am wrong: Jakat though is required by every muslim to pay is more of a voluntary donation (although one is asked to part with 25% of earnings) where as Jazia is a tax imposed on non muslims because of their belief in religion other than islam. So in other words a follower of islam has freedom to donate whatever he/she wishes whereas a non believer in islam has to pay specified tax.
Also if any body can enlighten me how Zakat and Jazia were collected (not now but in olden times). Are they both collected by the ruler of the time or zakat goes where ever one wishes and Jazia to the ruler because if it is so then the dynamics of both changes.
Correct me if i am wrong: Jakat though is required by every muslim to pay is more of a voluntary donation (although one is asked to part with 25% of earnings) where as Jazia is a tax imposed on non muslims because of their belief in religion other than islam. So in other words a follower of islam has freedom to donate whatever he/she wishes whereas a non believer in islam has to pay specified tax.

Zakah is not 25% LOL

It is 2.5 (Two POINT Five) percent of your anual wealth. Everybody other than the poor HAVE to pay zakat. It is not Voluntary - but is compulsary!

In fact, early in Islams history there was a tribe of muslims who refused to pay zakah and the caliphate of the time waged war and forced them to pay Tax. Just like in any modern state if you don't pay tax there will be serious consiquences!

The Jizya by comparison is less than Zakah, and even then only fit and able bidied males have to pay it, whereas Zakah is levied on both male and female muslims...

The rest of your post, on this basis, falls short. I have explained everything on the link provided in my initial post. So read that.
Talibans are terrorists, they are asking for money from everyone, besides Muslims, Hindus, Sikh etc. they are taking Muslims children by forcing their parents or in the most brutal way by killing their parents. Atleast the non-Muslims are not facing these problems and also so many others that only Muslim comunity is facing....beside all this Hind, Christian, Sikh or any other minorty is part of Pakistani nation, they are at first place a Pakistani then anything else and have equal rights.

Minorties have particular rights in Islam, they must be respected and must have all the security they need. Goverment of Pakistan have always payed special attention to them.

1) Taliban is a terrorist organization that is what you and people like you that is us believe, the Mullahs do not feel so and the problem is not you or people like you, it is the all pervasive ideology of Islamic Imperialism....as practiced and belived by a large sect..that it is them who have the responsibility to spread the word of Islam

2) In the last 4-5 months since the problem of Taliban menace has been growing constantly, this is I believe the second case of Jiziya being imposed by the Talibs which has come to light. The 1st instance was the similar amount being asked from the Sikhs...to ensure that they are protected as they belong to "minority community"...

I can provide you with links of these two instances. Please give me the credible links where Christians and Buddhists also have been threatened to pay Jiziya...as you claim....

I am waiting for them...

3) I have always thought and believed and hope you also believe so ..that for all Pakistani Muslims, they always claim "We are Muslims first and Pakistanis later"....age old belief .....cant go away ...

Now suddenly you mean to say that Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are Pakistanis first and respective religion comes later and for Muslims it is Muslims first and Pakistanis later...

Why this role reversal?
Some views elicited here take up cause of Sikhs as minorities juxtaposed against the Muslims in Pakistan. The sudden recoil into religious identity is very obfuscating. Nobody sought to drag the religion into debate that what Islam the religion and Muslims think of minorities. The Talibans have done an act of aggression against the state of Pakistan by making an extortion against its citizens and Sikhs as citizens (not as any religious minority) have right to seek redressal like any other citizen of Pakistan.
Unless we come out of this mental construct we shall never be able to justify our pluralist existence.

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