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Hindu Ramayana and Islam (Allah) in a religious text!

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Im a sceptic if not atheist and find all religions have more similarities in their rituals and stories and takeaways. However, all of them start with the premise that 'their' religion is the 'real' thing and this is a matter of faith.Its not good when religions run down the faith or genuinessness of other faiths...so in other words all religions are same and no one has right to call the other a believer or a non-believer.

you study all religions?if not how you find them same to a certain extant?
read post of EJAZR it gives you rough idea what Islam is.
Islam starts from the time of Adam.who was first human and prophet.with the passage of time when society grows and there is need of reforms/amendments in code of conduct/constituation/shariat Allah send his prophets.The preachings of prophets before prophet Muhammad was limited to area,tribe or specific country.this is the reason you see difference in them.but they have same massage "there is no god but Allah".thats why islam is the only true religion but only shariat/code of conduct varies from prophet to prophet.
in simple words Prophet Musa,Isa,Ibrahim and there true followers are all muslims.
Listen that particular code of conduct/shariat is very strict is very strict.who ever breach it will not belong to true religion islam.
This is the view point of muslims.
note:i skipped alot of details.so before jumping to any thing educate your self about that think and then comment.

hope my this posts helps in your research.
First of all, is this a religious forum or a defense forum? Shouldn't mods make it clear not to bring such matters between guns, tanks, fighters, missiles etc?
First of all, is this a religious forum or a defense forum? Shouldn't mods make it clear not to bring such matters between guns, tanks, fighters, missiles etc?

whats the 2nd of all?
Abrahamic religions believe in judgement day and have similar prophets whereas the Eastern dharmic religions believe in concept of karma, reincarnation so they can not merged or considered the same.

ya true there is no judgement day in indian religions.... but it is believed at a person has to fulfill his deed in same life or in the next life....
Sliver... if you are researching Ramayana then read the Indian version of Ramayana... better refer to this link below:
The era when Ramayana was written was way before Islam was born.

Ofcourse i hope you know that the word "ALLAH" is derived from pagan meaning "the creator" a name given to a PRE-Islamic diety called "Allat".

Which i may add has nothing to do with Islam since god to us has 99 names.
Very interesting, I did not know this.

I am currently reading an excellent translation of the Bhagvad Gita, and have been surprised to find what it has to say. It actually discourages Idol worship at some level and urges humans to find salvation by striving to merge with 'The One' by following the path of good Karma and Yoga/Meditation practice.

I have studied bhagvad gita and you will be surprised it has prohibited many practices which are prohibited in our faith and you will be surprised that Hindus in India are practicing many things against the teachings of Bhagvad gita.

The highest followers of all religions know that ownership of The One cannot be claimed by any group of mortals.

:agree::agree: i dont know where this ownership question arises from BUT in Quran God said He is Rabul Alamin (He is the God of the entire Universe).

The ownership questions only arises with regards to idols not the One (The Lord) who belongs to entire universe
I have studied bhagvad gita and you will be surprised it has prohibited many practices which are prohibited in our faith and you will be surprised that Hindus in India are practicing many things against the teachings of Bhagvad gita.

he didnt mean idol worship is discouraged or is prohibited in hinduism

idol worship is not compulsory in hinduism
it totally depends on individual if he wish he can do if he dont wish he will not do no compulsion on any one :no:
I have studied bhagvad gita and you will be surprised it has prohibited many practices which are prohibited in our faith and you will be surprised that Hindus in India are practicing many things against the teachings of Bhagvad gita.

It would be interesting to know what you have interpreted of the Bhagavad Gita.

:agree::agree: i dont know where this ownership question arises from BUT in Quran God said He is Rabul Alamin (He is the God of the entire Universe).

So what is this "entire Universe"? What does Quran say of it? Is it this world we live in, the heaven and the hell?
I have studied bhagvad gita and you will be surprised it has prohibited many practices which are prohibited in our faith and you will be surprised that Hindus in India are practicing many things against the teachings of Bhagvad gita.

:agree::agree: i dont know where this ownership question arises from BUT in Quran God said He is Rabul Alamin (He is the God of the entire Universe).

The ownership questions only arises with regards to idols not the One (The Lord) who belongs to entire universe

It is good to know that you are interested and enthusiastic enough to read other religious books to increase your knowledge first hand, but then, I remember you mentioning on another thread some weeks back that Abdul Kalam (former President) is not Muslim because he has read Bhagwad Gita. :confused:

So were you trolling then, or are you lying now? Or are you not a Muslim either because of the same factor? :undecided:
Basically origin of all religions are same.According to hadith of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) Allah send nearly one lakh and 24 thousand messengers and prophets for the guidance of humanity having one mission that there is no god but Allah.But with the passage of time true religion is infiltrated by man made religion.
Christianity:Saint paul and roman empire
Judism:civilization of babylon and greek.
and similar is the case with hinduism.

Actually a little different in case of Hinduism it preaches that god is within u and all religions lead to the same god within u.
It would be interesting to know what you have interpreted of the Bhagavad Gita.

So what is this "entire Universe"? What does Quran say of it? Is it this world we live in, the heaven and the hell?

ya teachings of Bhagvad gita can be interpreted in more than one ways.. its up to you how you understands it :cheers:

you will be interested to know, according to some of its phrases islam and other abrahmic religions also lead to god and its not illegal even to practice the teachings of these religions

it is due to this hindu religion is regarded as most tolerant religion of world
thanks for the replies.. i was referring to the fact that no one has ever condemned or condoned this text in where allah and Ram are in one epic!

in fact am surprised that such an amalgamation is possible. I am still trying to find the roots of this amalgamation to understand the context of when and why they had to intertwine these two faiths..
thanks for the replies.. i was referring to the fact that no one has ever condemned or condoned this text in where allah and Ram are in one epic!

in fact am surprised that such an amalgamation is possible. I am still trying to find the roots of this amalgamation to understand the context of when and why they had to intertwine these two faiths..

If you see in India, Ramayana as written by Tulsidas is more celebrated than the one written by Valmiki, even though the latter is the primitive source. Why? Because there is idealism in Tulsidas' Ramayan, where from people can learn the ideal human qualities. Since it works better for the society, I am happy that Tulsidas' Ramayan is at the forefront.

Likewise, if the amalgamation in Malaysia works for the society, it is a benign cause.
So what is this "entire Universe"? What does Quran say of it? Is it this world we live in, the heaven and the hell?

:) everything. from smallest thing to the largest one including earth, skies, galaxies, heaven and hell.

the entire system within understanding of human and beyond it which even the science has not yet explored
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