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Hindu Extremist Arrested For Planting Bomb In Mosque

Well,You call a convicted criminal Zardari your leader:lol:

No we call him presindet not leader :)

But in what way are we not being fair? is the NIA not doing its job in trying to catch all terror suspects? sure there have been mistakes made but what intelligence agency has not made mistakes nobody is perfect all we can do is learn from it and aim to be better.

Now we should give credit to the authorities that they caught this person and the victims family can see justice being done what more can we do on this case?

You are not doing justic when majority of you and you as an individual when justified the terrorism by Hindus saying it was payback.

there had been many arrests and no action against them just like in Sikh murderes in 84. thats where the real test comes.
No we call him presindet not leader :)

You are not doing justic when majority of you and you as an individual when justified the terrorism by Hindus saying it was payback.

there had been many arrests and no action against them just like in Sikh murderes in 84. thats where the real test comes.

Oh bhagavan it was not me saying it was done by payback it was the people who did it! they said it was done for revenge that was the reason given when they were arrested.

According to the NIA they wanted revenge for a series of terrorist attacks at temples like Akshardham in Gujarat and the Raghunath Mandir in Jammu.
You are not doing justic when majority of you and you as an individual when justified the terrorism by Hindus saying it was payback.

there had been many arrests and no action against them just like in Sikh murderes in 84. thats where the real test comes.

Don't worry about our law and order system.Criminals involved in 2001 Gujrat riots have been convicted recently.


Worry about your low terrorism conviction rate.You have a much big problem than us.

Low rate of terrorists

:P who said that ? Zardari, Pratibha Patil/ Kalam all ring a bell.

they are just mascots though they dint bring any luck :P

Our presidents are our leaders no matter what you say.People may or may not like them, but they are leaders.
Don't insult Kalaam by putting him in with those people... he was more than just a mascot and played a very important role during his tenure of Presidency.

He is a great man able scientist but NOT a leader simple as that.

the post was filled just for sake of filling the post.
Our presidents are our leaders no matter what you say.People may or may not like them, but they are leaders.

A pakistani president is one that is elected by fake votes

A leader is one that represents his people and his people's beliefs
He is a great man able scientist but NOT a leader simple as that.

the post was filled just for sake of filling the post.

Neither is Manmohan Singh a leader but if you ask Indians who they would rather have leading them I would say 99% would say Abdul Kalam.

Actually he has been project director in past roles so he has shown the ability to lead a team.
Not for the family's of the 9 who were killed.

Common Myth:

Tolerance is NOT the prerogative of the Tolerating.
Anti Rohingya violence is not Buddhist extremism. It's the complete breakage of trust between the groups Muslims and Buddhists. Buddhists of the area have subscribed to the notion that Muslims are incapable of living civil and peacful life within their society. Although, that doesn't sound too tolerating, This doesn't mean that that Buddhism isn't a super tolerant religion and Buddhists aren't tolerating people. Just, think about their relation with other groups other than Muslims.
Similarly, In India, there were 100s of attacks on Temples, public rallies to stick it up to the Hindus, demanding unreasonable things knowing full well that the things aren't practically possible, just for the sake of provocating Hindus(for the use of propaganda by Islamists of various persuasion). Any disagreement from hindus is played up as hostility by Islamists and please don't act as if you don't udnerstand it. You are a Pakistani and you know how it works between sectarian groups within Islam. Attacks, presumably by paraniod ones from among hindus, are bound to happen in the long run. This is some kind of game by the Islamists. They need conflict to survive. This doesn't mean that there's something called Hindu extremism. May be you can call it Hindu Nationalism. However, Even the stuanchest of Hindu Nationalists is no where near the perversity, zealotry and dogmatism you find in religious extremism., say, Islamism/Jihadism. BTW, Hindu Nationalism, doesn't mean You can't be of other religion. There are sikhs,Parsis, Jains, who are stauch Hindu Nationalists. It simply means, You are proud being Indian and Indian alone.
He is a great man able scientist but NOT a leader simple as that.

the post was filled just for sake of filling the post.

Please do not comment on the subject if you are not aware of indian constitution .... Indian president is not as you have seen in your place.... Please do not compare kalam with zardari....
He is a great man able scientist but NOT a leader simple as that.

the post was filled just for sake of filling the post.

I npolitics hardly people get filled for thier leadership skills..

i do not kno how you can make such statements, he lead the team to develope our nuclear delivery systems IGMDP, he was a leader.

He reached out to a lot of institutes to encourage students to go for research, he did lead by example within the scope of his Post.. He was one of the best President India saw.
A pakistani president is one that is elected by fake votes

A leader is one that represents his people and his people's beliefs

Its not our problem.The word President means the person who Presides,he is head of state of the Republic or the leader.If he is not your leader then your country must be a Banana Republic.
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