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Apr 27, 2016
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The other day a well viewed anchor who himself is a senior lawyer opened his talk show with the words “law in Pakistan has become a joke”. Who can deny it. What else can be the biggest exclusive joke in Pakistan than a superior court threatening a lawyer cancellation of his licence if he quoted a reference to a precedent from the same very court.

2. Every one worth of his salt today appears to be exempt from provisions of law. It not just reminds timely echoed words in the Parliament “کوئ شرم ہوتی ہے کوئ حیا ہوتی ہےّ “ but becomes particularly shameful if this joke is from those who check violation of rules/laws of “others”.

3. The law, as written in the book and that particular book resting in the dusty cupboard, reads that the ombudsman would “decide” a complaint within sixty days. This law has been signed not less than by His Excellency the President of Pakistan and it is visible to everyone of us “today” there is no President Ayub Khan. Our today’s President summons Chief Election Commissioner, he does not come. Our today’s Federal Ombudsman summons National Savings which not just does not care to attend but even does not care to respond a reply. This all show what writ and authority today our concerned practically have!

4. I filed complaint No. 2023-01724 with the Banking Mohtasib on 30.01.2023. While as per law, show piece law, the Decision should had come in sixty days, 225 days have passed and the shame for all conscientious and law abiding ordinaries of our beloved Pakistan is that not just during all these 8 plus months nothing was heard from the Banking Mohtasib but in as much as the Tracking today shows “No Progress”. Shame and لعنت on this old who despite knowing nothing will be delivered from the door of the banking mohtasib, yet in this old age he, as ever optimistic, again knocks to be re-shamed.

5 . A mohtasib’s office which believed that after Javed Sadiq departure in 2010 as Federal Ombudsman, the seat remained vacant for about ten years till 2021, this performance is of no surprise, at least to this old with 55 plus years high office experience.


Muhammad Javed
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