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Hillary Clinton's 'Get Modi' campaign: US'dangerous South Asian interests


Jul 19, 2010
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Obama quietly reverses Hillary’s ‘get Modi’ policy

President Barack Obama has quietly reversed a policy initiated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to "get Narendra Modi" — ostensibly for the 2002 Gujarat riots, but in actuality "for taking stands that may be different from that favoured by the US administration" — in the words of a senior analyst in New York.

"Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favoured operating through organisations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France".

Incidentally, French companies are in direct competition with Russian rivals in seeking to expand the market for nuclear reactors in India. The senior official, now on a visit to India, claimed that "your (i.e. the Manmohan Singh) government has full details of the religious organisation involved in funding the Kudankulam protests, but is keeping this secret as the organisation has high-level backers" in the UPA.

These present and retired officials claimed that "during the tenure in office of Secretary Clinton, several expert teams in the guise of NGOs were sent to Gujarat to try and find mass graves". The purpose was to then take the matter to the Office of the UN Commissioner of Human Rights in Geneva as an example of genocide. "In 2011, some bones were discovered in a Gujarat field by one of the search teams and there was much excitement, but these were later found to be buffalo bones", an official said. The official added that "no evidence whatsoever of mass graves was uncovered in Gujarat despite six years of clandestine searching for them" by undercover experts posing as representatives of NGOs. He added that "five politicians, three from the state and two in Delhi, assisted the search teams, but the information given by them proved unproductive".

Finally, "now that Secretary Clinton had stepped down from office, by end-2012 orders were given to stop wasting time on the search for mass graves in Gujarat, much to the dismay of those NGOs who were getting significant funding as a consequence of the search operations". Interestingly, the senior official claimed that because of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's inability to water down the Nuclear Liability Act and Defence Minister A.K. Antony's decision to prefer the French Rafale fighter to its US rival, "orders were given to activate the Khalistan file so as to create embarrassment for Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh".

Another official, now retired, claimed that "since 2011, several search teams have been active in Punjab, seeking human remains in suspected mass graves". According to them, "key politicians in Punjab have assisted these search teams and on occasion even provided logistical facilities for them".

These officials claim that the recent decision by the US Aviation Authority to ban extra flights into the US by Indian carriers was "directly linked to US displeasure over the strong Indian response to the Devyani Khobragade episode, especially as they had been privately assured by senior officials that the fallout of an arrest would be routine and perfunctory".

Another example of misuse of public interest bodies cited was the recent decision by the UK Automobile Safety Authority to classify five India-produced small car models as unsafe, "or exactly the same models that are offering competition to European and US vehicles in the European market". They said that such steps were "protectionism in the guise of safety" and that "the Manmohan Singh government's passivity in responding to such unilateral measures encouraged more of them to get slapped on India".

Coming back to the BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi, these sources say that the Obama administration has dialled back on the hectic efforts by Hillary Clinton to paint the Gujarat CM as guilty of mass murder and even genocide. "This is clear from the latest report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has sharply scaled back its criticism of the Modi government as compared to earlier reports". According to a senior official, "President Obama does not share Hillary Clinton's confrontational approach and her preference for Sonia Gandhi, and is looking to establish a pragmatic partnership with India should Modi become the Prime Minister". Hence the search "for a US envoy who would be different from (former ambassador) Nancy Powell's Clinton-style hostile approach to Modi, and to find an individual who could be expected to bond with the new PM and his team". According to these sources, President Obama "is alarmed at the steep downslide in India-US ties caused by Hillary-style crusades, and wants the relationship to be even better than what it was under the Bush presidency".

Recent remarks by Narendra Modi indicate that the BJP's standard bearer is ready to reciprocate the hand of amity proffered by Team Obama to the BJP's PM nominee.

How It Started

Hillary Clinton, immediately she assumed Obama administration's secretary of state, designed a policy to go after India's Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for his alleged complicity in the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed about one thousand Muslims followed by a massacre of train-full of Hindus.

Under President George W. Bush Mr. Modi's diplomatic visa was cancelled and a decision was taken not to issue any visa to him to enter the United States.

The Hillary Clinton's grand design was then known as "Get Narendra Modi' plan developed under strict supervision of Mrs. Clinton to find facts about Modi's alleged involvement in the killing of thousand Muslims in 2002 and bring him to an international court for genocide.

To execute the 'Get Narendra Modi Plan", Secretary Clinton found extensive amount of US dollars to fund a couple of European NGOs who were brought in to the 'Grand Design' to bring down Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi.

"Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favored operating through organizations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics.

TheAsian Tribune recalls that Secretary Clinton accused Sri Lankan milityary forces of using rape as a weapon on in their offensive against the separatist Tamil Tigers which she, under immense pressure, rescinded it.

These present and retired officials claimed that "during the tenure in office of Secretary Clinton, several expert teams in the guise of NGOs were sent to Gujarat to try and find mass graves". The purpose was to then take the matter to the Office of the UN Commissioner of Human Rights in Geneva as an example of genocide. "In 2011, some bones were discovered in a Gujarat field by one of the search teams and there was much excitement, but these were later found to be buffalo bones", an official said. The official added that "no evidence whatsoever of mass graves was uncovered in Gujarat despite six years of clandestine searching for them" by undercover experts posing as representatives of NGOs. He added that "five politicians, three from the state and two in Delhi, assisted the search teams, but the information given by them proved unproductive".

In fact, currently India's neighbor Sri Lanka faces the same plight: the United States using disputed, half-truth, fabricated and false testimony, reports and counseling from operatives within the Tamil Diaspora - operatives who were once collaborating with the separatist Tamil Tiger terrorism to give 'expert advice', raise funds and help procure weapons - to haul this South Asian nation before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva moving three consecutive resolutions recent one being last March.

A media reported "Finally, "now that Secretary Clinton had stepped down from office, by end-2012 orders were given to stop wasting time on the search for mass graves in Gujarat, much to the dismay of those NGOs who were getting significant funding as a consequence of the search operations".

Another official, now retired, claimed that "since 2011, several search teams have been active in Punjab, seeking human remains in suspected mass graves". According to them, "key politicians in Punjab have assisted these search teams and on occasion even provided logistical facilities for them".

An article in a recent Sunday Guardian by Madhav Nalapat said " the Obama administration has dialled back on the hectic efforts by Hillary Clinton to paint the Gujarat CM as guilty of mass murder and even genocide. "This is clear from the latest report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has sharply scaled back its criticism of the Modi government as compared to earlier reports". According to a senior official, "President Obama does not share Hillary Clinton's confrontational approach and her preference for Sonia Gandhi, and is looking to establish a pragmatic partnership with India should Modi become the Prime Minister".

But the damage has already done, and under a Narendra Modi premiership there is hardly any room for the Indo-US relationship to improve.

The U.S. government, which has balked at issuing Modi a visa since the riots in which Modi’s people were implicated even though a special investigation cleared him of complicity last year. When asked if the US would decide to restore Mr. Modi's visa, Nish Desai Biswal the assistant secretary for Asia in the State Department replied, primly and properly, that he was free to apply for a visa at any time, the application would be decided on its merits and she could not comment on the outcome.

Here's Our - Asian Tribune - take:

Sri Lanka has a 'Golden Opportunity' to balance her foreign relations with both India and the United States. One advantage Sri Lanka has - in the face of US offensive moving three resolutions and working closely with Sri Lanka's adversaries within the Tamil Diaspora - that , under prime minister Narendra Modi, the Indo-US relations will not be the same as it was five or six years ago.

President Obama may find hard to mend the relations with India should Mr. Modi become India's leader because of the damage incurred by (former) secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Even if he fails to become the prime minister, Narendra Modi will assume the role of a very powerful and influential leader in India's opposition who will have stakes in India's foreign policy and domestic arrangements.

Sri Lanka needs to step in at this moment to have close working relationship with Modi's BJP to soften the US Clout'.

Two weeks ago the Obama administration further complicated US-Sri Lanka relations by having 'close door' dialogue with the representatives of some of the Tamil expatriate groups declared by the Government of Sri Lanka as separatist/terrorist movements. The US in fact rejected Sri Lanka's position on those 16 movements designated by the GSL as subversive movements.

Since late, Jayalalithaa Jayaram's Tamil Nadu government has been an irritant to Sri Lanka, and if Sri Lanka plays her cards correctly it could get the help of the Modi regime or Modi's influential position as the opposition leader to sort out things with India and lessen its meddling in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka while getting India to move the United States out of Sri Lankan domestic affairs.

If the handlers of external affairs in Sri Lanka could get down to do an extensive study, analyses and research of these strange relations between Indo-US-Sri Lanka and arrive at a forward-looking foreign policy agenda this South Asian nation could distance the meddling of operatives within the Tamil Diaspora, the meddling that has given rise to the 'Global Diplomatic Offensive' - far worse than Vellupillai Prabhaharan's lethal 26-year campaign of terror.

The factors that have surrounded a new Sri Lanka approach are: (1) The defeatist US design 'Get Narendra Modi Policy' that adjusted Modi's attitude toward the United States (2) How strategic Sri Lanka is in regard to its approach toward Narendra Modi (3) The importance of using 'Modi Factor' to distance the operatives within the Tamil Diaspora from the US State Department (4) How Sri Lanka could benefit from the downward Indo-US relations (5) Through all these scenarios how Sri Lanka's foreign policy is placed to normalize relations with the United States and, most importantly with Tamil Nadu.

Secretary Clinton's 'Get Modi' Policy holds disastrous to US under Modi regime | Asian Tribune


And all this time all our fellow Indians were demonizing Modi ji.

Look at who the real villain turned out to be:

So you see, all this 'Secoolarism' is nothing but corporate interests of Americans and other colonial powers to continue their domination of Asia.

Let's see what our Hindu-hating, secular Indian friends here have to say now.
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The only problem is India is not some banana republic like our neighbors to get swayed by the bullshit.....bring it on.
The only problem is India is not some banana republic like our neighbors to get swayed by the bullshit.....bring it on.

Well you can't say that bro, considering the amount of anti-dharmic anti-Indian hatred 'secularism' has already bred in the country.

We have reasons to be worried as must as the mainstream Hindus have. And we need an action plan if this has to be thrown out of our lands.
Well you can't say that bro, considering the amount of anti-dharmic anti-Indian hatred 'secularism' has already bred in the country.

We have reasons to be worried as must as the mainstream Hindus have. And we need an action plan if this has to be thrown out of our lands.
The recent elections is a clear indication that the people of India (we are too big for some random NGO's to make a difference) know what is the reality. NGO's do get millions which are effectively moderated by RBI, so no wonder that these lame duck attempts to find skeletons in the cupboards were proved utter failures. The thing is we are too smart for them - we will take their money to act against India but will clandestinely work for the union of India. Why and how do you think all these funding details came out in the open?.

They made a lot of noise about Kudankulam by taking millions, but deep down the whole funding operations failed and the plant is operational - solely because no one will sell national interests for a few dollars.
The recent elections is a clear indication that the people of India (we are too big for some random NGO's to make a difference) know what is the reality. NGO's do get millions which are effectively moderated by RBI, so no wonder that these lame duck attempts to find skeletons in the cupboards were proved utter failures. The thing is we are too smart for them - we will take their money to act against India but will clandestinely work for the union of India. Why and how do you think all these funding details came out in the open?.

They made a lot of noise about Kudankulam by taking millions, but deep down the whole funding operations failed and the plant is operational - solely because no one will sell national interests for a few dollars.

My concern is for something greater.

These fanatics don't like to take defeat in the right spirit.

When missionaries and NGOs fail, they employ terrorism, political bullying and agents of anarchy in countries they see as rivals.

I am not joking, it has been going on in northeast's Nagaland and Manipur for years. Mizoram also had it but was crushed with an iron fist by Indira in the initial days itself.

This is something our PMO must be seriously looking at.
My concern is for something greater.

These fanatics don't like to take defeat in the right spirit.

When missionaries and NGOs fail, they employ terrorism, political bullying and agents of anarchy in countries they see as rivals.

I am not joking, it has been going on in northeast's Nagaland and Manipur for years. Mizoram also had it but was crushed with an iron fist by Indira in the initial days itself.

This is something our PMO must be seriously looking at.

Things are moving into a totally different sphere - as your article itself points out - all this nonsense was possible because of the congis -I personally know for a fact that madam used to sign on millions of funds for NGO's (with her cut for her share of course) who had clandestine affairs. But I think the US admin has given up on these schemes - 1) because it proves too costly for them and 2) it does not yield any tangible results. Granted millions have been converted by these NGO's but those converted have been fringe elements - but their Indian nationalism stays intact.
Things are moving into a totally different sphere - as your article itself points out - all this nonsense was possible because of the congis -I personally know for a fact that madam used to sign on millions of funds for NGO's (with her cut for her share of course) who had clandestine affairs. But I think the US admin has given up on these schemes - 1) because it proves too costly for them and 2) it does not yield any tangible results. Granted millions have been converted by these NGO's but those converted have been fringe elements - but their Indian nationalism stays intact.

As much as I would like to believe your words, brother, there is something I have learnt from almost 7 years of interesting research, travels, discussion and other things related to geopolitics among others: The USA never gives up.

It will change the tactics but it will always keep the obsession of commanding and controlling others.
As much as I would like to believe your words, brother, there is something I have learnt from almost 7 years of interesting research, travels, discussion and other things related to geopolitics among others: The USA never gives up.

It will change the tactics but it will always keep the obsession of commanding and controlling others.

Indians are controlling more of US then they are of us, the Indian caucus is phenomenal in that regard. These NGO fundings are closely monitored by RBI - they had a free run under Sonia - but things are changing at a very fast pace.
Indians are controlling more of US then they are of us, the Indian caucus is phenomenal in that regard. These NGO fundings are closely monitored by RBI - they had a free run under Sonia - but things are changing at a very fast pace.

I pray that our PM Modi ji looks at the shitstorm that Italian hag and her in-laws created in the last 55 years in Nagaland and Manipur. Though it has been going on for long, most of you guys in other parts of India don't hear of it.
Further proof of how Sonia is playing games to consolidate her family;s position. I never forgot a comment Hillary Clinton made about Indians during her campaign, stating all of them work in gas stations in a derogatory tone. Well, bitch if you did more about the glass ceiling that you don't seem to see, then we would happily change occupations.

Anyway, I think the potests in TN had some viability. The only point I stated and supported was SAFETY. That's it....take care of that and there is no problem.

What I hate about these types of reports, is that it never goes after the culprits who allowed this to happen and who gave support to the NGO's doing this in INDIA. Maybe, that should change.

This shouldn't be a surprise though every nations whether friend or foe, does this. We should be smart to push nationalism ahead to bind us. Not so similar to China where it threaten s everybody but close enough.
Anyway, I think the potests in TN had some viability. The only point I stated and supported was SAFETY. That's it....take care of that and there is no problem.
They did take care of it.
The Govt appointed an independent committee to verify safety, it gave the go ahead.
The NPCIL gave it own report to the people of the area, showing safety results.

Heck, even President Kalam came himself to the area and assured the local people that he himself has had it checked and there would be no threat to them.

They just didnt listen. Then the disclosure came that they were being funded by a NGO's based abroad. It made complete sense then.
Obama quietly reverses Hillary’s ‘get Modi’ policy

President Barack Obama has quietly reversed a policy initiated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to "get Narendra Modi" — ostensibly for the 2002 Gujarat riots, but in actuality "for taking stands that may be different from that favoured by the US administration" — in the words of a senior analyst in New York.

"Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favoured operating through organisations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France".

Incidentally, French companies are in direct competition with Russian rivals in seeking to expand the market for nuclear reactors in India. The senior official, now on a visit to India, claimed that "your (i.e. the Manmohan Singh) government has full details of the religious organisation involved in funding the Kudankulam protests, but is keeping this secret as the organisation has high-level backers" in the UPA.

These present and retired officials claimed that "during the tenure in office of Secretary Clinton, several expert teams in the guise of NGOs were sent to Gujarat to try and find mass graves". The purpose was to then take the matter to the Office of the UN Commissioner of Human Rights in Geneva as an example of genocide. "In 2011, some bones were discovered in a Gujarat field by one of the search teams and there was much excitement, but these were later found to be buffalo bones", an official said. The official added that "no evidence whatsoever of mass graves was uncovered in Gujarat despite six years of clandestine searching for them" by undercover experts posing as representatives of NGOs. He added that "five politicians, three from the state and two in Delhi, assisted the search teams, but the information given by them proved unproductive".

Finally, "now that Secretary Clinton had stepped down from office, by end-2012 orders were given to stop wasting time on the search for mass graves in Gujarat, much to the dismay of those NGOs who were getting significant funding as a consequence of the search operations". Interestingly, the senior official claimed that because of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's inability to water down the Nuclear Liability Act and Defence Minister A.K. Antony's decision to prefer the French Rafale fighter to its US rival, "orders were given to activate the Khalistan file so as to create embarrassment for Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh".

Another official, now retired, claimed that "since 2011, several search teams have been active in Punjab, seeking human remains in suspected mass graves". According to them, "key politicians in Punjab have assisted these search teams and on occasion even provided logistical facilities for them".

These officials claim that the recent decision by the US Aviation Authority to ban extra flights into the US by Indian carriers was "directly linked to US displeasure over the strong Indian response to the Devyani Khobragade episode, especially as they had been privately assured by senior officials that the fallout of an arrest would be routine and perfunctory".

Another example of misuse of public interest bodies cited was the recent decision by the UK Automobile Safety Authority to classify five India-produced small car models as unsafe, "or exactly the same models that are offering competition to European and US vehicles in the European market". They said that such steps were "protectionism in the guise of safety" and that "the Manmohan Singh government's passivity in responding to such unilateral measures encouraged more of them to get slapped on India".

Coming back to the BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi, these sources say that the Obama administration has dialled back on the hectic efforts by Hillary Clinton to paint the Gujarat CM as guilty of mass murder and even genocide. "This is clear from the latest report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has sharply scaled back its criticism of the Modi government as compared to earlier reports". According to a senior official, "President Obama does not share Hillary Clinton's confrontational approach and her preference for Sonia Gandhi, and is looking to establish a pragmatic partnership with India should Modi become the Prime Minister". Hence the search "for a US envoy who would be different from (former ambassador) Nancy Powell's Clinton-style hostile approach to Modi, and to find an individual who could be expected to bond with the new PM and his team". According to these sources, President Obama "is alarmed at the steep downslide in India-US ties caused by Hillary-style crusades, and wants the relationship to be even better than what it was under the Bush presidency".

Recent remarks by Narendra Modi indicate that the BJP's standard bearer is ready to reciprocate the hand of amity proffered by Team Obama to the BJP's PM nominee.

How It Started

Hillary Clinton, immediately she assumed Obama administration's secretary of state, designed a policy to go after India's Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for his alleged complicity in the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed about one thousand Muslims followed by a massacre of train-full of Hindus.

Under President George W. Bush Mr. Modi's diplomatic visa was cancelled and a decision was taken not to issue any visa to him to enter the United States.

The Hillary Clinton's grand design was then known as "Get Narendra Modi' plan developed under strict supervision of Mrs. Clinton to find facts about Modi's alleged involvement in the killing of thousand Muslims in 2002 and bring him to an international court for genocide.

To execute the 'Get Narendra Modi Plan", Secretary Clinton found extensive amount of US dollars to fund a couple of European NGOs who were brought in to the 'Grand Design' to bring down Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi.

"Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favored operating through organizations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics.

TheAsian Tribune recalls that Secretary Clinton accused Sri Lankan milityary forces of using rape as a weapon on in their offensive against the separatist Tamil Tigers which she, under immense pressure, rescinded it.

These present and retired officials claimed that "during the tenure in office of Secretary Clinton, several expert teams in the guise of NGOs were sent to Gujarat to try and find mass graves". The purpose was to then take the matter to the Office of the UN Commissioner of Human Rights in Geneva as an example of genocide. "In 2011, some bones were discovered in a Gujarat field by one of the search teams and there was much excitement, but these were later found to be buffalo bones", an official said. The official added that "no evidence whatsoever of mass graves was uncovered in Gujarat despite six years of clandestine searching for them" by undercover experts posing as representatives of NGOs. He added that "five politicians, three from the state and two in Delhi, assisted the search teams, but the information given by them proved unproductive".

In fact, currently India's neighbor Sri Lanka faces the same plight: the United States using disputed, half-truth, fabricated and false testimony, reports and counseling from operatives within the Tamil Diaspora - operatives who were once collaborating with the separatist Tamil Tiger terrorism to give 'expert advice', raise funds and help procure weapons - to haul this South Asian nation before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva moving three consecutive resolutions recent one being last March.

A media reported "Finally, "now that Secretary Clinton had stepped down from office, by end-2012 orders were given to stop wasting time on the search for mass graves in Gujarat, much to the dismay of those NGOs who were getting significant funding as a consequence of the search operations".

Another official, now retired, claimed that "since 2011, several search teams have been active in Punjab, seeking human remains in suspected mass graves". According to them, "key politicians in Punjab have assisted these search teams and on occasion even provided logistical facilities for them".

An article in a recent Sunday Guardian by Madhav Nalapat said " the Obama administration has dialled back on the hectic efforts by Hillary Clinton to paint the Gujarat CM as guilty of mass murder and even genocide. "This is clear from the latest report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has sharply scaled back its criticism of the Modi government as compared to earlier reports". According to a senior official, "President Obama does not share Hillary Clinton's confrontational approach and her preference for Sonia Gandhi, and is looking to establish a pragmatic partnership with India should Modi become the Prime Minister".

But the damage has already done, and under a Narendra Modi premiership there is hardly any room for the Indo-US relationship to improve.

The U.S. government, which has balked at issuing Modi a visa since the riots in which Modi’s people were implicated even though a special investigation cleared him of complicity last year. When asked if the US would decide to restore Mr. Modi's visa, Nish Desai Biswal the assistant secretary for Asia in the State Department replied, primly and properly, that he was free to apply for a visa at any time, the application would be decided on its merits and she could not comment on the outcome.

Here's Our - Asian Tribune - take:

Sri Lanka has a 'Golden Opportunity' to balance her foreign relations with both India and the United States. One advantage Sri Lanka has - in the face of US offensive moving three resolutions and working closely with Sri Lanka's adversaries within the Tamil Diaspora - that , under prime minister Narendra Modi, the Indo-US relations will not be the same as it was five or six years ago.

President Obama may find hard to mend the relations with India should Mr. Modi become India's leader because of the damage incurred by (former) secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Even if he fails to become the prime minister, Narendra Modi will assume the role of a very powerful and influential leader in India's opposition who will have stakes in India's foreign policy and domestic arrangements.

Sri Lanka needs to step in at this moment to have close working relationship with Modi's BJP to soften the US Clout'.

Two weeks ago the Obama administration further complicated US-Sri Lanka relations by having 'close door' dialogue with the representatives of some of the Tamil expatriate groups declared by the Government of Sri Lanka as separatist/terrorist movements. The US in fact rejected Sri Lanka's position on those 16 movements designated by the GSL as subversive movements.

Since late, Jayalalithaa Jayaram's Tamil Nadu government has been an irritant to Sri Lanka, and if Sri Lanka plays her cards correctly it could get the help of the Modi regime or Modi's influential position as the opposition leader to sort out things with India and lessen its meddling in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka while getting India to move the United States out of Sri Lankan domestic affairs.

If the handlers of external affairs in Sri Lanka could get down to do an extensive study, analyses and research of these strange relations between Indo-US-Sri Lanka and arrive at a forward-looking foreign policy agenda this South Asian nation could distance the meddling of operatives within the Tamil Diaspora, the meddling that has given rise to the 'Global Diplomatic Offensive' - far worse than Vellupillai Prabhaharan's lethal 26-year campaign of terror.

The factors that have surrounded a new Sri Lanka approach are: (1) The defeatist US design 'Get Narendra Modi Policy' that adjusted Modi's attitude toward the United States (2) How strategic Sri Lanka is in regard to its approach toward Narendra Modi (3) The importance of using 'Modi Factor' to distance the operatives within the Tamil Diaspora from the US State Department (4) How Sri Lanka could benefit from the downward Indo-US relations (5) Through all these scenarios how Sri Lanka's foreign policy is placed to normalize relations with the United States and, most importantly with Tamil Nadu.

Secretary Clinton's 'Get Modi' Policy holds disastrous to US under Modi regime | Asian Tribune


And all this time all our fellow Indians were demonizing Modi ji.

Look at who the real villain turned out to be:

So you see, all this 'Secoolarism' is nothing but corporate interests of Americans and other colonial powers to continue their domination of Asia.

Let's see what our Hindu-hating, secular Indian friends here have to say now.
Sounds a bit far-fetched to be honest. I know there is truth in the news that NGOs agitated the locals and even paid them off wrt the TN nuke plant and the GoI had withdrawn the licences to NGOs involved in this. But the points about the clandestine search for mass graves in Gujarat and the overall "get Modi" campaign I find hard to believe.

Especially considering this is Hilary Clinton we are talking about who is heavily criticised by the Republicans in the US for being "too soft".

IF this is true this is HUGE news and news Modi won't react to kindly.

I feel this is actually someone trying to destroy Indo-US relations.
Sounds a bit far-fetched to be honest. I know there is truth in the news that NGOs agitated the locals and even paid them off wrt the TN nuke plant and the GoI had withdrawn the licences to NGOs involved in this. But the points about the clandestine search for mass graves in Gujarat and the overall "get Modi" campaign I find hard to believe.

Its plausible. Look around the world to see how the US used such tactics even decades ago. Hell, the hunt for OBL invovled the Red Cross. If an opportunity presents, they will jump on it. It's a given.

You can look on youtube to see Right wing Christian groups attending fund raising events for the militant groups of the Northeast who claim they are being targetted! Can you believe that? Yes on youtube....

They did take care of it.
The Govt appointed an independent committee to verify safety, it gave the go ahead.
The NPCIL gave it own report to the people of the area, showing safety results.

Heck, even President Kalam came himself to the area and assured the local people that he himself has had it checked and there would be no threat to them.

They just didnt listen. Then the disclosure came that they were being funded by a NGO's based abroad. It made complete sense then.

Yup I followed the whole thing from start to finish. For me, these type of shenignans only create more distrust, not trust. It seems they don't want a strong India, only a servant. Really sad....I guess its beneficial to keep India poor and "subjugated".....in turn they are able to bring the best and brightest over the West easier and help their development over ours!

That's why I go in on Sonia and Rahul bro. Their family since Nehru has played India like a fiddle. When I see Nehru courting with the British royalty, you can tell he wish he was one of them. When I see Sardar, he reminds me of my father and uncles who work hard for India. We all including minorities are quick to jump on Modi but we don't understand, there are forces steering us to keep our focus on the BS.

In this day and age, its not possible to hurt a religious minority especially in India. The world will jump on that if it ever got the chance.
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Its plausible. Look around the world to see how the US used such tactics even decades ago. Hell, the hunt for OBL invovled the Red Cross. If an opportunity presents, they will jump on it. It's a given.

You can look on youtube to see Right wing Christian groups attending fund raising events for the militant groups of the Northeast who claim they are being targetted! Can you believe that? Yes on youtube....
I believe the NGO nonsense and I really hope that Modi and his new ex IB NSA keep a watchful eye on these scum, but the whole part about Hilary's "get Modi" campaign regarding clandestine searches of Gujarat and such I just don't find plausible.

In these situations you should look at who would gain from people believing these reports:

a) BJP (anti Congress/UPA piece)
b) The likes of Russia who are trying to court India as an ally against the US
c) Pakistan, don't want closer Indo-US ties
d) Modi himself- makes him look like a victim of some elaborate conspiracy against him

I would just take this with a bucket of salt I don't trust Indian journos one bit and until I see some third party report it I won't buy it.
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