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Hezbollah says will quit Syria if Arab stop meddling

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We slapped you in the face several times over the years such as shipping your fellow countrymen terrorists in bags, we took down your Aircrafts. We saw nothing but mere rants.

The objectives we had in mind was never equal to Iraq's, ours basically were:

1- Destroying Iran's military machine which inherited from the Shah days, special thanks for the Mullahs, they killed every military man and were left with nothing during the war.

2- Destroying your economic infrastructure, bankrupting you, and limiting your energy exports.

3- Demonizing and instigating the Intl. Community against you. Basically every country stood against Iran.

4- The prevention of exporting the so called " Islamic " Revolt of yours..

Right you, Iran as a state, from a national security point of view, poses no serious threat to us. The minute Iran picks the fight, will be the minute where they will pay heavily for it.

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme

I don't understand to what does this video correlate to the subject. But I do understand that everybody who left his country to go to Syria has made a personal choice, just as much as these savages:

Do you know how many times your country begged us to get these savages out of Syria? :lol:

You might want to LoL at this then:


As I said, without the funding you received, you wouldn't have replaced your MiG-21s with MiG-29s and MiG-25s. Even the Iranian leadership openly stated that without our support, Iraq wouldn't have stand a chance against them :rofl:

The very least people to talk about oil money should be Iraqis bro :lol:

Historians would most certainly agree that neither Iraq or Iran was worth fighting for :lol: Supporting them is well-documented in history.

Actually Iranians'd already knew your true face, thank you for revealing it for others ... you " Khademain Harmmain Sharifain ".
. .
I don't regard articles as evidence neither any rational human does, period.

Nice try ..
Right you, Iran as a state, from a national security point of view, poses no serious threat to us. The minute Iran picks the fight, will be the minute where they will pay heavily for it.

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme

Actually Iranians'd already knew your true face, thank you for revealing it for others ... you " Khademain Harmmain Sharifain ".

The only face we show to you is the very same face we showed when we shipped your terrorists brothers in bags.
We slapped you in the face several times over the years such as shipping your fellow countrymen terrorists in bags, we took down your Aircrafts. We saw nothing but mere rants.

The objectives we had in mind was never equal to Iraq's, ours basically were:

1- Destroying Iran's military machine which inherited from the Shah days, special thanks for the Mullahs, they killed every military man and were left with nothing during the war.

2- Destroying your economic infrastructure, bankrupting you, and limiting your energy exports.

3- Demonizing and instigating the Intl. Community against you. Basically every country stood against Iran..
I find the irony of how this brainless wahhahi piece of shit says "we" and "you" when crossing line on claiming they are capable of fjnishing iran.

Who "WE"?? What do you mean by that? It was Iraq who fought Iran, not Saudi. Learn the difference. If it was Saudi against Iran back then Riyadh would be conquered easily because Iran and Iraq was the military superpower of the region. KSA army was created in 1991.

Secondly how can Iran retaliate to KSA's airspace while they were at war with Iraq? The same Iraq who were totally miliitarized by receiving weapons all 44 countries just they used oil funds from Saudi, Kuwait, UAE etc yet failed to conquer Iran then backstabbed the the Arab version of Stalin :lol:

Oh not to mention, after the failure of KSA against Iraq, they called the UN = Uncle Sam to bring 33 countries to bring down Iraq alone, 33 countries! then established gulf bases.

How can KSA say we can confront Iran when they have foreign bases, failed in no more than a second to beat Iraq while they drew with us for 8 years!

So you wana fght then get rid of the master's bases or 33 counntries will hit Iran like Iraq. This is coward act.
I find the irony of how this brainless wahhahi piece of shit says "we" and "you" when crossing line on claiming they are capable of fjnishing iran.

Well, I said if Iran looks for trouble, then be it as it may.

Attacking me personally won't help you to prove your point. I'm very thankful for your contribution, this shows how civilized the Iranians are.

Who "WE"?? What do you mean by that? It was Iraq who fought Iran, not Saudi

We were belligerent just as much as your politicians painfully reiterate it every now and then. Haven't you seen them crying blood about it in Germany last year? :lol:

If it was Saudi against Iran back then Riyadh would be conquered easily


Prior to the war with Iraq? Yes, you were and through the first two year. You could have retaliate against us at a time when we shipped your brothers in bags to your country. All what you had to do is to zip your mouth up.

Bro, you even sent kids to clean the minefields to your army, Iran was an utter joke.

Secondly how can Iran retaliate to KSA's airspace while they were at war with Iraq?

Why would you violate KSA's airspace in the first place then?
Why didn't you ask for the return of the bodies of the pilots? You do realize it is hell of a shame do you? :lol:

KSA army was created in 1991.

Did your pilots or your leaders said that :rofl:

Oh not to mention, after the failure of KSA against Iraq, they called the UN = Uncle Sam to bring 33 countries to bring down Iraq alone, 33 countries! then established gulf bases.

We ourselves were a part of this alliance to liberate Kuwait. You must have gotten an A in history :D

How can KSA say we can confront Iran when they have foreign bases, failed in no more than a second to beat Iraq while they drew with us for 8 years!

So you wana fght then get rid of the master's bases or 33 counntries will hit Iran like Iraq. This is coward act

Now you too suck at military studies and perhaps geography :lol:

We don't even maintain any foreign military base, brat.

@JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BATMAN

I find the irony of how this brainless wahhahi piece of shit says "we" and "you" when crossing line on claiming they are capable of fjnishing iran.

Who "WE"?? What do you mean by that? It was Iraq who fought Iran, not Saudi. Learn the difference. If it was Saudi against Iran back then Riyadh would be conquered easily because Iran and Iraq was the military superpower of the region. KSA army was created in 1991.

Secondly how can Iran retaliate to KSA's airspace while they were at war with Iraq? The same Iraq who were totally miliitarized by receiving weapons all 44 countries just they used oil funds from Saudi, Kuwait, UAE etc yet failed to conquer Iran then backstabbed the the Arab version of Stalin :lol:

Oh not to mention, after the failure of KSA against Iraq, they called the UN = Uncle Sam to bring 33 countries to bring down Iraq alone, 33 countries! then established gulf bases.

How can KSA say we can confront Iran when they have foreign bases, failed in no more than a second to beat Iraq while they drew with us for 8 years!

So you wana fght then get rid of the master's bases or 33 counntries will hit Iran like Iraq. This is coward act.
. . .
I find the irony of how this brainless wahhahi piece of shit says "we" and "you" when crossing line on claiming they are capable of fjnishing iran.

Who "WE"?? What do you mean by that? It was Iraq who fought Iran, not Saudi. Learn the difference. If it was Saudi against Iran back then Riyadh would be conquered easily because Iran and Iraq was the military superpower of the region. KSA army was created in 1991.

All that is correct:tup:


The bedouins would be obliterated in a war on their own hence why they are trying to use the 'we' in Iraq’s name though no Iraqi will accept it.
All that is correct:tup:


The bedouins would be obliterated in a war on their own hence why they are trying to use the 'we' in Iraq’s name though no Iraqi will accept it.

Currently, Iraqis are killing each other. :lol:

Such a waste.

What else Mr. Mimic-me has to say? :lol:

You seem somehow to lack creative! :rofl:
That’s a weak *** reply, hope you will learn from your mistakes now.



Look Gypsy/Mongol. We already invaded what is now Iran nearly 1400 years earlier and finished the job on nearly all imaginable levels and the conquests aftereffects are felt on nearly all levels today. Created 3 of 11 largest empires the world have ever seen and countless of other kingdoms, sheikdoms, emirates and sultanates across the world and on 3 continents. Our influence is seen across the entire Muslim world and many other non-Muslim places on most levels.

While you failed miserable when it became your turn nearly 1400 years after. Both of you did. In fact we are happy that we used mindless idiots to fight their own war. Nobody wants to give their life for something that they do not care about. Nor the other way around.

Nor will anybody "claim" your failures. Money wasted if you ask me. Should have made Iraq an Iranian colony. Like they are today and were for centuries before that.
If it was not for all the foreign money that you lived off Iraq would be a Persian province today probably and Kurdistan would have been a sovereign state a long time ago.

Now don't come crying while you started the insults and have been trolling several threads about KSA. After all you are highly obsessed about KSA despite claiming to be neutral but we always knew that anyway.
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brainless wahhahi piece of shit says

At least, he is a better human, you shittes are full of hate and this is why, when out of argument, went down sectarian path.

If it was Saudi against Iran back then Riyadh would be conquered easily because Iran and Iraq was the military superpower of the region. KSA army was created in 1991.

How can KSA say we can confront Iran when they have foreign bases

You war mongers would have attacked KSA by now, if it was any lesser in its defence, than Iraq.

Look Gypsy/Mongol. We already invaded what is now Iran nearly 1400 years earlier and finished the job on nearly all imaginable levels and the conquests aftereffects are felt on nearly all levels today. Created 3 of 11 largest empires the world have ever seen and countless of other kingdoms, sheikdoms, emirates and sultanates across the world and on 3 continents. Our influence is seen across the entire Muslim world and many other non-Muslim places on most levels.

While you failed miserable when it became your turn nearly 1400 years after. Both of you did. In fact we are happy that we used mindless idiots to fight their own war. Nobody wants to give their life for something that they do not care about. Nor the other way around.

Nor will anybody "claim" your failures. Money wasted if you ask me. Should have made Iraq an Iranian colony. Like they are today and were for centuries before that.
If it was not for all the foreign money that you lived off Iraq would be a Persian province today probably and Kurdistan would have been a sovereign state a long time ago.

Now don't come crying while you started the insults and have been trolling several threads about KSA. After all you are highly obsessed about KSA despite claiming to be neutral but we always knew that anyway.

So I got you mad again :yay:


Again I see racism against the Mongols, not offended but racism upsets me:sad:
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