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Heisenberg's theory of uncertainty based on Vedas, Rajnath Singh says

Actually all you have said is also true for the Kashmiri's.................. .before they became muslims :coffee:
If you are dreaming that the same would be the fate of the Bengalis then that dream of yours my friend is a wet dream.The situation of the Kashmiris who converted over a period of 1000 years under continuous Islamic persecution was something that could have taken place at that point of time not in today's world.I mean what kind of person in his/her right mind would thing that a community would convert as a whole despite state protection and democracy?Please come out of your fools paradise.

At first I thought you were still living in 20th century when the world and India has moved on to 21st century. So all your listing of the greatness of Bengali history is just that - History. That Bengal is gone. It does not exist anymore. What we have there is an Islamic Bengal carrying out a pretense of being a Hindu majority state.

But then I was wrong. What you are is a bigot who thinks Hinduism in its current form is a corruption. That puranas/itihasas are not valid. What you want is a Hinduism that looks and feels like Islam and other monotheistic faiths. Well, too bad for you. Hinduism is not monotheistic. Not even by the definition of Vedas.

You say Bengalis are pissed off at rest of India for not being monotheistic. Maybe you would like to lead the charge along with your Bangla bondhus to destroy idolatory and all Hindu temples in India. Will await your campaign.

Also, perhaps you have never heard that there is a southern area of our country called South India where Hindu traditions, scriptures, and knowledge was never destroyed.

Lastly, no I would not call our NE friends as Chinese. You would be disappointed with that info, I guess. Also I am not the kind to woo anyone, Kashmiri or no Kashmiri. I believe in gun boat diplomacy. Whatever language Kashmiris understand, I am willing to adopt that language.

I am sorry!! Please forgive me and refer to my signature if you are looking forward any further reply from me.You are not aware of the ground reality of Bengal and are simply concocting tales of sorts.BTW you have managed to twist my entire post and its meaning.BTW there are hoards of Bengalis right outside my house who are going to a mass conversion ceremony at the local mosque.
Ohh wait!!! Theres no mosque in Bhawanipore!!!
You don't make any sense to me mate.. I asked you a direct question. It seems you don't want to respond to that, instead just type some gibberish.
Let me give an example, when you watch a movie in a theatre you are so engrossed in it that you feel its part of your world, once you step out of the theatre you see the real world, but what if that real world is also a projection of your mind? and that this world is not real and there is another reality?
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Muslim fundamentalists has long played this Drama of "all Science is in Quran" Now its hindu fundamentalists Turn to Preach that "All Science in In Vedas"
No,Hindus were the first people who made that claim much before Muslims.Al beruni in his book al hind says that Hindus believe everything is there in Vedas and puranas(this I think in 11th or 12th century)
No,Hindus were the first people who made that claim much before Muslims.Al beruni in his book al hind says that Hindus believe everything is there in Vedas and puranas(this I think in 11th or 12th century)
Still Hindus Fundamentalists are welcome to do it
The observer's characteristics affect their perception of reality, not reality itself.

If you look at something with the naked eye, you see something. When you look at it through sunglasses, you see something different. Reality hasn't changed but your perception of it has.

Well, Stephen Hawking is one of the few physicists whom I respect.
So how can one define reality when his perception of it changes with the setting his in?
Where did any physicists agreed to that universe is nothing but consciousness? If these are physicists, then there has to be any literary review based on it.

The main question is not Heisenberg uncertainty principle existed in vedas or not, but real question is did Rajnath Singh know anything about Heisenberg uncertainty principle ?
I am late in to discussion but I had some points to make on this topic. I ignore Rajnath Singh and focuse on statement. I think we, current generation, denounce a lot of theories and its existence and we believe that Science which exist in Modern era and follow the same. This is very closed thinking and to burst your bubble, many scientists study and refer ancient texts irrespective of religion to refer the Hypothesis mentioned there. Some to refer them are Bohr, Schrodinger, Einstein, Tesla etc. Even many Scientists in today's world are exploring the possibilities.

Also, Ancient texts provides Hypothesis a cause to work on and little to detailed explanation. Those could be right or wrong based on the practicals did at time. Scientist referred and tried to postulate them.

My best friend is passed from IIT and then went ahead in London to do his PHD and his focus area was quantum Computing. so he is better educated than 99% of us here. As he is strong follower ISKCON so during our discussion he gave me references the way it is mentioned in our Ancient texts. I can't quote them as that was long time back but if you need I can ask him for the papers.

Now, some posters are jumping for the Proof then still there is no proof for Heisenberg's uncertainty. I will believe when I will transfer from particle to Wave. When you turn in to one come back with Proof and then we will discuss.
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The main question is not Heisenberg uncertainty principle existed in vedas or not, but real question is did Rajnath Singh know anything about Heisenberg uncertainty principle ?

Given that he is a lecturer of Physics I would say he knows a lot more about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle than you do.
So how can one define reality when his perception of it changes with the setting his in?

We have built instrument which can detect those parts of reality which our biological senses can't.

Our eyes can't detect photons in the ultraviolet range, but our instruments surely can, so we can be confident that those photons exist in an objective reality regardless of our biological limitations.
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