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'Hefazat a creation of Shahbagh movement'


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Created on July 9, 2013 at 11:45
'Hefazat a creation of Shahbagh movement'
Manik Miazee Politics

'Hefazat a creation of Shahbagh movement' | Dhaka Tribune

The former military ruler claims the country is divided into two poles because of the Shahbagh movement


Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad
Photo- Dhaka Tribune
Hefazat-e-Islam was created by the Shahbagh movement, and the reason behind the ruling Awami League’s sweeping defeat in the five city corporation polls, Jatiya Party (JP) Chairman HM Ershad said.

He made the remark at a presentation programme of Jatiya Party Research and Studies Wing at a city hotel on Tuesday morning.

The former military ruler said the country was now divided into two poles solely due to the Shahbagh movement. “I urged the prime minister to stop the Shahbagh movement, but she never listened to me.”

Criticising the government for amending the constitution for the trial of war criminals, Ershad said: “The government amended it [International Crimes Tribunal Act] solely because of the Shahbagh movement.”

A group of bloggers and online activists started the Shahbagh movement on February 5 at the capital’s Shahbagh intersection. The movement initially protested the lifetime imprisonment sentence given to war criminal and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Abdul Quader Mollah, terming it “too lenient.” The demand for capital punishment for Quader Mollah gradually spread to other parts of the country and among Bangladeshis abroad. It eventually turned into a mass movement demanding capital punishment for all the war criminals.

On February 18, the government amended the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) Act, clearing way for the prosecution to appeal against verdicts given at the tribunal and for the tribunal to hold trial of any organisation for committing crimes against humanity during the Liberation War.

Hefazat-e-Islam, a Chittagong-based Islamist outfit, termed the leaders of the Shahbagh movement “atheists,” and launched a counter movement soon after demanding their capital punishment. It staged two big showdowns in the capital in April and May, the latter of which resulted in widespread violence, and the government’s removal of the permanent structure of the Shahbagh movement.

The main opposition BNP, many parties of the BNP-led 18-party alliance, and Ershad's Jatiya Party extended their support to Hefazat.

Referring to the recently concluded Gazipur City Corporation (GCC) polls, Ershad said the poll results proved that nothing could prevent the fall of a party if people lost confidence in it.

Claiming that no one had criticised the government more than he had, Ershad said: “The decision to support the ruling party-backed candidate in the Gazipur elections was my own. It does not harm the party in any way. The decision will make coming to power easy.”

He, however, said his party would not serve again as a staircase for any other party’s attempt to ascend to power.

Terming the parliament “inactive,” the JP Chief said: “People do not want to hear the language that MPs use in parliament.”

The research that the Jatiya Party Research and Studies Wing presented showed that Ershad was the most popular of the top three political leaders in the country, followed by BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and Prime Minister and Awami League Chief Sheikh Hasina.

GCC polls signal 10 for AL: Ershad
Ershad stands beside Azmat Ullah in GCC polls
Government’s popularity has come down to zero: Ershad
Last updated on July 9, 2013 at 23:53
Plain and simple. IIT TI MARLE PATKEL TO KHETEI HOBE.too much secularism /anti religious mental cases in one place bound to attract people who wants to save ones belief from Murtad/nastiks.
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