To me the last clashes of HAMAS with Israel strategically was big a mistake..
ME is boling like pit of hell at the moment. All muslim countries around Israel are bussy with their own troubles. Egypt, Turkey, Iran and others.
Iran blindly support a dictator regime at expense of all possbile loses.
Egypt busy with his own internal trouble.
Turkey is focused on Syria, try to repel Iran and Assad regime threads while fighting with PKK attacks sponsored by Iran Syria and Maliki.
i think Iran had planned to draw attention of muslim world from Syria to over Palastine issue. So iran incited Israel to attack on Gazze by rocket attacks of pro-Iran Islamic Jihad on Israel.
at result, HAMAs didnt get any benefit or millitary succes but losing over hundrends people and large damage of instrafructure
furthermore, there was an ongoing cisefire agreement between Hamas and Israel. So Hamas should have obeyed that agreement.
the most logical policy Hamas must drive is maintainig to unite with Al Fatih, waiting for ME conflicts to be calm and avoiding off any clashes with israel.