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Has Pak. been sidelined by the Indo-Afgh. Strategic Agreement?

India is winning against Pakistan? That may be the point the author was trying to make. Is India in a race with Pakistan? here on PDF this seems to be the case, but I do not think we are in a race with Pakistan. India has her own compulsions, we have to develop fast and pull millions out of poverty. We have to improve our political and social justice system. Give a better quality of life to all our citizens. We have to guard against aggressive intentions of a powerful neighbour. There are many things we have to do. Racing against Pakistan is not one of them.
Go ahead say it ..... when did anyone really care what we Pakistanis believe :angel: ?

Nope we are losing there too ..... There are other countries we can follow example of if we need to get our state terrorism act together

:sniper: Yes we are Pakistani...
Message for enemies ......Do Or Die....
Fear is no policy surrender is no option......:pakistan:
Indian boots in Afghanistan means indian combat equipment used by afghan forces

No it doesn't. Boots refers to people, combatants, soldiers and not combat equipment. Basically a visualisation of marching boots on foreign soil. An example - India uses a lot of Russian combat equipment but there are no Russian boots on Indian soil.
I don't understand one thing here, there are parts of Afghanistan under Taliban control. Does this mean we will be training only those forces of the Govt which is internationally recognised?? What will be Taliban's stand on this, i guess they will not be happy with us. So what will be the resulting situation??

It means that we train the Afghan military, Afghan federal police forces, other governmental security and defence agencies. What does the Taliban have to do with it? There are parts of Mumbai where the underworld holds sway but we do not consult them before running a training programme for the local police, do we?
The article is Quoted from Xinhua. So don't let out a barrage without reading.
Pakistan is giving India status of Most Favorite Nation , passage to Kabul in exchange Kashmir freedom and stop createing hurdle for EU market. Let see how the things go.

KASHMIR FREEDOM really, it is in your dream. Every state in India was, is and will remain part of India. The freedom of illegally occupied Kashmir will have to be secured by force and expel all the outsiders settled in that region.
Pakistan is panicking way too much as far as indo-afgh deals are concerned, karzai has recently stated that india as well as pakistan are important partners for development of Afghanistan.
Pakistan is giving India status of Most Favorite Nation , passage to Kabul in exchange Kashmir freedom and stop createing hurdle for EU market. Let see how the things go.

You're a tad bit late on Afghanistan, matey. We've already moved ahead, bypassing you. We cleared the EU hurdle soon after creating it. The rest is all EL OH EL. :P

As for the title, its not we who are "winning" but you who are losing. We are just walking at the same speed we always have. You're going in the opposite direction.
India and Afghanistan: Getting ready beyond 2014​

Friday, October 14, 2011

The signing of the strategic partnership agreement between India and Afghanistan not only underlines India's engagement at multiple levels in Afghanistan but also India's future strategy in the region. To allay any misgiving regarding inking of this agreement, the text refers to the January 4, 1950, treaty of friendship to underline the historical nature of such a partnership.

The strategic partnership agreement signed on October 4, 2011 deals with four broad subjects: political and security cooperation; trade and economic cooperation; capacity development and education; social, cultural, civil society and people to people relations. To operationalise their vision the two countries have decided to establish a partnership council and separate working groups for each of these issues. This agreement is a reflection of India's resolve to stay engaged in Afghanistan in spite of several deadly attacks on its interests in the past.

India's strategy is built on the following: First, for any Afghanistan government to be a viable sovereign country it needs a government that is supported by all the ethnic groups and, thus, New Delhi has been supportive of an Afghan-led reintegration and reconciliation process.

Second, for a viable state that can pursue independent foreign policy Afghanistan needs an outlet to the outside world. In this context India is engaged in several infrastructure projects including the development of Chabahar port in Iran.

Third, Afghan forces must be combat capable to take the responsibility in the post transition period to deal with the emerging security challenges. Thus, India's decision to train Afghan security forces would be significant.

Fourth, India continues sustainable engagement in terms of providing vocational training, providing medical facilities, and building educational institution, which will help generate goodwill and sustain its presence in the post transition phase.

Fifth, India has pledged to support the capacity building of vital institutions like the executive, judiciary and parliament in Afghanistan and is already training its bureaucracy.

Sixth, it is important to expand scholarships to Afghan students in medical, engineering and management institutes in India, which will help in human resource development in Afghanistan and facilitate socio-economic transition by helping in capacity building.

Lastly, India would like to be engaged with the regional countries in finding a solution to Afghanistan and in this respect has been supportive of the Afghan government's political and economic initiatives. It shares their apprehensions regarding drugs and extremism in Afghanistan.

India realises the importance of Pakistan in peaceful political transition in Afghanistan. Therefore, rather than getting into a flurry of activities that involves reconciliation or security it initially restricted itself to economic development and capacity building. This was in spite of Afghanistan's request to train its security forces and have defence cooperation. It was also slow in releasing the money from the $2 billion fund earmarked for development. In fact after the suicide attack on the Indian Embassy, and later the attack on the hotel where the Indian workers were staying, there was some rethinking in New Delhi whether it should stay involved or not.

To allay India's fear regarding security of its investment President Karzai visited India on his way to the Saarc summit in April last year and personally assured the safety of Indian workers, requesting New Delhi not to reduce its engagement. At the same time India resolved not to be bogged down by terrorist threats. Thus, India not only increased its pledge to $2 billion dollar but also took a firm decision to remain engaged in spite of deteriorating security situation.

Afghanistan has announced that it prefers to talk to Pakistan rather than the Taliban to take the reconciliation and reintegration effort forward after Rabbani's death. In any case, this process was hardly "Afghan led process" and has been carried out secretly by the United States. India realises this and has been pursuing a multi-pronged approach. While it has kept Pakistan bilaterally engaged in talks to address the issue of terrorism it is also in touch with the regional countries through bilateral and multilateral forums.

Pakistan has tried its best to sideline India in Afghanistan. Given Pakistan's close links with the Taliban, the international community has prevented India from playing any major role. It was sidelined in the London conference and was not even invited to the Istanbul conference.

As the support to Taliban continues and the talks with them remain elusive as before, international frustration is also growing. Kabul's patience is running out. It is not surprising that India and Afghanistan finally took steps to forge a strategic partnership that will allow New Delhi to train Afghan security forces to deal with the post-withdrawal situation. The US has acquiesced to India's role in the region in the absence of any constructive help from Pakistan that would facilitate US exit.

The regional countries are concerned about the situation in Afghanistan and have repeatedly mentioned drug trafficking and extremism as major concerns for them. Yet, there is no concrete proposal to deal with the situation that may arise in the post-withdrawal scenario. Other than issuing statements CSTO and SCO do not have any future plan. Iran is also trying to leverage its bargaining power in Afghanistan. It has engaged India to curtail Pakistan's presence in Afghanistan by allowing it to build an alternative port in Chabahar. New Delhi has built the Zarang Delaram road that connects Afghanistan with Iran.

India, Pakistan and Afghanistan are not engaged at official level to address their mutual concerns. However, unofficially, the three countries have had several dialogues at the track two level. Officially, Pakistan does not recognise any role for India in Afghanistan. While, on the one hand it refuses to engage in talks with India on Afghanistan, it raises several questions regarding India's presence on the other .There is no other way to address Islamabad's security concerns other than having a frank dialogue on Afghanistan.

The strategic partnership agreement between India and Afghanistan would go a long way in creating a support structure for strengthening civilian administration while cooperating on security issues. An unstable Afghanistan will have several repercussions for regional stability. While it is expected that reconciliation and reintegration would help in formation of an inclusive government, Delhi is aware of the pitfalls if it fails.

A return of a radical regime will have immediate effect on the neighbouring countries and India. Thus, the initiative for a resolution to the Afghan conflict needs to come from the region rather than the US. The strategic partnership agreement is a small step to contribute to a self-reliant Afghan state that is independent and confident enough not to become a pawn in geopolitical game.
It is not surprising that India and Afghanistan finally took steps to forge a strategic partnership that will allow New Delhi to train Afghan security forces to deal with the post-withdrawal situation.

Nows lets discuss this Statement. Lets presume Indian military training is not of the level of Americans AND THATS 4 SURE, and even the Americans and NATO are getting pinned down even having all advance weaponry (u name it n they have it in arsenal ) than HOW IN THE BLUE WORLD Afghan military will withstand the upcoming mighty onslaught of Taliban.

All these pacts are nothing more than a PIPE DREAMS.
It's ready post 2014 today:


ICOS rating on Taliban control in Afghanistan is meaningless - Threat Matrix
It is not surprising that India and Afghanistan finally took steps to forge a strategic partnership that will allow New Delhi to train Afghan security forces to deal with the post-withdrawal situation.

Nows lets discuss this Statement. Lets presume Indian military training is not of the level of Americans AND THATS 4 SURE, and even the Americans and NATO are getting pinned down even having all advance weaponry (u name it n they have it in arsenal ) than HOW IN THE BLUE WORLD Afghan military will withstand the upcoming mighty onslaught of Taliban.

All these pacts are nothing more than a PIPE DREAMS.

If you are smart enough you will realise all throughout the history of Afghan , only Afghans have defended themselves no external force has been able to subdue them for long ... this is where the clever Indians are training Afghans to defend themselves and not sending their troops to fight ...
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