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Haqqani blames ISI for failing to track down CIA operatives


Sep 21, 2011
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Pakistan’s former Ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, has accused his country's security establishment of its incompetence and lax attitude that allowed Osama bin Laden to live undetected inside Pakistan for nine years. Haqqani, generally believed to be working on CIA dictates, was shown the door unceremoniously in November, 2011 when he was caught conspiring with the American establishment to remove the entire top-command of Pakistan army and ISI after Abbottabad Operation.

The operation was conducted by American Seals on May 2, 2013 to get OBL. It was generally believed in Pakistan’s security circles that Mr. Haqqani issued visas to CIA operatives, prior to the operation without mandatory security clearance which paved the way for unchecked entry of dozens of US intelligence assets and contractors into Pakistan.
Mr. Haqqani is facing a case in Pakistan’s superior court and is fugitive from law. In its last hearing, the Supreme Court has asked the government to find ways to bring him back by force, if so required.

According to Abbottabad Commission Report, which was leaked to foreign media, the primary responsibility for aiding and abetting the establishment of a nationwide CIA network in Pakistan whose purpose was to subvert the sovereign independence of the country and prepare the ground for the outrage of May 2, 2011, lay with Mr. Haqqani’s principals, a clear reference to Mr. Asif Zardari. Moreover, Mr. Haqqani has been caught by the commission lying about the visa issues and presenting wrong figures to save his skin regarding the allegations that he allowed the likes of Raymond Davis to enter and operate in Pakistan.

Mr. Haqqani was summoned by the Commission but his replies to queries and his denial of the charge of issuing visas without authorizations were found to be pack of lies when corroborated with documentary evidence. In his rejoinder to the allegations leveled in the Commission Report, which was carried by Indian media, Mr Haqqani has laid blame on ISI for its failure to track down the spies to whom he is alleged to have given visas without following the due process. The Abbottabad Commission carried out a deliberate exercise by examining; visa issue details from Pakistan’s Embassy in Washington, and also interviewing ex-Ambassador Mr Haqqani.

It was revealed that prior to July 14, 2010, visa application of officials and diplomats in any part of the world were required to go through security clearance procedures by the Ministry of Interior (through ISI and IB). Due to pressure from the US Government, a waiver was granted only to the Embassy in Washington, wherein the ambassador could issue visas up to one year without security clearances.
The Commission in its report also observed that Haqqani is answerable for his role. But the primary responsibility for aiding and abetting the establishment of a nationwide CIA network in Pakistan whose purpose was to subvert the sovereign independence of the country and prepare the ground for the outrage of May 2, 2011 lay with Mr. Haqqani’s principals. Mr. Haqqani directly reported to them and relied on direct instructions from them, bypassing his proper reporting channel which was to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Among others, the Commission also blames country’s security agencies for their incompetence. The report, which was in the custody of country’s prime minister since January 2013 was leaked to foreign media in an obvious attempt to put the agencies and the military establishment under pressure to pave the way for improving relations with archrival, India.

Abbottabad Commission Report: Haqqani blames ISI for failing to track down CIA operatives





Haqqani has been already proven to be a traitor in the MEMOGATE case! so nothing new here! this enemy of Pakistan needs to be brought to Pakistan and tried!
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