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Jul 22, 2011
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We are a polarized nation. Everyone calls themselves as punjabi, Sindhi, muhajir , baloch, Pathan, seraiki etc..no one wants to be known as Pakistani. Put ur keyboard patriotism aside for a moment and think. Be honest to urself..

If ethnic basis are not sufficient for division we move to religion..shia, Sunni, brevelvi, deobandi,rizvi, ismaili bla bla bla..again no emphasis on being a muslim..

We don't need enemies.. We can destroy ourselves quite effectively.. We don't need India, USA or Israel...this segregation we have is more than enough for destruction

Perhaps zaid hamid was right..we are in a civil war..looking at the grisly video and others that I have seen offline..just tells me one thing that we are not only broken morally, ethically but we have lost right to call ourselves humans... Some comments I see on this forum are shocking. .. They say Pathans are killed or say mohajir or Sindhis or balochs are killed... Does it matter what ethnic label the person is wearing ??? End is nigh ...

U can hate me for speaking the truth but pls stop ethnic labelling n profiling on this forum and in real life too..

Clearly we have no control on events in our country but we can control ourselves. In cases where we disagree let's just agree to disagree n leave it at that..
I agree with you. We are so blinded by our race and language that we cannot differentiate between right and wrong. All are equal whether he is Mohajir, Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi or Pathan e.t.c but the problem is we do not think rationally. We try to support our own just because he speaks the same language without thinking that he is wrong. Take example of worshippers of different parties in Karachi because of which we are in such a mess. No matter how many times you show them the mirror, they will remain in state of denial.
This has always been an issue. Whenever i meet a fellow Pakistani they ask me where im from they say but where were your parents born and from thier they decipher which caste you are " ok so you are butt or a shiekh or a kwaja or a malik mirza or a khan etc". Then there are the regions too or even the way you speak. I understand the trouble in Karachi has caused people to speak urdu just in case its undesirable! How sad is this? What would the maker of Pakistan say to this!?
A Pakistani, when asked by a member on a forum here whether he should be identified as a Muslim or a Pakistani said he is a Muslim first and then only a Pakistani and his priority would be to defend Islam first and then only Pakistan!

Well, if that's the psyche of some people, how can one call Pakistan as being a 'nation'? If they don't want to fight for their nation how can they defend Islam?
You are right but not 100% right.

When we are in Pakistan, everyone knows that you are Pakistani. So - people differentiate them through their races. When you are in Islamic country everyone knows that you are Muslim, So - people differentiate them through their sects. It's a human nature and it happens in every country and i don't think there is any harm in it.. But when same people are outside the Pakistan, they introduce themselves as Pakistani and Muslim (at-least i haven't met any Pakistani who introduce himself as Punjabi or Pathan etc.). But the problem is that when these factors are exploited by some opportunists for their personal gains and we as a nation are not matured enough to understand their intents.
A Pakistani, when asked by a member on a forum here whether he should be identified as a Muslim or a Pakistani said he is a Muslim first and then only a Pakistani and his priority would be to defend Islam first and then only Pakistan!

Well, if that's the psyche of some people, how can one call Pakistan as being a 'nation'? If they don't want to fight for their nation how can they defend Islam?

I think you forgot that Pakistan is Islamic state, So - if they can defend Islam than they will ultimately defend Pakistan.
yes its true pakistani people need now to learn what is price of pakistan i think we should send delegations to Palestine for better understand .damn
Assalam alaikum

we r multi race,multi language, mutli sectarian soceity actually i like the way we r pholon ka guldasta it is not bad the problems starts when we feel we better then the others

i hate this sindhi , punjabi , balochi, pathan things and even i hate sunni, shia, wahabi type things...................we are muslims and pakistanis and nothing else.....
we should be united as one nation if we did not learn a lesson from 1971 then we should be ready for another incident....
lets promise that we will never ever call ourselves sindhi. punjabi , balochi, pathan BUT PAKISTANI ONLY:pakistan:
I agree with you, leaders are suppose to hold the awaam together, all people follow leaders and they are like fathers. but our corrupt and ****** leaders have destroyed our country.

Im not punjabi, Sindhi, muhajir , baloch, Pathan, seraiki , im only PAKISTANI,

Pakistan Zindabad.
within ourselves we do have differences, no big deal... poor law and order situation created after musharraf's decision to join American WOT, exposed the differences to sort violence against each other, as means to gaina political social and economic supremacy...

I dont think so, in the outside world anyone of us would like to be recognized as Sindhi, Muhajir, Pathan, Baloch or Punjabi... ethnic identity has gripped because of immature politicians, playing the easy way out...

we seriously require Nationalist leaders, I want a Muhajir to represent Sindhi, a Pathan to represent Muhajir, A Baloch to represent Punjabi, and a Punjabi to represent Sindhi....
i think a single honest leader is more than enough................. but we foolish people elect politicians on BARADRI base etc its our own fault that we elect such corrupt leaders and then we cry.
you may not agree with me but its true that as a nation we are corrupt. Our govt servents ( they are our own brothers ) take bribes every department of country is full of black sheeps......even a shopkeeper is not honest....when there is such a mind set of any nation then how we expect that we will elect a honest leadership..........
chor hamesha chor ku he leader banata hai imandar ku nai
we should correct ourselves when we as a nation become honest then we will choose honest leadership
There is nothing wrong with belonging to a tribe, a family, a city, a country, a community or an organisation per se, what is wrong is being nasty to each other. oppressing and suppressing each other, being unjust and unfair to each other, being cruel to each other, promoting animosity instead of brotherhood, holding people back from progress and prosperity.

Any people come together or go apart because they either help each other or hinder each other. That is how countries come in to being and or go out of existence.
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