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Happy birthday, Salmaan Taseer

Salman Taseer was a warrior, the kind, that Allah loves the most---. Salman Taseer stood up to protect HIS weak and the poor----helpless woman, who had no voice in this world of full of fanatic terrorism.

Salman Taseer---my brother---my father had courage just like you had---. I tell you that I never appreciated you before but only in the last days of your life when you stood up for that woman in front of the petty criminals---what a warrior you were---. Actually I didnot know you at all to have appreciated who you were----. May God bless you.

Solomon---thanks for starting this thread.
don't given me western definition of Extremism because whenever Muslims will follow Islam west will always blame us buy calling us Extremist so I make their life easy and Proudly say I am proud to be a extremist and fundamentalist Muslims and Mullah are extremists because they don't tell you that Islam which Evil Nafs of many people want to listen or follow

Ladies and gentlemen: the post above shows why Pakistan is in the state its in and why suicide bombings have become a norm
While i never agreed with his approach to politics or governance, I do respect his views on the issue of minority rights and repealing the blasphemy law --which in my opinion is one of the stupidest and most needless laws to ever exist. I do hope that more people rise up and demand its repealing. In my personal view, it isn't necessary at all. But setting aside personal views on the laws -- i would say that his death was needless and tragic at the same time. He died defending his views, and I respect that.

hopefully his death will indeed remind Pakistanis that extremism has no place in our peaceful religion and has no place at all in the Pakistan Nation's society. Intimidation, murder and hatred are forbidden in Islam.

contrary to vicious propaganda online, the Taseer family is a respectable family. ''Westernized'' or not --it is a fact that many of them have done good things for Pakistan --inside and outside of the country.
Salman Taseer was A great loss for Pakistanis , he was one of only few out spoken people who condemned this medevil laws and its practising. He was shot unarmed and unchallenged by his guard qadri ,Unfortunatly Qadris cowardly act is considered bravery by some of us however Salman did not die in vain his brutal murder was yet another loud alarming call for a sleeping nation

Qadri is in jail; i personally wouldnt mind some of his supporters being silenced as well, but that's just me.
Salman Taseer, a hero. No other words can describe his courage and kindness. The bullets didn't just hit him it hit all of the minorities who are suffering under Islamic extremism.

Us minorities praise and salute this brave man.
In this country anybdy can become a hero after his/her death no matter how he spent his life.

BB,Qadri and taseer....... all the same.
Salman Taseer, a hero. No other words can describe his courage and kindness. The bullets didn't just hit him it hit all of the minorities who are suffering under Islamic extremism.

Us minorities praise and salute this brave man.

minorities suffering under islamic extremism?you should atleast talk sense,, out of 35000 people who died in war against terror can u tell me how many were minorities?Not more than 300.Rest 34,700 were Sunnis,Shias,Barelvis,Deobandis and Wahabis:agree: dont make fun of their sacrifice...there is nothing such as islamic extremism...During war muslims arent even allowed to cut trees let alone killing innocent human beings.

here indian minorities sikh chanting "Pakistan Zindabad in India" acknowledging its fairplay.learn from them instead of being thankless.

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^^ you know how dumb liberals are, do you know these same liberals supported musharraf and drone strikes, now they curse them both..
minorities suffering under islamic extremism?you should atleast talk sense,, out of 35000 people who died in war against terror can u tell me how many were minorities?Not more than 300.Rest 34,700 were Sunnis,Shias,Barelvis,Deobandis and Wahabis:agree: dont make fun of their sacrifice...there is nothing such as islamic extremism...During war muslims arent even allowed to cut trees let alone killing innocent human beings.

here indian minorities sikh chanting "Pakistan Zindabad in India" acknowledging its fairplay.learn from them instead of being thankless.

There are hardly any minorities left to kill now. Lol there is no such thing as Islamic extremism. What world are you living in? Do you know the innocent Ahmadis that were martyred in the bomb blasts in Lahore's mosques? Do you know of the innocent Christians that were killed during the Gojra riots? Do you know the plight of the Hindus in Balochistan that are kidnapped and killed? Do you know the struggle of the Sikhs that have been beheaded by yours truly? Hindus and Sikhs had to wear "special tags" so they can be easily identified and slaughtered. Do you know about the churches that have been attacked in Pakistan?

In the past thousands of Ahmadis have been persecuted in Pakistan. Same goes for Hindus and Christians. Your blasphemy law is the biggest proof of Islamic extremism. Even a few members of my family have been tortured because they were Christians.

Keep living in a world of denial, no wonder why Pakistan is in a sorry state.
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^^ you know how dumb liberals are, do you know these same liberals supported musharraf and drone strikes, now they curse them both..

Yes us big bad liberals are hurting everyone right? Us big bad liberals are going kaboom and causing bloodshed. I've always supported Musharraf and will continue to support him. And weren't you just crying about the development projects that have been stopped in Pakistan cuz of Zardari? Guess who started those projects in the first place? It was big bad Musharraf.

And I will always continue to support drone attacks.
There are hardly any minorities left to kill now. Lol there is no such thing as Islamic extremism. What world are you living in? Do you know the innocent Ahmadis that were martyred in the bomb blasts in Lahore's mosques? Do you know of the innocent Christians that were killed during the Gojra riots? Do you know the plight of the Hindus in Balochistan that are kidnapped and killed? Do you know the struggle of the Sikhs that have been beheaded by yours truly? Hindus and Sikhs had to wear "special tags" so they can be easily identified and slaughtered. Do you know about the churches that have been attacked in Pakistan?

In the past thousands of Ahmadis have been persecuted in Pakistan. Same goes for Hindus and Christians. Your blasphemy law is the biggest proof of Islamic extremism. Even a few members of my family have been tortured because they were Christians.

Keep living in a world of denial, no wonder why Pakistan is in a sorry state.

you are just telling a fairytale....do u have the exact figures of minorities killed in Pakistan?Total number wont exceed 500 by any means since 1947 uptil now and muslims killed in terrorist attacks since 1947 would me more than 100,000.
your family was tortured ,do u have the proof or some paper-work?
Hawai firing sai kaam nahi chalta...back up your claim with reference and figures....u might wanna visit india,they are known for killing 4000 minorities in one night and compare it with Pakistan where not more than 500 are killed since 1947 and that too not by fellow country-men/or state sponsored but by outsiders.
Ladies and gentlemen: the post above shows why Pakistan is in the state its in and why suicide bombings have become a norm
yes we should become American Slaves and was their bathrooms so they become happy with us right??????????????
Salman Taseer, a hero. No other words can describe his courage and kindness. The bullets didn't just hit him it hit all of the minorities who are suffering under Islamic extremism.

Us minorities praise and salute this brave man.

Salman Taseer a Traitor by the way Abu Juhal was also a brave man but he was a ba................
your family was tortured ,do u have the proof or some paper-work?
Kinda like claiming nobody dies from drowning because no one ever read a book written by a man after he's been drowned.
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