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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

Great now beg for more ceasefire and talks from
TTP ! Idiot pakistanis
What I have read on tweeter and facebook that he was injured near airport and taken to AKU, its long distance, but there are no blood stains on car, why?? and before blaming ISI many forgot the way this attack happens it was not on par of usual attacks which occur daily in Karachi and even they are successful, and people are taking about ace agency and they have been unsuccessful, what a joke.
There is no better way to deal with Indian troll, than to shoving his mouth with stuff from A_S.

here we go

story is out

@Oscar my analysis about the regions of the bullet impact have been proven correct


You pakistanis should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding the red mosque issue. You should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding Bugti---. You should have stopped him when he started the political unrest when Judge Chaudhry was kicked out----.

You pakistanis made him the monster that he is.
we should have stopped him when he openly misreported during Sawat operation
but then again
he and all those who either took up arms against the state or wrote and spoke against it became the new darlings of Judiciary and politicians.

get that.. Gen Musharraf facing "murder" charges over Bugti and Lal Masjid operation
only in this country where defence minister files FIR against its own organisations and declares revolt against his own military
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we should have stopped him when he openly misreported during Sawat operation
but then again
he and all those who either took up arms against the state or wrote and spoke against it became the new darlings of Judiciary and politicians.

get that.. Gen Musharraf facing "murder" charges over Bugti and Lal Masjid operation
only in this country where defence minister files FIR against its own organisations and declares revolt against his own military

Censorship of the media only works temporarily. Information always comes out. Welcome to the new age of open media. The old Guard must adapt or fail.
Censorship of the media only works temporarily. Information always comes out. Welcome to the new age of open media. The old Guard must adapt or fail.
ya and then again the people from the Land of the free demand the head of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Corporal Manning is left to rot for life for speaking up?

never mind that .. the issue is misreporting, no problem with free reporting here.. people provided live coverage and mixed up falugah footage with red mosque operation in the name of freedom and see what it done

I was pointing at the same thing where Hamid Mir was busy blaming army in Sawat for damage to the property when in the same place the taliban had beheaded the local cleric for asking them not to rig the place with IEDs and let the civilians escape first

whats wrong with stating the facts ? is that not good enough?
Why would TTP kill any of Indian agent?

TTP is no friend of India or Pakistan. They are fighting the establishment to usurp power. They will go after who ever is against their ideology.

Now that the Americans and Nato are leaving Afghanistan, they will turn their attention towards Islamabad.

You better start growing your beard and comply to their sharia laws.:D
Protect journalists to secure democracy: US
Anwar Iqbal


WASHINGTON: A democracy cannot function if it fails to protect journalists, said the US State Department while condemning the attack on a Pakistani television anchor, Hamid Mir.

In a separate statement, the Committee to Protect Journalists said that it’s alarmed by the continuing violence directed at journalists in Pakistan.

Also, in a joint resolution, Washington-based Pakistani journalists demanded protection for their colleagues in Pakistan and urged the government to catch those responsible for the attack on Hamid Mir.

“The US condemns the vicious attack on television journalist Hamid Mir in Karachi on Saturday, the latest in a series of worrisome attacks on journalists in Pakistan,” said State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki.

“Freedom of the press, including ensuring that journalists can safely carry out their vital mission, is of paramount importance to freedom of expression and to the healthy functioning of any democracy,” she said.

She also referred to a recent statement by the US Ambassador in Islamabad, Richard Olson, who said that attacks like these should be a wake-up call to all who value democracy in Pakistan.

Wishing Hamid Mir a speedy recovery, Ms Psaki urged the government of Pakistan to bring all those responsible for these attacks on the media to justice.

“The attack on Hamid Mir is an indicator that the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has not been able to reverse the country’s appalling record of violence against journalists, despite pledges to do so,” said Bob Dietz, CPJ’s Asia programme coordinator.

“Full prosecution of the perpetrators of such crimes is the only answer to reversing this history. Police must act swiftly and decisively in this and all cases that have been building up for years in Pakistan. And the country’s media must use their capabilities to pursue their own investigations, as well as pressure the government to take action,” Mr Dietz said.

At an emergency meeting in Washington, US-based Pakistani journalists passed a four-point resolution, demanding that the government and media organisations should take immediate precautionary measures to protect journalists.

They also urged journalist organisations to push aside their differences and publish a policy paper outlining the measures they think could protect working journalists from such attacks. They reminded journalists and media organisations that terrorist groups often use them for propagating their views and urged them to stop publicising statements and press releases by groups involved in attacks on journalists.
Protect journalists to secure democracy: US - DAWN.COM
a lot
one defends the country against hostile agencies, their agents and handlers

the other is based on hatred and bigotry hell bent on destroying the state of Pakistan tat exists to kill members of shia community, proudly represents Al Qaeda interests in Pakistan, provides resources to attack military bases in Punjab and has in the recent times added other members of Sunni faith in its killer menu.

what about this attack then?

I dont know, I must admit I am confused. is it false flag? why should TTP attempt on the life of most dedicated supporter?

is it legit TTP claim?
is it really a botched ISI hit?
was Hamid a random target of gangs?

after all they kill countless civilians whose name we dont even care to know?

I am sorry to break it to you, our establishment is patron to LeJ, so is pmln/ppp and now mqm has joined the ranks as well.

as for attack, I myself think, its confusing, cannot say really who did..

anyhow, no matter what the differences, this is not acceptable trend.
Censorship of the media only works temporarily. Information always comes out. Welcome to the new age of open media. The old Guard must adapt or fail.

:) Musharraf gave us open media.

And i firmly believe that an open media exposes the culprits from within itself as well :) SO

YES open media is more welcomed
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