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Haha. This is Hilarious - All Pakistani Users, you should read this


Jan 7, 2012
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LONDON: An American Congressman has called for “war crimes” charges against Pakistan by the international community for the alleged human rights violations in Balochistan.

Republican Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the subcommittee for Europe and Eurasia of the House of Representatives, said this at a conference entitled “Global and Regional Security Challenges in South Asia: What Future for Balochistan?” organized by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) at the Royal Society here.

Democrat Congressman Brian Higgins didn’t speak but he supported his fellow Congressman’s views and objectives of the conference.The senators were returning after leading a delegation to Uzbekistan and stopped in London especially for this conference which is likely to irritate Pakistan, as Dana Rohrabacher has repeatedly issued controversial statements about Pakistan.

He used the conference, chaired by young Baloch leader Noordin Mengal, to state that Pakistan is not an ally of the US and of those who believe in peace and alleged that the country has worked against the interests of the US.

He demanded that Pakistan should be “tried for war crimes” against Baloch people and that a referendum should be held on the question of Balochistan. Dana Rohrabacher called for Pakistani officials to be “tried for war crimes”.

The speakers included the Khan of Kalat Mir Suleman Dawood, Marino Busdachin, UNPO General Secretary, Prof. Athar Hussain, London School of Economics, commentator Tarek Fatah, Burzine Waghmar, University of London, Anna Reitman, journalist, Nasser Boladai, Balochistan People’s Party, Iran, Abubakar Siddique, journalist, Prof. Joshua Castellino, Middlesex University, and Peter Tatchell, Spokesperson on human rights, Green Party, UK), Hammal Haider Baloch, and Qambar Baloch.

Marino Busdachin, General Secretary of UNPO, and Paulo Casaca, former MEP and Director of the South Asia Democratic Forum, denounced the alleged “kill and dump” policy in Balochistan.

Speakers in different sessions addressed issues such as the inability of the state to protect its citizen and the way it has at times addressed tensions and rights situations particularly in Balochistan. They addressed the issue of Talibanization of Balochistan, the rise of Islamic radicalism in South Asia, security in the Iranian Balochistan, the key role energy and mining resources play in Balochistan, and the influence of Iran, Pakistan, India and China in the region.

The Khan of Kalat Mir Suleman Daud called for a “united Baloch front in the struggle against the horrors imposed on the Baloch people by Islamabad” and hoped that Baloch people will soon realize that unity was the only way forward.

Noordin Mengal stated that that a sovereign state of Balochistan would not only benefit the Baloch people, but also the entire region. Mehran Baloch, Balochistan’s representative at the United Nations, said UNPO was doing a tremendous service to Baloch people by bringing together various key voices on the Balochistan crisis.

He said the conference had been clear in calling for what action the international community should take to help the oppressed people of Balochistan. In reference to the recent handing over of Gwadar Port to China, he said outside interference in Balochistan was at its peak and it was meant at colonizing Balochistan’s natural resources.

The conference declaration stated that restoration of the rights of Baloch people was fundamental including their culture, values, languages, religions, economy, political and legal institutions, traditional knowledge system, way of life, land and resources; that the Baloch people have the right to restore their own state and determine its relations to other political communities, including States and international organizations.

The declaration urged the Government of Pakistan to refrain from “the use of oppressive measures leading to human rights violations against the Baloch” and demanded that the perpetrators of human rights violations should be brought to justice.

Speaking to The News, Melissa Apaza, a UNPO spokesperson said the UNPO believes that the current security situation in Pakistan requires the participation of all stakeholders in order to bring peace to the region of not only Balochistan but also to South Asia as a whole.

He added: “One of our most active members is Balochistan, a region that is facing tremendous difficulties in particular regarding security issues. In fact, the democratic rights of Baloch people to assemble and to protest, as well as the increasing number of involuntary disappearances in the region are components of the Baloch struggle against the daily oppression they face.”
This guy Dana Rohrabacher has said this in the past as well....
What's hilarious ? They will be taking out their equipment via Uzbekistan and selling them at much lower price. I rather see UK might start causing troubles for Pakistan. Who knows British are weird people.
What's hilarious ? They will be taking out their equipment via Uzbekistan and selling them at much lower price. I rather see UK might start causing troubles for Pakistan. Who knows British are weird people.

:D seems they want to put last nail in head of monarchy in UK
All these points could hold weight, but the only problem is that the US congressmen are the least qualified to speak on war crimes.


He thinks his country is God sent; while all others are open to these 'war crimes'.
All these points could hold weight, but the only problem is that the US congressmen are the least qualified to speak on war crimes.
In the sense of having committed them or shamelessly defending a country's record committing them that is true. What many U.S. congressmen are are excellent lawyers, well-able to distinguish fact from fantasy, shift evidence, and judge which acts qualify for prosecution and which do not.

Do you even aspire to reach that level? link
In the sense of having committed them or shamelessly defending a country's record committing them that is true. What many U.S. congressmen are are excellent lawyers, well-able to distinguish fact from fantasy, shift evidence, and judge which acts qualify for prosecution and which do not.

Do you even aspire to reach that level? link

I, a lowly Pakistani expat would not even think of acquiring such a level as I do not want to be amongst the people who legalized aggression.

Voting on Iraq war and Vietnam are enough to establish the credibility of congressmen and their beliefs.
I, a lowly Pakistani expat would not even think of acquiring such a level as I do not want to be amongst the people who legalized aggression.
You in effect legitimized aggression in your previous post. If you aren't a war criminal yourself you have declared yourself on the side of those who are, simply by trying to divert people's attentions away from considering present crises to looking at old ones that have already been hashed by journalists, historians, and even the courts.
You in effect legitimized aggression in your previous post. If you aren't a war criminal yourself you have declared yourself on the side of those who are, simply by trying to divert people's attentions away from considering present crises to looking at old ones that have already been hashed by journalists, historians, and even the courts.

Absolute non-sense sir,

This attitude of yours " Either you are with us or against us" is just moronic.

If we condemn the US war crimes against every country it has invaded, are we on the wrong side of history?

Why is that if someone does not agree with you, you instantly imagine him being on the other side? Is this ailment quite common in your country? Hope not.

Any sane mind would condemn the violence against ethnic Balochs. But the point is " Look who is talking"

Your country sir has no right to point fingers at anyone because your own record is not exactly great. And for you Iraq may be just a page in a history book, but it will remain as one of the most brutal actions in human history.

Peace. :usflag:
You in effect legitimized aggression in your previous post. If you aren't a war criminal yourself you have declared yourself on the side of those who are, simply by trying to divert people's attentions away from considering present crises to looking at old ones that have already been hashed by journalists, historians, and even the courts.

Look who is trying to give people lecture on aggression and war crimes . Dear the only US president JFK who tried to work for US people in 20th century was killed mercilessly.And here he is openly warning world about that threat and he was killed after signing presidential order 11110 bringing US fedreal reserve under Govt wings and the first thing next president did within hours was to nullify that order.

And the two US president who tried to bring US central bank under govt namely James Garfield and abraham lincoln were brutally murdered.

As you pretend to be very updated regarding all laws and stuff care to explain whats it with federal reserve and US govt that got three presidents killed.

And this explain very well that all US congressman no matter how to look on surface but deep within are the mere pawns in the hands of a bunch of elite people , the likes of rothschild and rockefeller but you dumb americans feel happy to live in this bubble of being the world's superpower without acknowledging that those people aren't even human and wont hesitate a moment to sacrifice millions like you if it suited their agenda. Planned jewish genocide at the hands of hitler just to get israel is a perfect example of what I am talking about.
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This Rohrabacher fellow has a known agenda. He is one of the people who has been promoting the lunatic Ralph Peters and his vision of a new Middle East. Pay particular attention to the acronyms for the proposed new Saudi Arabia and Iraq to see these people's level of mentality.

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