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Hafiz Saeed put under house arrest

I wonder why one want such a pious soul to be arrested in this manner...
He is known to be a true philanthropist spreading the message of peace ....
All this shows is that when US says jump, the only answer Pakistan has even today (despite the chinese connection) is "How high"
Okey so history repeat itself, our boys only do the needful when push comes to shove. Had this been done earlier, situation wouldn't have come to such and point. And those who are dreaming about this being merely trump phenomenon, need to get back to their senses. There's a good reason behind Obama calling Modi before vacating the oval office. And there's a reason for America's decisive shift towards India after suffering from "Pakistan fatigue"

And this is just the start of America coming harsh on Pakistan.
Just remember Dawn leaks. the debate finally ended and decision is made of course with a little nudging from USA too did play its part! Nice now Pakistan can play better in Diplomatic front.

One thing i never understood. Why Pak govt give such organization free hand so the roam freely and publicly. Such business are best done secretly under the ground.

A necessary and must safety measure that sometimes a person has to be told to not to leave the house and possible conflict among the opponents. However, only GEO reported the story and neighbor got it. Rather than some having such types of thoughts in mind, must wait for the details. he is not convicted at all till today nor their are any evidences against him though his party has been playing a major role especially during disasters anywhere in Pakistan and have been doing the welfare work.

GEO is currently the source of news so it would be wise to wait for the exact details that such media houses are nowadays hell bent to create chaos or unrest like this among the followers/supporters.
restriction orders are now on social media.
Modi was charged and acquitted in 2012, two years before he was elected PM.

I don't know about Pakistan courts (not much left to say after recently watching Musharaf's proud boast on TV about getting Raheel influence courts to help him) but plenty of sitting ministers and MPs have been charged by Indian courts, some convicted.

OK Get Some Points Straight General Raheel Did Not Influence Courts He Influenced The Government To Not To Press Forward Treason Charges.Ministers and Even Army Top Brass Have Been Bought to Book By Our Courts
Being a Pakistani I am ready to take sanctions than to give up the cause of Kashmir. I am ready to tear the US visa from my passport than to give up Hafiz Saeed. I am ready to go hungry than to see Kashmiris being killed by Indians.

then why don't you put on a belt, bring along a kalashnikov and cross the border


if hafiz saeed is in house arrest for charges of terrorism then his "brother terrorist" modi should be in jail for life time .

but it is another great example of how decisions are made in spineless "nuclear power and fort of islam" pakistan.
. . . .
OK Get Some Points Straight General Raheel Did Not Influence Courts He Influenced The Government To Not To Press Forward Treason Charges.Ministers and Even Army Top Brass Have Been Bought to Book By Our Courts

Extract from Dawn

When asked to explain by the host how the recently retired army chief helped him, Musharraf responded saying by "influencing the courts".


Perhaps it is Raheel, perhaps it's the government. The point is that courts are being influenced and a high profile accused can pull / push the levers that influence such pressure - and then brag about it publicly with impunity.
JuD are a liability now, Pakistan not achieving much with them. Kashmir struggle is getting increasingly indigenous. JuD should just realise it too, disperse or create a political party. The dynamics of proxy wars have changed from 90s.
No, we should not allow him in political process. He will gather all banned organization. Imagine, which image will go in world. We don't want to become Afghanistan or yemen.
Political entry, No.......
While i agree dynamics of proxy wars have changed from 90s.

Just to brief you I am there and Hafeez sahab has been released. There were around 3000 to 4000 lashkars surrounding Qadisiyyah Mosque around 10. I saw few fidayeens wearing belts. Once it started police left the place. Things are normal and Hafeez sahab is talking to people. It is all topi drama of establishment.
images (3).jpg
Extract from Dawn

When asked to explain by the host how the recently retired army chief helped him, Musharraf responded saying by "influencing the courts".


Perhaps it is Raheel, perhaps it's the government. The point is that courts are being influenced and a high profile accused can pull / push the levers that influence such pressure - and then brag about it publicly with impunity.

DAWN NEWS Puhleez :tsk::tsk:
Kashmir solidarity day...

he is under 90 day house arrest as per DAWN i guess ..
if he is convicted by Pakistani court , he should be treated as other terrorist treated .. but arresting him to make India happy will bring more instability to Pakistan
he is under 90 day house arrest as per DAWN i guess ..
if he is convicted by Pakistani court , he should be treated as other terrorist treated .. but arresting him to make India happy will bring more instability to Pakistan

He was probably arrested to make America happy- a promise to trump in return for him not putting Pakistan in his crazy immigration ban list.

if hafiz saeed is in house arrest for charges of terrorism then his "brother terrorist" modi should be in jail for life time .

but it is another great example of how decisions are made in spineless "nuclear power and fort of islam" pakistan.

Modi never did bomb blast inside pakistan
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