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Hafiz Saeed prays for Osama

inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi'raji'oon.

Osama bin laden hero of muslims has been martyred .Allah(SWT) will kee him in Jannat for all his good deeds and sacrificing his life in the way of jihad against Kafirs.

Thank you, i have just reported your post to CIA REPORT THREATS section mentioning you as future terrorist.

here https://www.cia.gov/contact-cia/report-threats.html

I feel so good :p, now they will be behind you and world would be little more secure place because of my effort.
I say anyone who supports a murderer.. should be hanged and shot himself... in any order :P.
Just to make sure they are dead.
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi'raji'oon.

Osama bin laden hero of muslims has been martyred .Allah(SWT) will kee him in Jannat for all his good deeds and sacrificing his life in the way of jihad against Kafirs.

No wonder you guys had him hiding in that mansion :disagree::disagree::disagree:
I'm sure Dawood also prayed for OBL, thats expected.

BTW Bukhari and Geelani, the knows rabid idiots from India questioning if he was a terrorist is also expected.

However their questioning falls under freedom of speech, but murder of innocent civilians by dawood, hafiz and OBL does not. Really, Pakistan should avoid more ''embarassment'' and ''find'' Dawood soon.
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi'raji'oon.

Osama bin laden hero of muslims has been martyred .Allah(SWT) will kee him in Jannat for all his good deeds and sacrificing his life in the way of jihad against Kafirs.

Why do you muslims start complaining that everyone is anti muslim when pretty much most of you guys have this ideology of jihad against the infidels
next time there's a burning of the quran or drawing of the mohammed cartoons, don't expect people to sympathize with you
Good going pakistan :tup:


Really Glad to see that world is watching the real face of them..:)
One terrorist master mind praying for another one ....nothing unusual . Surely Mullah Omar , Ayman al-zawahri , Haqqani are all in a state of severe shock which is why instead of coming out with another Anti-American propaganda video warning of mass - suicide attacks , they choose to "show" their impotent grief. Hopefully with America adopting Israeli hardcore tactics of targeted killings , and aggressive action....these creatures will be soon obliterated and detered from their cowardly actions of targeting civilians .

Thriving under American laxity and concerns of human rights violation by U.S troops , these murderers have grown too bold and open for comfort. Now with U.S toughening its stand , and disregarding diplomacy, international borders , intelligence sharing like before behaving like Isreal- these terrorists will feel the heat .
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi'raji'oon.

Osama bin laden hero of muslims has been martyred .Allah(SWT) will kee him in Jannat for all his good deeds and sacrificing his life in the way of jihad against Kafirs.

Its cause of the likes of people like you ISLAM is being given a bad name....I hope you join OBL soon in "jannat"....ah yes i ve also reported you has a future religious nut head who kills innocent people and call themselves a "LION".
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