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Habitable world discovered orbiting ‘Sun twin’


Apr 25, 2012
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PARIS - Tau Ceti, one of our closest stars, is a good candidate for hosting an Earth-like planet, astronomers reported on Wednesday.
Located a relatively close 12 light years away, the Sun-like star has five planets that orbit it in a balmy zone which gives the best chance for nurturing life, they said. One of the planets has a mass about five times that of the Earth, making it the smallest planet found so far in this vital zone, they said. Around 800 exoplanets - worlds orbiting stars other than our own - have been spotted since 1995. But none is a home from home. These planets are either uninhabitable gas giants or are big rocky worlds that swing so close to their star that they are literally roasted.
The quest is to find a rocky planet that is not only close to the mass of Earth but is also located in the so-called “Goldilocks zone”. This is an orbital distance from the star where temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, but just right to sustain liquid water, which is essential for life as we know it.
The Tau Ceti finding was made by astronomers from Australia, Britain, Chile and the United States, who applied a new technique to filter data from more than 6,000 observations. By doing so, they believe they rooted out distorting signals, called “noise”, that masked the existence of low-mass planets. They applied the technique to light from Tau Ceti, where they determine it is not a lone star but in fact one with a planetary system, they said.
“This discovery is in keeping with our emerging view that virtually every star has planets, and that the galaxy must have many such potentially habitable Earth-sized planets,” said Steve Vogt, a veteran exoplanet-hunter. “We are now beginning to understand that Nature seems to overwhelmingly prefer systems that have multiple planets with orbits of less than one hundred days,” he said in a press release published by Britain’s University of Hertfordshire.

Habitable world discovered orbiting
Let's get it. :woot:

Seriously though, it will take a quantum leap in our technological ability to do anything about it.

It is 12 light years away. Given that our fastest space ships can only travel at a tiny fraction of the speed of light, it will take centuries to get there.
@Chinese-Dragon Am happy you are not scientist or president of china.... Why would you want to develop light speed when a wormhole can make distance so short.... Anyway.... A wormhole can even bring two galaxies close to each other.... Take a cardboard.... Mark one side as A and other end as B.... Now A Is our galaxy and B Is andromeda galaxy.... If we bend the cardboard and bring two ends together than A and B Distance will be so close.... Thats wormhole technology. Much better than even warp speed.... Aliens use this technology.... And scientists want to achieve it....
Traversable Wormholes
NASA - Ideas Based On What We’d Like To Achieve
How Aliens get to Earth: Worm Hole Technology AREA 51 - YouTube
Btw why searching another sun when two of them (planet nibiru and its moon) heading towards earth? However NASA yet again lied to calm chinese people.... 2015 is the date when it will decided earth's fate....
Sun Dogs, Solar Halos, and Upside-Down Rainbows over China - chinaSMACK
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^^^ I know about wormholes, but do we have that technology yet? :lol:

No. That was my entire point, we don't have the technology yet.
@Chinese-Dragon if humans dont work towords it than how can human have that technology? The reason i talked about wormhole was u mentioned light speed.... Scientists already have said human can build light speed but cant travel at light speed as human body not build for. They working on wormhole while light speed will be used to send unmanned mission....
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@Chinese-Dragon if humans dont work towords it than how can human have that technology? The reason i talked about wormhole was u mentioned light speed.... Scientists already have said human can build light speed but cant travel at light speed as human body not build for. They working on wormhole while light speed will be used to send unmanned mission....

I have read plenty of books on wormholes.

Do you know how difficult it would be to make one? The power cost alone would be astronomical.

Secondly, even if we made two interconnected wormholes (entrance + exit), then how would we move the exit wormhole to Tau Ceti?
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I have read plenty of books on wormholes.

Do you know how difficult it would be to make one? The power cost alone would be astronomical.

Secondly, even if we made two interconnected wormholes (entrance + exit), then how would we move the exit wormhole to Tau Ceti?

You do realize you are speaking to the most senile poster on pdf, right???...
@Chinese-Dragon am not intrested in your troll.... Are you saying if a technology that cost alot money should not be build? What kind of brain are you using? People here blame china for not inventing much while coping alot and people like you to be blamed.... If technology cost alot to build or very difficult to build doesnt mean humans should give up.... Am again going to repeat that china lucky they aint got u as president or scientist.... When scientists can create small blackhole they can surely create wormhole.... And nothing can be build overnight unless copied.... Anyway whatever scientists will build they will build keeping in mind every risk that will be involved.... You shouldnt worry about it. You can keep on trolling like beijingwalker and sinochallenger....
wormhole technology in detail....
Nearby Tau Ceti may host two planets suited to life - space - 19 December 2012 - New Scientist
Blackhole technology that was achieved.... Am happy scientists achieved it by their determination and wilpower.... Keep on trying without worrying of failure. One day humans will achieve it.... (btw its my last reply to u as posting rubbish not my job)....
Particle Smasher's Black Holes Would Be Tiny: Discovery News
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@Chinese-Dragon am not intrested in your troll.... Are you saying if a technology that cost alot money should not be build? What kind of brain are you using? People here blame china for not inventing much while coping alot and people like you to be blamed.... If technology cost alot to build or very difficult to build doesnt mean humans should give up.... Am again going to repeat that china lucky they aint got u as president or scientist....

You are delusional. I NEVER even said that. :rofl:

Go and read my posts. I said we don't have the technology YET.

I never said that we shouldn't seek this technology. What an idiot.
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Time to colonize and show 'dem bitches isro is always babbling about what it means to be human!!! :guns:

*que Star Wars imperial march music!


So what if it is there a star which is more or less like a earth.? Question is If we are struggling to get beyond moon? Then it's stupid to think about planets which are some light years away.
First build capability for manned mission on mars. We have heard many times that water is there on mars also? What happen to that?
heey i love this man he is my favorite in space documentories .

Michio Kaku
On another thought, if there is intelligent life there, they probably aren't very far on the developed scale. Our radio telescopes would have picked up on their emissions if there would be any by now for sure.
Somehow, Avatar comes to mind, but without all the bonding.....

So what if it is there a star which is more or less like a earth.? Question is If we are struggling to get beyond moon? Then it's stupid to think about planets which are some light years away.
First build capability for manned mission on mars. We have heard many times that water is there on mars also? What happen to that?

It's all ice.

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