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Gunship Gauntlet


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
The Pakistan Army has been operating the AH-1S Cobra gunships for over two decades now, in recent years it has received further upgraded models of this platform which has proved it's mettle in both Swat and the current Waziristan operations. France has apparently shipped Eurocopter Tiger for trials in Pakistan and is willing to sell it if approved by the PAA. Any mention of Helicopter Gunship and the name AH-64 Apache probably stands out tall. The Russian and the South African models are also clambering the market while the Chinese system looks good but it's probably not available for a few years.
Under the circumstances, what would be the best option for the Pakistan Army, keeping in mind with the exception of Russia other options are available.
The Pakistan Army has been operating the AH-1S Cobra gunships for over two decades now, in recent years it has received further upgraded models of this platform which has proved it's mettle in both Swat and the current Waziristan operations. France has apparently shipped Eurocopter Tiger for trials in Pakistan and is willing to sell it if approved by the PAA. Any mention of Helicopter Gunship and the name AH-64 Apache probably stands out tall. The Russian and the South African models are also clambering the market while the Chinese system looks good but it's probably not available for a few years.
Under the circumstances, what would be the best option for the Pakistan Army, keeping in mind with the exception of Russia other options are available.

Brother Tigers apparently being sent to Pakistan for trials ? i haven't heard of that any source for this? thx :coffee:
Brother Tigers apparently being sent to Pakistan for trials ? i haven't heard of that any source for this? thx :coffee:

Yes my dear, just before the Waziristan operation got under way, a couple of Tiger helicopters had arrived in Pakistan.
Images were shown on the media. I'll see if i can dig them up from somewhere.
Although not discounting what you are saying, however last I had heard, Tiger had not been cleared for sale/eval to Pakistan. What the French are offering is the Fennec which is the gunship version of Ecureuil already in use by the PAA. The Ecureuil also uses TOW which would find commonality with the PAA Cobra's main armament.
I dont think Tieger is coming to pakistan. Pakistan army should go for WZ-10 or turkish T-129 as its the arch rivale of Apache they both are in same league. WZ-10 to fill the gap in numbers and T-129 for high tech platform an quality so there is qunatity+quality.
As we have good realtions with italian and turky and china is our best friend. forget about apaches.
30 T-129
50 WZ-10
This will enhance the army attack aviation in which we lacking at moment:pakistan::china:
The Pakistan Army has been operating the AH-1S Cobra gunships for over two decades now, in recent years it has received further upgraded models of this platform which has proved it's mettle in both Swat and the current Waziristan operations. France has apparently shipped Eurocopter Tiger for trials in Pakistan and is willing to sell it if approved by the PAA. Any mention of Helicopter Gunship and the name AH-64 Apache probably stands out tall. The Russian and the South African models are also clambering the market while the Chinese system looks good but it's probably not available for a few years.
Under the circumstances, what would be the best option for the Pakistan Army, keeping in mind with the exception of Russia other options are available.

i think inatialy pakistan should buy some AH-1Z super cobra as it can carry more weapons load than single engine AH-1S pakistan operating. This gunship does not need much training to use it against taliban as pakistan is familar with this family
but in long run pakistan should focus it target towards turkey's t-129 under tot for quality purpose and china's Z-10 for quantity
and diversify it gunship platform :pakistan:
we do need qulaty+ quantity because we hav a large tank force and infantry to support them we need more hellis than crunnt 20 or so cobras they are old now and need to be replaced we should go for T-129 and WZ-10 arleast 80 to 100 attack helicopters required to support that much larg force
Pakistan Army Personal testing the Eurocopter Tiger and capability video.

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Surplus AH-1W Super Cobra's now with right to new build AH-1Z make the most sense. The WZ-10 and T-129 production when it gets going will be eaten up entirely for years by the host countries. The production for the AH-1Z has been proceeding apace for years and new builds are replacing AH-1W airframes. Those surplus airframes offer a quick inventory increase with the AH-1Z offering a longer term solution. The AH-1Z is nobodies second in capability and I am sure Bell would love to have Pakistan as a repeat costumer.

The AH-1W/Z's would probably be cleared for export, and might even be paid for with military aid from the US effectively making them free.

Pak millitary is finding out that maintaing helicopters during a war or otherwise is a very very expensive proposition.

The U S army has this prop plane that is loaded for bear---they have used it for ground attack targets---this plane can carry a very good weapons load----this plane was in te paris air show as well---it costs in the range of 2---4 million dollars each---it will be an ideal weapons system for the army---. I cannot remember the name of this plane, but my american colleagues will certainly know what I am talking about.

Alongwith the helicopters, this plane can act as a force multiplier for the millitary----with the past experiences and reports that are available, pak military may not have enough resources to maintain the fleet on its own.
the Tiger at US$ 40-50m / unit is a very expensive buy so dont look for any in army colours. evaluating is something else and buying is something else - after all in the late 80s the Abrams tank was evaluated by the army but it did not fit its requirements.

army will most probably get further examples of upgraded cobras AH-1F's but the supply chain timelines are too long. for the short-term the Fennec's will increase their role in CAS.

BTW, it has been mentioned that russian Mi-35 gunship examples are being operated in the current ops is not correct.
we need hellicopters in quick timez. and we should not go american ways. i think WZ-10 for close air support and T-129 for anti tank roll because of quality of T-129
we need hellicopters in quick timez. and we should not go american ways. i think WZ-10 for close air support and T-129 for anti tank roll because of quality of T-129

WZ-10 has powerplant issues and the T-129 turkish is still in the evaluation phase, so how do you expect to get these in quick time???
sory i forgot writing that in quick time sloution cobras r ok but for long run and avoid sanction in future we must adopt t-129 for anti tank role and wz-10 to support infantry units
i think army and navy is very lack luster for signing the deal of german sub and attack helicopter since last 3 years im hearing thsi but never they made any serious steps forward to buy them
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