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Gulf excess and Pakistani slaves

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Oct 26, 2006
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Gulf excess and Pakistani slaves

Rafia Zakaria

“We need slaves to build monuments,” says an Iraqi engineer living in Abu Dhabi to a reporter from the Guardian. In the published report he goes to add that he would never use the metro if it wasn’t segregated since “we would never sit next to Pakistanis and Indians because of their smell”.

The dismal condition of Pakistani labourers in the Gulf States is well known and the above statements are merely reflections of the deep-seeded and overtly racist attitudes of Arabs in the Gulf and otherwise towards Pakistanis.

The same Guardian report also details how Pakistani slave labourers work up to eighteen hours a day and often live twenty to a room without any ventilation and with only a single bathroom for several hundred people. Several do not see their families for four to ten year periods, unable to afford the airfare home and many die on the job.

Without any insurance scheme families are often not notified of deaths for months and the only compensation available to them is through an underground system through which other workers donate thirty dirham each which is then collected and donated. The strictly segregated society means that the rich Arabs never come across the lowly Pakistani workers who build their roads, clean their floors and drive their cars.

But in recent years, the oil-rich barons of the Gulf have found a new use for slave labour that goes beyond cleaning bathrooms and picking trash off the streets of Dubai. A recent statement issued by Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke in Brussels revealed that the Taliban are being funded by individuals from the Gulf States. Secretary Holbrooke said: “The Taliban receive more funding from the Gulf States than they do from the narcotics trade”.

As has been reported by several Pakistani newspapers, this means that the sources of foreign funding for the Taliban are greater than the approximate USD100 million they receive from the narcotics trade based on poppy cultivation inside Afghanistan.

While Holbrooke was careful to note that the money is not coming from governments but rather from individuals, his statement, based on credible reports tracing wire transfers from the region, illustrates a new use that rich Gulf Arabs have found for expendable Pakistani lives.

Similar to the onerous burden of cleaning one’s own bathrooms, or drilling one’s own oil or building one’s own monuments, the task of fighting one’s own holy war has proven to be far too burdensome for Arabs intoxicated with the seemingly never-ending largesse of a resource-fuelled economy. Smelly Pakistanis, the Arabs have discovered, are not only good enough to build crass monuments to consumerism but also to fight misguided holy wars that destroy nations and eviscerate thousands of innocent lives.

Holbrooke’s statement is not the only basis for believing that the Taliban are receiving support from the Gulf States. In May of this year, the United Nations sent out an international appeal for aid for the nearly 2 million people displaced by the fighting in the tribal areas and the NWFP. While the US has pledged USD320 million for the IDPs and the EU has pledged up to USD121 million, no significant pledges have been made from the Gulf States

This strange dichotomy in which our supposed Muslim brethren have turned their back on the suffering of the people of Swat, Buner and Dir makes far more sense in light of new information that illustrates that in picking sides, rich sheikhs from the Gulf have chosen to place their bets with the Taliban rather than with the Pakistani soldiers fighting them.

Pakistanis themselves, mired in denial and ever-ready to engage in the pantomime of pretending to be Arab, are inured to this reality of Arab racism. Easily appeased with the promise of Gulf jobs when their own country is in shambles they consider any paltry thankless employment, even if it denies them basic human rights, a godsend.

Ironically, the standards they expect non-Muslim countries like the United States and the European Union to uphold in terms of equal employment, egalitarian laws and freedom of expression are all abandoned when it comes to the assessment of Arab nations. No attention is given for example to the Arabs’ discriminatory employment practices that pay a Pakistani a fraction of what is paid to a European citizen for the same engineering job.

Some workers make as little as 400 dirhams a month, barely able to afford meals while surrounded by unimaginable excess. Even less emphasis is received by the condescending and racist attitudes of Gulf law enforcement authorities that regularly detain immigrant workers without any legal process and routinely beat and abuse them.

All this injustice, perhaps because it is committed by fellow Muslims, who make a great pretence at religious devotion, is somehow unthinkingly and unquestioningly forgiven. The fact that such discrimination overtly and blatantly flouts any minimal allegiance to the concept of the Islamic ummah is never even considered.

This latest news presents an urgent challenge to the apathy of those Pakistanis unwilling to acknowledge the reality of Arab discrimination and disdain toward South Asians. The fact that Gulf sheikhs are contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to the Taliban who are bombing schools, marauding villages and devastating the economy and infrastructure of our nation while shutting their coffers to the IDPs languishing in tents should irk even the most minimal nationalist.

More pressingly, it should expose the duplicity of our Arab overlords who, while freely engaging in debaucheries behind their castle walls now wish to use the Taliban to impose a virulent and dogmatic form of Islam on the poor smelly Pakistanis

Sending money to fuel a war that is depleting Pakistan’s already meagre resources, turning young men and boys into human bombs and transforming Pakistani cities into battlegrounds exposes their desire to condemn Pakistan into oblivion.

Rafia Zakaria is an attorney living in the United States where she teaches courses on Constitutional Law and Political Philosophy. She can be contacted at rafia.zakaria@gmail.com
I request the mods to change the title! I am very offended!

Why are you bringing the holy city into this?

As for the article, I've known for a long time that Saudi/Gulf-State Arabs are VERY racist towards South-Asians, but treat so called White people (who are mainly non-Muslims) like they are royalty!

These Arabs have no problem with funding terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and the TTP, because they believe in the same WAHABI values as these dirty terrorists!

These petro-millionaires, should be ashamed! We Pakistanis MUST wake up to this threat, but at the same time not ignore the other threats posed by India, Israel, and America!

Our politicians should take note of this, and do whatever is in their power to inhibit these dirty and smelly Gulf-State Arabs from exploiting any more innocent Pakistanis and NON-ARAB Muslims!

Even other Arabs have fallen prey to the WRATH of these DIRTY Saudi/Gulf-State Arabs...
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No Pakistani is offended, it's islamists who are offended for being shown the mirror. This shows what they have made of Pakistan, they have reduced it to slavery

Pakistanis and all others know this truth, they see it and they live it.

Your Arby "brothers" can't even bear the smell of you and you still work to enslave us to their vision of a 7th century utopia.
No Pakistani is offended, it's islamists who are offended for being shown the mirror. This shows what they have made of Pakistan, they have reduced it to slavery

Pakistanis and all others know this truth, they see it and they live it.

Your Arby "brothers" can't even bear the smell of you and you still work to enslave us to their vision of a 7th century utopia.

What irrelevance!

I am offended at the title of this thread, not the article... Did you read all of my post? :what:
Listen here little thaikedar of Madina, I owe you no rent and will pay you no rent! Be offended at the title but not the substance of our slavery, it matters little to us, one day, some day, we will get to all you little thaikedars of Izlum - Please enjoy being offended at the title.

Perhaps it may occur to you why it has been titled as it has been, then perhaps you may pay attention to the substance and perhaps there find much to take offence with. It's a long shot, but still a possibility.
Listen here little thaikedar of Madina, I owe you no rent and will pay you no rent! Be offended at the title but not the substance of our slavery, it matters little to us, one day, some day, we will get to all you little thaikedars of Izlum - Please enjoy being offended at the title.

Perhaps it may occur to you why it has been titled as it has been, then perhaps you may pay attention to the substance and perhaps there find much to take offence with. It's a long shot, but still a possibility.
I am no thaikedhar of Madinah, I am a ghulam of the Nabi (S) that resides within Madinah! Insha Allah!

This type of ignorance will take you no where good! If you are smart, you would take this as a warning!

Also, Religion has nothing to do with the mentality of these sick Gulf-State Arabs! In actuality these fools have abandoned their religion!

PS: I have visited Dubai and have experienced no racism, so I would assume a select minority of these Arabs have such racist views... But I know bad stuff happens to Muslims from other countries there! This must be countered, and funds must be stopped from all those who are supporting terrorism!
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That's the difference between you and those of us who live in the real world -- Madina is just another town - the Nabi USED to live there AND Muslims do not worship any NABI that they may take offence - but for Islamists idol worshippers it is a different thing -- Next you may take offence and seek to collect rent for where the Nabi may have passed wind - for Islamists, the peripheral is all important and the central least of all.

Take this advice to heart, forget about rent collecting, forget about "I am offended" these kinds of chaalbazi, we are sick of.

Why do you hate us Pakistanis and yourself so much that you cannot bring yourself to see what your arby are doing to us??

BTW - The beloved prophet was a arab, does that mean all arabs are prophets?? Why such deference, such reverence of the arby that you cannot even think straight?
Anyway, you have nothing to contribute, go away, shoo!:cheers:
There is a videoo of someone claiming he ripped apart a pregnant Mazloom - it needs your attention.
What must they think of Pakistan and Pakistanis that they can wage a war on us and we are destitute enough so that we are slaves.

It is little wonder we have not been able to overcome them. Enslave the mind, the body will follow
Such ignorance will only result in your own demise! Madinah may be just another town for you, because you are blinded by a veil of hatred, but to the majority of Pakistanis it is much more!

You are making things up, and are coming up with statements that I have not said or approved of! Shame on you, you are an extremely arrogant person, and talking to you is like talking to a brick wall (actually worse)!

People can read what I have said, and any sane person will notice that you are making up blanket statements from ur behind! It is a shame that you speak of the holy Nabi (S) in such a manner, I hope the mods take notice of this, and take actions against this!

Fools like yourself are to be pitied!
You just can't stay away can you - Shoo! I say. Your arby "brothers" can't stand the way smell, they would not sit beside you - now you imagine Pakistanis as idol worshippers - Shoo!:cheers:
I request the mods to change the title! I am very offended!

Offended at what, its getting very stale and old for religious people to get offended at everything thrown at them. You will not be immune to criticism my dear friend.. no one will.. the world is changing and they are now realizing the hypocrisy in the words 'i am offended'..

I get offended by many things, i get offended by little kids not getting a proper education instead sent to madrasa's to get an education that serves no underlying purpose, i get offended by stupid students sticking bubble gums under their desks, i get offended by Taliban treating women like puppets, Infact i get VERY offended when little children are taught about Jahanam and how their souls will burn for eternity when they do silly things, i get Very offended when scientific knowledge comes to a Halt becauseit goes against the beliefs of some kuku. It still doesn't mean i go out on a holy war to ban all the things that i get 'offended' from.

Just because you get offended does not give you the right to stop others from expressing their views. Now please go and get offended at something else.. enough is enough with complete immunity to criticism and people getting offended.
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Great article Muse, all the more reason for me to hate the Arab Governance. This isn't something new that the rich Wahabhi/Salafi doners sitting in the gulf states are one of the primary reasons these terrorists have been successful in getting weapons and ammunition. The day our irhabi friends realize that dealing with Arab countries like these are NOT in Pakistan's interest and if they stop banging the Israel and the 'Jews did it' drums maybe we might see a change in policy towards our Arab masters.

This inferiority complex that Pakistani's have with Arabs is shameful to say the least, just because Islam was born in Arabia doesn't mean you suck up to them for the rest of your lives. There are still people in this world hoping for the Muslim brotherhood to unite so we can cleanse the land from the infidel Jews who are the cause of all problems yea?... well I've got news for ya!! It ain't gonna happen and if you are still one of those Armageddon day dreamers its about time you come of your high horse and look at the ground realities. Put Pakistan first and foremost and maybe we can solve something. The only sad thing is that the common people would probably never believe such a thing.. and that's why i believe in the Greek style of Democracy where everyone is created equal but everyone is NOT equal. People with a certain level of education and intellect are only allowed to vote. A guy with a Bachelors degree from a decent institution is more likely to vote for a better candidate than someone who sells potato's on the streets. A student from Lums or Gik would be in a better position to choose a better candidate than someone who sells chickens and trains his rooster for cocfights... Give to much power to the 'normal' people and you get the likes of George W Bush and Zardari
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and i came here to make a small joke about the title! oh well !!!
If Pakistanis need to find out why they are treated as 'slaves' then a little introspection is needed !

How come a nation that in 1956 was at the same economic level as South Korea and a great model for an Islamic nation, in 50 years turn into a cesspool of corruption and low development.

The answer, whilst many nations built up their economies , increased investments, became more democratic and provided for justice and tolerance to all its citizens, Pakistan went into the opposite direction.

The poor produced more mouths to feed, the corrupt embezzeled more funds from the government, the landed bougonoise exploited the rural poor, the government spent more on military than development and thus the sad state that we see today.

I am 100% sure that the arab will never call a Malaysian muslim as 'smelly'even though their dietary habits will be the same. This is nothing but an offensive aim to say that we the Arabs are superior.

Having said that, Pakistanis are the direct descendants of one of the most advanced civilisations that existed. Its time for introspection.
The article makes no sense. The writer has amalgamated many things, trying to touch many topics in one single piece.
Majority from India and Pakistan go to Gulf states for earning, no matter how much small a job they find atleast it is much rewarding in terms of money as compared to their native land. They have no other choice. The situation in their own countries regarding employment is not that good either.

The write has little to do with racism of Arabs rather it emphasises more on the bad condition of labourers from outside countries in the Gulf States.

And oh yeh the title is just too unfit for the piece not because Islamists as muse tried to bring in (unnecessarily) will be offended, but because the title does not match even 0.0 per cent what the write up says.
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