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Gujarat Riots 2002

Well this thread pretty much went where I expected it to....glad I stayed out of it.

In the true spirit of alternative history writing, maybe if you had not stayed out of it, it might not have gone where you expected it to go. A case of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Does not discourage me. I was impressed by what Aamir Hussain (I hope I spelled it right) posted the other day. Still trying to get the record straight for the Pakistani friends here, so that they take a reasonable look to discern facts from "facts", although, always am tempted to allow misperceptions to float freely. Nothing like information modulation affecting your own population. But, then the issue crops up that there remains a very short distance from being stupid to acting stupid, and the ramifications are not limited to them itself.

That, the choice of partner, is Dassault's wish. Even HAL has tied up with Boeing for the F-18, an organization that has been a cheat.

I have a very detailed information on their role in escalating price of Su-30MKI to Rs 150 Crores more than what purchase from OEM would have cost, inclusive of the India specific adaptations in the airframe. Suffice to say, heard it from the horse's mouth ... how, a Su-30MKI is supposed to be assembled in 30 odd days (can't remember the original figure now, posted it somewhere long back and have forgotten) while HAL takes more than 3 months (earliest) working 24 hours (on paper). The Russians, if required to crash the project, do it in 17 days. Even Modi can not do anything to the DPSU-trade union nexus as they have a voting bloc. The only thing that he could do, was to open up the defence sector to Civil Establishment. And the result is there, see the LCA progressing at a faster rate, as HAL faces the prospect of being driven out of the market and sees the talented young blood being poached by the civil firms to set up their businesses.

Sadly, you are right about HAL being the millstone around the neck of the Air Force.

However, the forced choice of Anil Ambani was a mistake. I feel.

As for the price, dots are available. Intelligence was always about joining them

I ignore your rants and frankly illogical posts. I do not ignore anyone generally, until and unless they prove themselves emphatically as one who can drag down a conversation to level of idiocy. There are about 02 of those on this forum, and even their posts are read by me, only to learn from that.

And as for bete, am not that young, have a beard predominantly white when not shaved :)
Thank you for that very reasoned reply. More later; @Nilgiri deserves priority, I think, but then his post relates indirectly to the upper drawer Indian as well, so you are indirectly in that bracket; any answer to him would relate to you to some extent.

Two things:
  • your response was very logical.
  • The person who said what you cited was NOT @hellfire but a Pakistani member.

No rush friend, post in "whatever" thread or maybe that "Rahul Gandhi" thread for your reply or wherever you deem most appropriate (since that original thread is locked now).

In the true spirit of alternative history writing, maybe if you had not stayed out of it, it might not have gone where you expected it to go. A case of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Tis true...I just didn't see much point joining the thread (given its just going to be smart logical ppl having to taken on the dullard illogical ones...and associated trolls/opinionators and everything else in between) when it was in the usual "raw" stage (given the direct route such topic has to some pretty fundamental raison d'etres for plenty of ppl here)....and I find from experience I am just better of reading/browsing for my own time/sanity sake....esp when no one is there that is truly neutral/convince-able w.r.t some position/argument I may hold/develop. More or less you and @hellfire cover most of what I would cover anyway (you are both kind of like the good angel and bad devil speaking into my ear more than you both can possibly imagine sometimes heh...and you take turns being one or or the other given the topic too).

Anyway now its in the "post-raw" cratered/rubble stage...and has gotten a better "post-flavour" to it (you smell that?....I love the smell of napalm in the morning...nothing else quite smells like that son...charlie dont SURF!)...so I shall plonk myself here for a bit and see if anything worthwhile sprouts.
I am Indian blood because my people have been here for a long time.

As Jat you are similarly of Indian blood. Probably a thousand years more.

Muslims are of Indian blood, even though many of them have blood not from here. Like you and I.

But what is Indian blood? Really?
Hindus themselves are a mix of large doses of non geographic India bloodlines. Coming in and mixing over different periods of time.

Sonia is what we'd call.a naturalized Indian by the birthed argument as in the US during Obama. But the US is just a nation. Not a civilization and people as we are. So our issues are more deeply nuanced.

Personally, I would not vote for Sonia as PM.i do accept her as Indian. Just not Indian enough. Since she wasn't born nor grew up here. And definitely has no Indian bloodlines.

But Rahul?

He's born here. To an Indian dad. And brought up here in India.

Do you think he speaks like a foreigner?

Do you think his taste in food is like a foreign palate?

Then what is not Indian about him besides his mother's non Indian blood?

Non Indian blood which I just pointed out you and I also have. As do hundreds of millions of more Indians. Including many of our ex PMs.

Cheers, Doc

Honestly blood dont matter to me... Rahul is just a complete dumb-dumb (I'd say the same for any princeling from any party that is the same dullard). Nothing goes on in his head really...that should be clear to anyone, and it surprises me you cannot see that doc lol.

If he actually had something going for him where it matters...or some proof of credilibty at least (like say running a state as CM first etc)...I'd take another look overall. But the guy literally just has a name pasted to him.

People that literally hate the BJP and would never vote for them ever (in my state, they pick between the 2 regional parties or are loyalist to one)...people that I know and talked to a lot....recognise the key difference (past all the drama) in essence between pappu and chaiwalla...and why the former is a real lost cause for Congress and India more broadly.

This blood talk is not where this stuff originates for me and never will be (i have seen loyal, proven ppl to various causes/nations that are all kind of mongrel mix in the end....whereas "purebloods" can equally be some of the most disloyal degenerate scum there is)....its pure and simple fact + proven record talk for me (since I have no way to know what lies inside someones heart truly...only god knows).

I certainly don't want a dumbass momma's boy (can you point me to anything on the record past that?) running the country, sorry...silent sardar was more than enough for this century...10 friggin waste of years...yuck....thats in rearview mirror now and should stay there firmly. Congress shape up and do better please....put a pilot or scindia (preferably after they have run a state and proven their mettle) or someone like that for the love of god.
Honestly blood dont matter to me... Rahul is just a complete dumb-dumb (I'd say the same for any princeling from any party that is the same dullard). Nothing goes on in his head really...that should be clear to anyone, and it surprises me you cannot see that doc lol.

If he actually had something going for him where it matters...or some proof of credilibty at least (like say running a state as CM first etc)...I'd take another look overall. But the guy literally just has a name pasted to him.

People that literally hate the BJP and would never vote for them ever (in my state, they pick between the 2 regional parties or are loyalist to one)...people that I know and talked to a lot....recognise the key difference (past all the drama) in essence between pappu and chaiwalla...and why the former is a real lost cause for Congress and India more broadly.

This blood talk is not where this stuff originates for me and never will be (i have seen loyal, proven ppl to various causes/nations that are all kind of mongrel mix in the end....whereas "purebloods" can equally be some of the most disloyal degenerate scum there is)....its pure and simple fact + proven record talk for me (since I have no way to know what lies inside someones heart truly...only god knows).

I certainly don't want a dumbass momma's boy (can you point me to anything on the record past that?) running the country, sorry...silent sardar was more than enough for this century...10 friggin waste of years...yuck....thats in rearview mirror now and should stay there firmly. Congress shape up and do better please....put a pilot or scindia (preferably after they have run a state and proven their mettle) or someone like that for the love of god.

I understand your political stand and I'm not in this to even try and convince you about Rahul.

I personally believe he's a lot sharper than he's been adroitly made out to be by the sangh's very imprrssimp cyber shakha. If anything, he's certainly making your genius dance. Lol

Also as mentioned somewhere else between the Iroons and Yankee Jew, if he's a dullard, at least he is my dullard. I have no use for a shrewd and smart Sanghi Modi.

I have nothing against names and dynasties. In another life and another place I could have been a royalist.

Please read my exchanges with Sam and Sounitra. That pretty much is where I'm coming from at a social level.

At a political, I believe man to man, machine to machine, the Congress has always outclassed the BJP.

That's the track record I am interested in. People and faces change. The machinery and ideology endures.

Cheers, Doc


Been 5 years, would have happened if it was a desire of anyone.

View attachment 530427

Kick out all Hindus from

1. Pakistan
2. Canada

What are your views on the point of origin of riots?

Hardly. We speak everything. Stand up and abuse Modi, 100s will join, cheer him, 100s will join.

What happened, dumped your Suvarna Teja id?

Please do not be a spokesperson or the torch bearer for Hindus.

Can you give the time line of Modi becoming CM and the incident? It shall be informative for all.

Also, how was he made CM.

Agreed. For the bold. I intend to actually propagate that. Akhand Bharat and all you know.:agree:

After all, India was from Tiz till whole of Myanmar and using the Chinese (Han) logic, since Mughals ruled India, we claim CARs, and through Cholas, quite a lot of Indo-China:guns:

I would request you to keep highlighting the bold ...:agree:

Apparently, it is the new 'logic' of median of 82 IQ:enjoy:

Sorry for tagging you earlier asking you to cite the claim you made. I got your citation

Do not worry, BSF is there for Parkistan.

FACT: The UN recognizes Kashmir as a Disputed Territory as do India and Pakistan under their various treaties at the end of wars.

FACT: The Karachi Agreement of 1948, signed between India and Pakistan, established a ceasefire line north of International Boundary in sectors of Jammu-Kathua-RS Pura starting from Manwar in Poonch and all the way to NJ9842. Thereby, recognizing the fact that the border exists between India and Pakistan in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

FACT: By reneging on obligations conferred upon Pakistan vide the very first UN resolution, Pakistan is hardly in a position to call for implementation of UN resolutions.

FACT: The signing of 1972 Shimla Agreement, whereby it was resolved to settle all disputes bilaterally, all earlier resolutions were rendered null and void without consensual adherence to the same.

Care to back up your claim with some evidence?
And please do provide the detailed “trend” in marathis over the years that led you to this statement
Bollywood critics,invasion of bengal,etc. I was wrong it's actually a indian trend not marathai
Bollywood critics,invasion of bengal,etc. I was wrong it's actually a indian trend not marathai

Please post links of your references for all to see..afterall you’re a think tank. You should know better than to make statements without backing them up..
In particular about “raping pregnant women and putting their fetus on a spear” as being an Indian or Marathi trend.
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