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Growth rate lower than Bangladesh is BJP's achievement


Oct 12, 2014
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Telangana Finance Minister T. Harish Rao on Monday slammed the BJP, saying during its rule, India's economic growth has slumped to lower than Bangladesh.

Hitting back at Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy and other BJP leaders for targeting the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) government, he said India was lagging behind the neighbouring country in growth rate and per capita income.

"The Union Minister and other BJP leaders are making tall claims but the fact is that India's growth rate has slumped to be lower than Bangladesh. This is your achievement," Harish Rao said while addressing a news conference.

Citing World Bank figures, he said during 2019-20, Bangladesh's growth rate was 8.1 per cent while India's growth rate was mere 2.5 per cent.

He said India was also lagging in per capita income.

See more at: https://www.greatandhra.com/politic...er-than-bangladesh-is-bjps-achievement-115401
Telangana Finance Minister T. Harish Rao on Monday slammed the BJP, saying during its rule, India's economic growth has slumped to lower than Bangladesh.

Hitting back at Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy and other BJP leaders for targeting the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) government, he said India was lagging behind the neighbouring country in growth rate and per capita income.

"The Union Minister and other BJP leaders are making tall claims but the fact is that India's growth rate has slumped to be lower than Bangladesh. This is your achievement," Harish Rao said while addressing a news conference.

Citing World Bank figures, he said during 2019-20, Bangladesh's growth rate was 8.1 per cent while India's growth rate was mere 2.5 per cent.

He said India was also lagging in per capita income.

See more at: https://www.greatandhra.com/politic...er-than-bangladesh-is-bjps-achievement-115401

Where is the hindutva troll brigade?
Telangana Finance Minister T. Harish Rao on Monday slammed the BJP, saying during its rule, India's economic growth has slumped to lower than Bangladesh.

Hitting back at Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy and other BJP leaders for targeting the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) government, he said India was lagging behind the neighbouring country in growth rate and per capita income.

"The Union Minister and other BJP leaders are making tall claims but the fact is that India's growth rate has slumped to be lower than Bangladesh. This is your achievement," Harish Rao said while addressing a news conference.

Citing World Bank figures, he said during 2019-20, Bangladesh's growth rate was 8.1 per cent while India's growth rate was mere 2.5 per cent.

He said India was also lagging in per capita income.

See more at: https://www.greatandhra.com/politic...er-than-bangladesh-is-bjps-achievement-115401
Where is the hindutva troll brigade?

Lol. Those are political statements not even factual. India grew by 4.2% in 2019-20.

Bangladesh's GDP has plunged severely due to the Covid-19 in the fiscal year (FY) 2019-2020 as the country's gross domestic output expanded at the rate of 3.51 per cent, official data showed.

There you have it. I suggest PDF Bango trolls to study up before asking for opinions.

Here is the hilarious reply.

BJP offers to send TRS minister for study tour to Bangladesh, Pakistan

Telangana BJP, on Monday, has caustically advised ruling ministers and MLAs of the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) to visit Pakistan, Bangladesh or even the Taliban Afghanistan on “study tours” to understand how these countries were being governed.

Taking umbrage at Finance Minister T. Harish Rao’s reference to Bangladesh having a higher GDP when compared to India after the BJP came to power in Delhi, Dubbak MLA M. Raghunandan Rao said anyone who thinks neighbouring countries are doing better can see for themselves the living conditions there.

“If Bangladesh is so developed, why have one crore people crossed the border illegally recently? We are ready for an open debate on the TRS financial management and the Centre’s at either the Gun Park or the Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy HRD Institute,” he said, at a press conference.

Mr. Rao reiterated that the ruling TRS government has pushed the State into a debt trap and even the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) had clearly reported about the fiscal mismanagement here even as the Finance Minister had cleverly not disclosed the debt burden while boasting of high income in his press meet.
Where is the hindutva troll brigade?

Celebrating their sneaking out of Afghanistan.

Under BJP, Indian economy has already hit rock bottom and now looking for Mariana trench but pajeets will keep on day dreaming.

Indian medical facilities are only affordable to Bangladeshis but too expensive for Indians and now COVID has left millions of Indians under debt.

Celebrating their sneaking out of Afghanistan.

Under BJP, Indian economy has already hit rock bottom and now looking for Mariana trench but pajeets will keep on day dreaming.

Indian medical facilities are only affordable to Bangladeshis but too expensive for Indians and now COVID has left millions of Indians under debt.

Face Palm. Nobody can help you if you want to stick your head in your ***.

Aljazeera is known to provide factual stories on India. lol.
India is affordable to Bangladesh rich. While their poor just die with no medical facilities.

That's 4 times what economic leader of south asia gets in a year. India will hit $100 billion in FDI this year which is twice your entire budget. Economy hit rock bottom, my ***. Don't make me laugh.
India is affordable to Bangladesh rich. While their poor just die with no medical facilities.

The wealthy in Bangladesh hardly travels to India, although Bangladeshi lower-middle class tourists in India may seem rich to you lot considering your low standards.

Death by COVID in India is 20 times higher than in Bangladesh.
The wealthy in Bangladesh hardly travels to India, although Bangladeshi lower-middle class tourists in India may seem rich to you lot considering your low standards.

Death by COVID in India is 20 times higher than in Bangladesh.

Yeah, you can say anything to comfort yourself. India did take a hit badly during the second wave because of its own unpreparedness and lackadaisical attitude. Other regional countries took a lesson from India yet Bangladesh managed it badly even after India IMO.

India got on the case aggressively since then with over 600 million vaccinated. Bangladesh, the supposed economic leader doing extremely badly till date with only 23 million vaccinated. Corona is not gone yet. Lets see how Bangladesh fares from now on.

If the people who come to India are lower middle class, it just shows the absurd medical facilities that are present in Bangladesh. I hear that they come to India for even a fever.

Per capita spending on healthcare in Bangladesh is nowhere near India by the way.

Yeah, you can say anything to comfort yourself. India did take a hit badly during the second wave because of its own unpreparedness and lackadaisical attitude. Other regional countries took a lesson from India yet Bangladesh managed it badly even after India IMO.

India got on the case aggressively since then with over 600 million vaccinated. Bangladesh, the supposed economic leader doing extremely badly till date with only 23 million vaccinated. Corona is not gone yet. Lets see how Bangladesh fares from now on.

If the people who come to India are lower middle class, it just shows the absurd medical facilities that are present in Bangladesh. I hear that they come to India for even a fever.

Per capita spending on healthcare in Bangladesh is nowhere near India by the way.

You heard right, those filthy people will come here for anything as they don't even have basic health facilities there. In most hospitals here you will find booths setup to manage the influx of people from bangladesh.
Per capita spending on healthcare in Bangladesh is nowhere near India by the way.

Of course, budgetary allocations for healthcare sector in Bangladesh is low, however, Bangladesh is still better than India on all the primary health indicators as the data shows:

That's because Indians are genetically inferior. The delta variant also didn't hit Bangladesh that bad, there were still beds available at hospitals while it was a catastrophe in India.
Of course, budgetary allocations for healthcare sector in Bangladesh is low, however, Bangladesh is still better than India on all the primary health indicators as the data shows:

That's because Indians are genetically inferior. The delta variant also didn't hit Bangladesh that bad, there were still beds available at hospitals while it was a catastrophe in India.
BBS clearly given you false sense of pride. Nobody believes those numbers when stupid Bangos run to India for mild cold and fever.

You needed oxygen from India to survive. lol.
BBS clearly given you false sense of pride. Nobody believes those numbers

World Bank, UN and all the rest of the world surely does, not sure about pajeets, you lot still live in iron age and struggling to use toilets.

"Estimates developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation ( UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA Population Division )"

"WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group, and the United Nations Population Division. Trends in Maternal Mortality: 2000 to 2017. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2019 "

You needed oxygen from India to survive. lol.

Just like you needed Remdesivir from Bangladesh to survive, lol
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So a political statement is your source? BBS fake info has been busted, growth is so high that annual revenue is dropping, yet finding excuses? LDC soon will say goodby…
The wealthy in Bangladesh hardly travels to India, although Bangladeshi lower-middle class tourists in India may seem rich to you lot considering your low standards.

Death by COVID in India is 20 times higher than in Bangladesh.

RSS trolls here are without clue. Rich Bangladeshi Medical tourists go to Bumrungrad in Bangkok or Mount Elizabeth in Singapore, why would they go to India for medical care when they can afford way better? Even Malaysian Hospitals standards are better than that of Indian Hospitals. This is fact.

If Indians hate lower middle class Bangladeshi Medical tourists so much then we will gladly send them to Pakistan, I am sure Biman and PIA can offer subsidized airfare and the Pakistani Hospitals can do attractive rates too. Plenty of Pakistani doctors being trained in Bangladesh, some of them will be glad to arrange a business opportunity.

The visa-wallahs at the local Indian High Commission here will be disappointed though. They are too eager to hand out Indian visas, even via kiosks at malls. :-)
FDI is not the only way to measure economy's progress. In fact it is a rather bad way to measure it. You can have high FDI in one year but everything else about your economy is not good. I think as most northern hemisphere countries already economically recover, the backlogged business and higher savings from 2020 means more spending. Almost every economy in this phase is receiving high FDI than usual particularly manufacturing ones. India's higher FDI compared to last year should have its % increase compared to other recovery phase FDI change. You will see it is not too different to the others.
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BBS clearly given you false sense of pride. Nobody believes those numbers when stupid Bangos run to India for mild cold and fever.

You needed oxygen from India to survive. lol.

India stopped shipping oxygen to Bangladesh since COVID started in March 2020. This was re-started only a few weeks ago, with much fanfare and dholbaaji. As suits Indian practice. Empty vessel sounds much.

And we BOUGHT THE ENTIRE OXYGEN shipment, it wasn't given from India for free, though your ganda phool garlands around the railway tank-cars gave everyone the false impression that you delivered a gift. Shameless behavior, if I must say so.

Your High commissioner here in Dhaka got it delivered to save face, which was a last-ditch effort.

For a year and a half, we had our own supply going from multiple steel plants and we could have done just fine. We are having our own oxygen concentrators installed.
FDI is not the only way to measure economy's progress. In fact it is a rather bad way to measure it. You can have high FDI in one year but everything else about your economy is not good. I think as most northern hemisphere countries already economically recover, the backlogged business and higher savings from 2020 means more spending. Almost every economy in this phase is receiving high FDI than usual particularly manufacturing ones. India's higher FDI compared to last year should have its % increase compared to other recovery phase FDI change. You will see it is not too different to the others.

Bangladesh industrial investments nowadays are mostly driven by our local conglomerates and internal consumption, to be honest. Local businesses are very conservative and risk-averse.
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