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Growth of Islam in Europe



New Recruit

Jun 25, 2009
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According to this video,europe will be dominated by muslims in just 20 yrs.

France will be Islamic Republic of France.
Holland will be Islamic Republic of Nederlands.
Beguim will be Islamic Republic of Belgium.
England will be Islamic Republic of Great Britain

Is it a natural phenomenon or Strategic planing to capture Europe? How this will affect social economic conditions/relations between Islamic countries and EU/USA?

Don't take this thread wrong .To all my muslim bro

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Yes, I am aware of this clips. In fact, I have seen enough around in Europe and North Americans. unfortunately, people are so many busy on their 'nonsense' lifestyles (divorces, bf/gf experiments or breakups, womanizing, money, power and 'step-family'). Their foundation is certainly destroyed.

Let's NOT blame on Muslim growing. IT is due to our values, focus on good raise, devoted family, and more importantly happy children. You could see Muslims' family children average is 3-5 while other people are less than 2 averages. No wonder!

Please don't think that we are going to capture world. That's absurd come from propaganda machines.

Yes i agree with u that muslim family has children between 4 to 8 but i dont agree that they grew up hapily. I live in UK and travelled around France, Holland, Belgium. In Holland and Belguim 90% of muslim r from Morroco and Turkey. Out of that, 90 % r on state benefits. most of muslim children r school dropouts and most of them has police records. Wat is the use of having 4 to 8 childrens if parents can't control them or give them good future. so only reason i see is that they belive in producing more children to increase there population. More population mean Islamic republic of Holland,France,Belgium.

Increase in Muslim population doesn't mean Islamic population. Islamic population bears distinct character that today's Muslims lack. Muslims already have many Islamic republics just because they have majority of Muslims, nothing else of Islam. So no use of some more Islamic republics on world map with less Islamic character. Islam wants quality not quantity, I suppose.
Interesting ! From what I view, I have never seen myself alot Muslim have between 4-8 children. Only one time, I met long long times ago, they had five children but very happily that father/mother provided them in right school, education, discipline, etc. Your explanation is opposite which is new to me. I guess, they are not being educated well. It is minority compared to majority.

I am sure, there are other childrens who are not happy from family for whatever issues or problems. (However, they who being raised with them are still descipline in their mind and soul). Not 100%.

Brother i have given example of Holland and Belgium specially. Belive me there r lot of muslim family who has children from 4 to 8. Members from these country can confirm this (if they r not offended or immotinally carried away)
Brother i have given example of holland and belgium specially. Belive me there r lot of muslim family who has children from 4 to 8. members from these country can confirm this (if they r not offended or immotinally carried away)

I see - and Indians only have 1 kid per family?

Anyway - I am a muslim and I hardly know any other muslim with more than 4 kids - most I know have between 2 and 3.
This will lead to hate and racism against Muslims in Europe and U.S; this is a conspiracy against Muslims by these stereotypes. They should stop! What will be the action? Killing more innocent Muslims or what?

This is the same thing that Hitler did just before launching the Holocaust. If we are not careful, we could wake up to another mass genocide that surpasses the scale of the Holocaust. But this time it will be Muslim blood that is spilled and it has already started...
This will lead to hate and racism against Muslims in Europe and U.S; this is a conspiracy against Muslims by these stereotypes. They should stop! What will be the action? Killing more innocent Muslims or what?

This is the same thing that Hitler did just before launching the Holocaust. If we are not careful, we could wake up to another mass genocide that surpasses the scale of the Holocaust. But this time it will be Muslim blood that is spilled and it has already started...

edit: Just did some reading on this topic and it seems this is propaganda. Actually now that I see this video again, its quite funny :lol:

Guys this is complete bs. Actually I found a blog that exposes this video. This video provides no sources for its information.

Here read it yourselves: Muslim Demographics Tiny Frog

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I see - and Indians only have 1 kid per family?

Anyway - I am a muslim and I hardly know any other muslim with more than 4 kids - most I know have between 2 and 3.

Indian means =30 crore muslims also. India has more than 30 croree muslim population. India does not mean Hindu only.....Anyhow as i said don't get carried away. I have no intension to hurt muslim sentiments. I need just honest disussion....
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Indian means =30 crore muslims also. India has more than 30 croree muslim population. India does not mean Hindu only.....Anyhow as i said don't get carried away. I have no intension to hurt muslim sentiments. I need just honest disussion....

you are Wrong
check ur stastics

last time i read

there was 15 crore muslim population in india

now its double in matter of months ? :rofl:
Much of the stats are complete nonsense!

This is grade-A propaganda against Muslims.
Yes, I am aware of this clips. In fact, I have seen enough around in Europe and North Americans. unfortunately, people are so many busy on their 'nonsense' lifestyles (divorces, bf/gf experiments or breakups, womanizing, money, power and 'step-family'). Their foundation is certainly destroyed.

Let's NOT blame on Muslim growing. IT is due to our values, focus on good raise, devoted family, and more importantly happy children. You could see Muslims' family children average is 3-5 while other people are less than 2 averages. No wonder!

Please don't think that we are going to capture world. That's absurd come from propaganda machines.

Yes i agree with u that muslim family has children between 4 to 8 but i dont agree that they grew up hapily. I live in UK and travelled around France, Holland, Belgium. In Holland and Belguim 90% of muslim r from Morroco and Turkey. Out of that, 90 % r on state benefits. most of muslim children r school dropouts and most of them has police records. Wat is the use of having 4 to 8 childrens if parents can't control them or give them good future. so only reason i see is that they belive in producing more children to increase there population. More population mean Islamic republic of Holland,France,Belgium.

Seems like you Indians (Hindus and Sikhs) only know how to spread BS and lies! Muslims aren't as you have said, and in comparison to other groups Muslims are much more generous, kind, and civilized! Even with the media propaganda against us.

Unlike Muslims, I know of many Indian (Hindus and Sikhs) who commit lots of theft, assault, gang wars, violence, etc. I am more worried about Indian growth than Muslim growth! The Australians have it right! 99% of Indians live under welfare and they are causing nothing but problems!
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