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green want to join government in south Germany state Bayern


Apr 2, 2017
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next week the citizen of the south german state elect the new government for the state of Bayern.

Current pool forcast the GRÜNE (green) as second strongest party...

The green already claimed they are ready for a government with the CSU.... they said better form a government with the CSU than allowing anty democratic partys like AfD get into power.

current election pools forcast

CSU 33% -2%
Grüne 18% +1%
SPD 11% +/-0%
FW (free voter very similar to CSU) 11% +/-0%
AfD 10% -1%
FDP (liberals) 6% +1%
Linke 4.5% -0.5%
Only partys with more than 5% get into the Bayerischen Landtag (bavarian parliament)

next week the citizen of the south german state elect the new government for the state of Bayern.

Current pool forcast the GRÜNE (green) as second strongest party...

The green already claimed they are ready for a government with the CSU.... they said better form a government with the CSU than allowing anty democratic partys like AfD get into power.

current election pools forcast

CSU 33% -2%
Grüne 18% +1%
SPD 11% +/-0%
FW (free voter very similar to CSU) 11% +/-0%
AfD 10% -1%
FDP (liberals) 6% +1%
Linke 4.5% -0.5%
Only partys with more than 5% get into the Bayerischen Landtag (bavarian parliament)

What are the implications of greens, if they come to more power?
they want more clima control, more social house building they plan to spend 5 billion Euros to create 50.000 Apartments...currently the rental prices skyrocket because their are not enough Apartments avaible and the house owner take shamlessly advantage of it, specialy in big citys like Munic. Stop the boarder control between Austria and Bavaria. Stop spreading land use. New adjusting of security politic...that are the main points they want to be changed.
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