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Greek general’s book challenges Turkish FM’s neo-Ottomanism


Jul 15, 2012
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A retired Greek army officer and former chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff has written a new book called "Which Turkey, which Turks?" as a purported response to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s work “Strategic Depth” while spelling out Greek designs on Anatolia.

Author Frangulis Frangos claims that Christian people living in Asia Minor are waiting for the appearance of a light in order to build a Byzantine Empire, Yorgo Kırbaki from daily Hürriyet reported.

The book, which also touches on the alleged ethnic origins of many Turkish leaders, including Mehmet the Conqueror and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, posits a "neo-Byzantine" thesis against Davutoğlu's "neo-Ottomanism.”

Frangos was forced to retire last year following allegations of planning a coup d'état in the Greek army.
POLITICS - Greek general
kardes bosver bunlari ya , mal mal konusuyo yunanlilar gine ekmek bulamiyor , sende buraya koymusun sanki bizi ovuyorda
kardes bosver bunlari ya , mal mal konusuyo yunanlilar gine ekmek bulamiyor , sende buraya koymusun sanki bizi ovuyorda

I only put it here as laughing material, of course i don't take it serious
Doooooode......first stop those who are attacking Pakistan directly. Then you can think of defending Turkey...

Hypothetically speaking. If Greeks attack Turkey all bets are off, Pakistan will do what it can. Turkey helped us when we were fighting India, even when they had their own issues with Cyprus going on, if they didn't care about that, Pakistan wont back off either.
Hypothetically speaking. If Greeks attack Turkey all bets are off, Pakistan will do what it can. Turkey helped us when we were fighting India, even when they had their own issues with Cyprus going on, if they didn't care about that, Pakistan wont back off either.

Don't worry bro we always help even and will, now we are lobbying for kashmir and help, we still remember how iran stopped resolution for kashmir to please India.
Don't worry bro we always help even and will, now we are lobbying for kashmir and help, we still remember how iran stopped resolution for kashmir to please India.

hehe....Turks, my dear Turks. Let's just say even if indulge in direct military aid, Kashmir is going nowhere, let alone your lobbying. lol.

Hypothetically speaking. If Greeks attack Turkey all bets are off, Pakistan will do what it can. Turkey helped us when we were fighting India, even when they had their own issues with Cyprus going on, if they didn't care about that, Pakistan wont back off either.

Greece is a part of NATO too...;)
Greece is a part of NATO too...;)
Doesn't matter, if Greece attacks Turkey, the arrows will turn on Greece.

Turkey doesn't have any benefit of attacking Greece. Greece is already crumbling and will be a non-identity at the end of the century while the Turkish march into Europe is getting louder. Soft-power is much more powerful.
hehe....Turks, my dear Turks. Let's just say even if indulge in direct military aid, Kashmir is going nowhere, let alone your lobbying. lol.

Greece is a part of NATO too...;)

Then one must worry, what would NATO do when two members got to war ?

C.Asia and finally alignment with Turks is our long held agenda. One, reason why we let Turkey project power in Pakistan at will.

Imran Khan writes in his book that on a press conference at my house where many international delegates were present including the US ambassador. During a heated argument the Turkish ambassador stood up & said "Ladies and Gentlemen, i have fever today & i only came here to say that Turkey will support Pakistan even if the world turns upside down -- Thank you " and left the room.

Pakistan don't have many of such friends, and we know how to keep friends.
Then one must worry, what would NATO do when two members got to war ?

C.Asia and finally alignment with Turks is our long held agenda. One, reason why we let Turkey project power in Pakistan at will.

Imran Khan writes in his book that on a press conference at my house where many international delegates were present including the US ambassador. During a heated argument the Turkish ambassador stood up & said "Ladies and Gentlemen, i have fever today & i only came here to say that Turkey will support Pakistan even if the world turns upside down -- Thank you " and left the room.

Pakistan don't have many of such friends, and we know how to keep friends.

Central Asia is under CSTO/SCO control .
Hypothetically speaking. If Greeks attack Turkey all bets are off, Pakistan will do what it can. Turkey helped us when we were fighting India, even when they had their own issues with Cyprus going on, if they didn't care about that, Pakistan wont back off either.

It can only be hypothetical. You are in the midst of the bloodiest war in the last two decades. Firstly, to move your logistics till Greece will take a toll out of your military budget. Then attacking Greece from (northern Cyprus?) or middle east would further drain your crucial military budget of WOT.

You can maximum lend a political support in UN to Turkey in case there is a Greko-Turkish conflict.

Hypothetically speaking. If Greeks attack Turkey all bets are off, Pakistan will do what it can. Turkey helped us when we were fighting India, even when they had their own issues with Cyprus going on, if they didn't care about that, Pakistan wont back off either.

It can only be hypothetical. You are in the midst of the bloodiest war in the last two decades. Firstly, to move your logistics till Greece will take a toll out of your military budget. Then attacking Greece from (northern Cyprus?) or middle east would further drain your crucial military budget of WOT.

You can maximum lend a political support in UN to Turkey in case there is a Greko-Turkish conflict.
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