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Greatest Mughal Emperor???


Sep 1, 2009
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Guys wat do you think who was the greatest Mughal emperor?? and why?? 

1. Zaheeruddin Babur
,2. Mirza Humayun
,3. Jalaluddin Akbar(Gen musharraf of that time)
 ,4. Jahangir
,5. Shah Jahan
,6. Aurangzeb Alamgir(Gen. Zia of that time)
,7. Bahadur Shah Zafar.

My vote goes to Gen. Zia of that time great Aurangzeb Alamgir.

i request mod to change this thread in to poll.
This guy:

"babur" for chivalry,"akber" for it's dynasty and kingship and "aurengzeb" for his islamic mindset and rulership
1) Aurangzaib is usually liked by Maulvi type peoples. I like this guy and he was probably the only person who himself used to go to the public and help peoples in nights like Hazrat Umar R.A. There has been many beautiful stories on record about him. I also like this guy for the Islamic architecture work done in his era..... its jus amazing..... So it like him for this particular reason however i strongly feel he was little more strict :cry:

2) Babur is the real guy who i believe had some qualities of leadership. I like this guy for his military abilities.

Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal, Shalimar Bagh and few other famous architectures and nothing else i can praise about him and seriously did not like any Mughal leader except these two.
ahh i dont feel like writing something long right now, but i cudnt find an option to delete my post so this is my post here.
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Guys wat do you think who was the greatest Mughal emperor?? and why?? 

1. Zaheeruddin Babur
,2. Mirza Humayun
,3. Jalaluddin Akbar(Gen musharraf of that time)
 ,4. Jahangir
,5. Shah Jahan
,6. Aurangzeb Alamgir(Gen. Zia of that time)
,7. Bahadur Shah Zafar.

My vote goes to Gen. Zia of that time great Aurangzeb Alamgir.

i request mod to change this thread in to poll.

I am also fan of Gen Zia , Gen Javed Nasir,Gen Ghulam Muhammad SSG ,Gen Hameed Gul, Gen Akhtar ,Brig Tariq,Gen Amir Hamza

I wish again PMA start producing soldiers like them.
firstly i think it would be less biased if you dont compare the rulers with generals musharraf and zia.

honestly i dont even understand what qualities either of the 2 generals represents here.

aurangzeb is infamous in india for his religios intolerance. and personally i find him too strongly religious. shah jahan and jahangir did not do anything great themselves. they in a way inherited their greatness from akbar.

i believe akbar to be the greatest mughal. for 2 reasons
1) he was the one who truly "indianised" the mughals. before that they were occupiers from afganistan.
2) he is well known in india for his religious tolerance and how he helped hindu muslim unity.
Babur started it. Akbar established it. Aurangzeb ruined it.

Intresting point to note is Akbar when started his rule he was only 13 years old.

Nou (Nine) Ratan (Intellectuals ) were played key role in his success.

The Mughal ruler Akbar, despite his illiteracy, was a great lover of the artists and intellectuals. His passion for knowledge and interest in learning from great minds led him to attract men of genius to his court, known as the nine courtiers of King Akbar or Navratnas.

* Abul Fazl (1551-1602) was the chronicler of Akbar’s rule. He authored the biographical Akbarnama. Abul Fazl documented the history meticulously, over seven years, in three volumes, the third volume is known as the Ain-i-Akbari and a Persian translation of the Bible.[1] He was also the brother of Faizi, the poet laureate of emperor Akbar.

* Faizi (1547-1595) was Abul Fazl’s brother. He was a poet who composed beautiful poetry father was Mubarak Nagori, a scholar in the philosophy and literature of Greece as well as in Islamic theology.

* Miyan Tansen was a singer for King Akbar, born as Tanna Mishra, a Hindu, in 1520, he was a poet himself. He learnt music from Swami Haridas and later from Hazrat Muhammad Ghaus. He was a court musician with the prince of Mewar and later was recruited by Akbar as his court musician. Tansen became a legendary name in India and was the composer of many classical ragas. He was an extraordinarily gifted vocalist, known for a large number of compositions, and also an instrumentalist who popularized and improved the rabab (of Central Asian origin). He was buried in Gwalior, where a tomb has been constructed for him. It is unclear if Tansen converted to Islam.

* Raja Birbal (1528-1583) was a poor Hindu Brahmin who was appointed to the court of Akbar for his intelligence, and became the court jester. Born by the name Maheshdas, he was conferred the name Raja Birbal by the Emperor. Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly military and administrative but he was also a very close friend of the emperor, who liked Birbal most for his wit and humor. There are many witty stories of exchanges and interactions between the monarch and his minister that are popular today. Birbal was also a poet and his collections under the pen name "Brahma” are preserved in Bharatpur Museum. Raja Birbal died in battle, attempting to quell unrest amongst Afghani tribes in Northwest India.

* Raja Todar Mal was Akbar’s finance minister, who from 1560 onwards overhauled the revenue system in the kingdom. He introduced standard weights and measurements, revenue districts and officers. His systematic approach to revenue collection became a model for the future Mughals as well as the British. Raja Todar Mal was also a warrior who assisted Akbar in controlling the Afghan rebels in Bengal. Todar Mal had developed his expertise in Sher Shah's employment. In 1582, Akbar bestowed on the raja the title Diwan-I-Ashraf.

* Raja Man Singh, was the Kacchwaha Rajah of Amber, a state later known as Jaipur. He was a trusted general in Akbar's army and was the grandson of Akbar’s father-in-law. His family had been inducted into Mughal hierarchy as amirs (nobles). Raja Man Singh was the formost ablest among Akbar's military commanders and assisted Akbar in many fronts including holding off advancing Hakim (Akbar’s half-brother, a governor of Kabul) in Lahore. He was also the Mughal viceroy of Afghanistan, led campaigns in Bihar, Orissa, Deccan and was also the viceroy of Bengal.

* Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana, a poet was the son of Akbar’s trusted protector and caretaker when he was a teenager, Bairam Khan. After Bairam Khan was murdered treacherously, his wife became the second wife of Akbar. He is most known for his Hindi couplets and his books on Astrology.[2] The village of Khankhana, named after him, is located in the Nawanshahr district of the state of Punjab in northwest India.

* Fakir Aziao-Din who was a mystic, and an advisor. Akbar regarded his advice in high esteem.

* Mullah Do Piaza, an advisor to Akbar who was known for his intelligence.

Our leaders should learn lesson from Akbar's strategy of novratan
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Had the British not come to India and implemented the divide and conquer policy successfully, we would not be where we are today. But history cannot be changed.
Muhi Uddin Muhammad Aurangzeb. He was a true Muslim and ruled with iron hand...:smokin:
1) Aurangzaib is usually liked by Maulvi type peoples. I like this guy and he was probably the only person who himself used to go to the public and help peoples in nights like Hazrat Umar R.A. There has been many beautiful stories on record about him. I also like this guy for the Islamic architecture work done in his era..... its jus amazing..... So it like him for this particular reason however i strongly feel he was little more strict :cry:

Iska matlab hua ki, you are a maulvi type too. :lol: :rofl:

Not to worry bro. You are not alone. Count me in...:smokin:
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