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Great things to learn from China

If that is the case, I hope Chinese companies can indeed get a share in those construction business in India. I do believe India need learn from China how to build the infrastructure faster and cheaper.

Yes, Chinese are Welcomed in India and they are being invited to benefit both sides. Its the attitude about China we Indians really admire because that is not there among Pakistan. Putting negotiations, business interest above emotions. Last time there was case, where Nokia had to recall its mobile phones from Pakistan because it had "Made in India" tag and Pakistanis were feeling insulting to use that.

Rivals? India seeks bigger Chinese role in infrastructure | Deccan Chronicle

Even as security hackles are raised in New Delhi over alleged Chinese muscle-flexing over disputed territory, whether land or sea, India does not appear to be averse to a greater Chinese role in its own infrastructure development, including building of power plants or high-speed rail networks.

With the Indian government here planning to spend around $1 trillion on infrastructure projects, India 'will like China to play an important role' in this sector over the next few years, say well-placed sources.

Chinese companies have already completed and are in the process of executing infrastructure projects worth $40 billion in India, said the sources who did not want to be identified.

The upsurge in trade and investment is happening despite attempts to project India and China as military and economic rivals by a section of the West and a part of India's own security establishment seeing Beijing as a major threat to its territorial sovereignty.

"With India's growth ambitions and a change in its industrial policy to raise the share of manufacturing to 29 per cent of GDP, India has to build massive infrastructure. China, with its $3 trillion foreign exchange reserves, can play an important role," Srikanth Kondapalli, a China expert at Jawaharlal Nehru University, told IANS.

"Even if the Chinese channel three per cent of their forex stock (about $100 billion) into a 30-year fixed return investment into India's infrastructure, that would be a win-win proposition," said Ajit Ranade, chief economist with Aditya Birla Group.

Already active in sectors like power, telecom and roads, Chinese companies are often seen to outbid competition in cost and duration, sometimes completing projects in record time.

Chinese power equipment manufacturers, according to an estimate, have procured almost 18 per cent of the 12th plan capacity addition target in India.

In fact, experts say a large chunk of India's $100-billion worth power sector equipment will be sourced from China in the next five years.

Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG)'s Reliance Power struck an $8.29-billion deal with China's Shanghai Electric last November for the supply of 36 coal-fuelled power plants.

In the telecommunications sector, where there have been some security concerns, the switches and hardware are increasingly Chinese. "In fact, Huawei has become an Indian telecom brand," said Ranade.

Expanded cooperation in infrastructure was a dominant theme of discussion at the first strategic economic dialogue India and China held in Beijing last month.

Sources said India is keen to tap Chinese expertise and technology in building high-speed rail corridors.

Even as India welcomes China's greater role in building low-cost infrastructure, it has voiced its concerns about the growing trade deficit, a sticky issue that figured prominently in the economic dialogue.

Last year, trade deficit in favour of China was estimated to be around $20 billion. In the first eight months of this year, trade deficit has already reached $17 billion.

India has conveyed to China the need for a level playing field, specially in those areas in which it has competitive strengths like pharma and IT-enabled services.

With China's economic muscle growing and moves in some quarters to make Chinese currency reminbi a global currency, New Delhi is seeking a more nuanced relationship with Beijing and hopes not to let some strategic divergences on issues like the border dispute come in the way of building a stronger economic relationship.

In an important policy shift underlining the primacy of economics over politics, the government has even allowed Indian companies to access loans in yuan (RMB), (equivalent to 1 billion).

"If you can use cheaper Chinese capital for development, why not?" said one source with access to high level thinking.

Recently, Reliance Communications sealed a $1.33-billion loan facility underwritten by Chinese banks for refinancing its purchase of 3G spectrum assets.
Yes, Chinese are Welcomed in India and they are being invited to benefit both sides. Its the attitude about China we Indians really admire because that is not there among Pakistan. Putting negotiations, business interest above emotions. Last time there was case, where Nokia had to recall its mobile phones from Pakistan because it had "Made in India" tag and Pakistanis were feeling insulting to use that.

Rivals? India seeks bigger Chinese role in infrastructure | Deccan Chronicle

Even as security hackles are raised in New Delhi over alleged Chinese muscle-flexing over disputed territory, whether land or sea, India does not appear to be averse to a greater Chinese role in its own infrastructure development, including building of power plants or high-speed rail networks.

With the Indian government here planning to spend around $1 trillion on infrastructure projects, India 'will like China to play an important role' in this sector over the next few years, say well-placed sources.

Chinese companies have already completed and are in the process of executing infrastructure projects worth $40 billion in India, said the sources who did not want to be identified.

The upsurge in trade and investment is happening despite attempts to project India and China as military and economic rivals by a section of the West and a part of India's own security establishment seeing Beijing as a major threat to its territorial sovereignty.

"With India's growth ambitions and a change in its industrial policy to raise the share of manufacturing to 29 per cent of GDP, India has to build massive infrastructure. China, with its $3 trillion foreign exchange reserves, can play an important role," Srikanth Kondapalli, a China expert at Jawaharlal Nehru University, told IANS.

"Even if the Chinese channel three per cent of their forex stock (about $100 billion) into a 30-year fixed return investment into India's infrastructure, that would be a win-win proposition," said Ajit Ranade, chief economist with Aditya Birla Group.

Already active in sectors like power, telecom and roads, Chinese companies are often seen to outbid competition in cost and duration, sometimes completing projects in record time.

Chinese power equipment manufacturers, according to an estimate, have procured almost 18 per cent of the 12th plan capacity addition target in India.

In fact, experts say a large chunk of India's $100-billion worth power sector equipment will be sourced from China in the next five years.

Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG)'s Reliance Power struck an $8.29-billion deal with China's Shanghai Electric last November for the supply of 36 coal-fuelled power plants.

In the telecommunications sector, where there have been some security concerns, the switches and hardware are increasingly Chinese. "In fact, Huawei has become an Indian telecom brand," said Ranade.

Expanded cooperation in infrastructure was a dominant theme of discussion at the first strategic economic dialogue India and China held in Beijing last month.

Sources said India is keen to tap Chinese expertise and technology in building high-speed rail corridors.

Even as India welcomes China's greater role in building low-cost infrastructure, it has voiced its concerns about the growing trade deficit, a sticky issue that figured prominently in the economic dialogue.

Last year, trade deficit in favour of China was estimated to be around $20 billion. In the first eight months of this year, trade deficit has already reached $17 billion.

India has conveyed to China the need for a level playing field, specially in those areas in which it has competitive strengths like pharma and IT-enabled services.

With China's economic muscle growing and moves in some quarters to make Chinese currency reminbi a global currency, New Delhi is seeking a more nuanced relationship with Beijing and hopes not to let some strategic divergences on issues like the border dispute come in the way of building a stronger economic relationship.

In an important policy shift underlining the primacy of economics over politics, the government has even allowed Indian companies to access loans in yuan (RMB), (equivalent to 1 billion).

"If you can use cheaper Chinese capital for development, why not?" said one source with access to high level thinking.

Recently, Reliance Communications sealed a $1.33-billion loan facility underwritten by Chinese banks for refinancing its purchase of 3G spectrum assets.

If this is true then very good news .
True. There are unwanted idiotic comments coming from certain Chinese members here. I do see them.

A lot of those comments arise due to the past negative comments cycle between Chinese members and Indian members. A lot of them are just silly comparisons or I-am-better-than-you types of comments. If you do not take them seriously, those comments won't do real harm.

The real concern is that no matter what the past relation between india (well, there was never a united country called india though before 1947) and tibet in the past, tibet has been under Chinese government (or empire) rule for at least the past 500 years, way before the establishment of U.S.A. or India.

There are a lot of indian members who misjudge China's intention including many indian politicians. They simply consider China just wants to bully india even though india currently occupies 90 sq Km2 south tibet, which is part of tibet and thus part of China.

Even though india was brutally occupied by the u.k., india government after u.k. suddenly thinks whatever the u.k. stole from other countries is justified and should also be part of the independent india, including the south tibet stolen due to the notorious mcmahon line and simla accord in 1914, which was never recognized by the official China government then and now.

After the 1962 border conflict, China army has already shown the good will gesture to retreat to the control line before conflict. However, it seems that indian government did not understand what the good will gesture from China means.

If China indeed has territory ambition against India, we would not have stopped so quickly in 1962. We would have grabbed land from india long time ago during the past 500 years when we began to rule tibet since then india was just consist of hundreds of small kings or tribes.

As long as the south tibet issue is not resolved, there won't be real warm relationship between the two countries. As far as for dalai lama, well, he will be dead soon. I do think he will be a much smaller road block between the two countries. As for those tibetians currently in india, I think india can have them for free. China would like india to have them without charge.

You are not different from other Chines members who have negative attitude towards India, I can see that from your comment which I have highlighted in bold, do you know the meaning of Tribe??, you meant to say that your great country China had cultural relation and learning with tribal community, and also your country inspired by the religious philosophy given by the Tribes!!!

Even I can say we could have garbed this, that and every thing!!!, China didn't grab because it was not possibe, please read the history of India from proper source and never say the British united India - even before that there were great emperors from India who have ruled greater stretch of land, even biger then the eniter Europe and one such is the map i have given for your reference below...

The great Emperor Ashoka is the one who introduced the concept of welfare state centuries ago and as an administrator he has performed great deeds which forms the back bone of any civilized society today, such us According to his edicts he provided humanitarian help including doctors, hospitals, inns, wells, medical herbs and engineers to his neighboring countries. In neighboring countries, Ashoka helped humans as well as animals. Ashoka also planted trees in his empire and his neighboring countries. Ashoka was perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery, hunting, fishing and deforestation. Ashoka also banned the death sentence and asked the same for the neighboring countries. Ashoka commanded his people to serve the orders of their elders parents and religious monks (shramana and Brahmin). Ashoka also recommended his people study and respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to harm another's religion is a harm to one's own religion.... I don't know about China, but never say we were few bunch of tribes, yes India had different Kingdom but there was one thing uniting India is the people of this land followed and shared same religious philosophy, a person from Kashi considered Kanyakumari as a holy place and vice verse, and they were never restricted to travel for religious purpose in-spite of different kingdoms ...

Ashoka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes India was under foreign rule for many years, and so were many countries, even today!!! - but yet there are some Indian Kingdoms who never came under any foreign rule one such is Kingdom of Travancore, and they have the distinguished privilege of defeating an European Naval force in entire Asia till today in the Battle of Colachel in which the Dutch Naval force was defeated by the Travancore Kingdom, and this defeat lead to the decline of Dutch power in the Indian Subcontinent. This are not tribes - the Kingdom was one of the richest of those era, and the main temple guarded by the Royal family for centuries recently reveled an unbelievable worth of treasure of around $30 billion and making it the Richest Temple in the World



First, those dynasties you are talking about are acient indian dynasties, after the muslim invasions, mongol invasions and etc, many argue that the current india is totally different from that in ancient times in almost every cultural factors, e.g. religions, races and etc.

In addition, about those ancient dynasties, whatever they rules and how large area they have ruled is really debatable. Koreans even say they ruled almost all China during their ancient dynasties. Well, we China just listen to such fantasies as jokes.
While China is continuously ruled by one main race with the same culture throughout history.

BTW, even for Ashoka, you forget to count how many centuries he was from today???

When I mentioned that China has no territory ambition against India, I have reinforced my conviction with the fact that China has not invaded India for the past 500 years when we rule tibet continuously. During that times, I say india was simply consist of small tribes or countries with tons of kings or emperors here and there. Am I wrong there? Was there a united India then??? As I have said, China would have been quite easy in grabbing land from India if she wanted to do so than today. If we did not do that then, what is the need to do so today???

BTW, I have no interested learning those stuff more than thousand of years ago since it indeed has no relation with what I have mentioned in the historical time period: the last 500 years.

You are not different from other Chines members who have negative attitude towards India, I can see that from your comment which I have highlighted in bold, do you know the meaning of Tribe??, you meant to say that your great country China had cultural relation and learning with tribal community, and also your country inspired by the religious philosophy given by the Tribes!!!

Even I can say we could have garbed this, that and every thing!!!, China didn't grab because it was not possibe, please read the history of India from proper source and never say the British united India - even before that there were great emperors from India who have ruled greater stretch of land, even biger then the eniter Europe and one such is the map i have given for your reference below...

The great Emperor Ashoka is the one who introduced the concept of welfare state centuries ago and as an administrator he has performed great deeds which forms the back bone of any civilized society today, such us According to his edicts he provided humanitarian help including doctors, hospitals, inns, wells, medical herbs and engineers to his neighboring countries. In neighboring countries, Ashoka helped humans as well as animals. Ashoka also planted trees in his empire and his neighboring countries. Ashoka was perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery, hunting, fishing and deforestation. Ashoka also banned the death sentence and asked the same for the neighboring countries. Ashoka commanded his people to serve the orders of their elders parents and religious monks (shramana and Brahmin). Ashoka also recommended his people study and respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to harm another's religion is a harm to one's own religion.... I don't know about China, but never say we were few bunch of tribes, yes India had different Kingdom but there was one thing uniting India is the people of this land followed and shared same religious philosophy, a person from Kashi considered Kanyakumari as a holy place and vice verse, and they were never restricted to travel for religious purpose in-spite of different kingdoms ...

Ashoka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes India was under foreign rule for many years, and so were many countries, even today!!! - but yet there are some Indian Kingdoms who never came under any foreign rule one such is Kingdom of Travancore, and they have the distinguished privilege of defeating an European Naval force in entire Asia till today in the Battle of Colachel in which the Dutch Naval force was defeated by the Travancore Kingdom, and this defeat lead to the decline of Dutch power in the Indian Subcontinent. This are not tribes - the Kingdom was one of the richest of those era, and the main temple guarded by the Royal family for centuries recently reveled an unbelievable worth of treasure of around $30 billion and making it the Richest Temple in the World

Battle of Colachel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Padmanabhaswamy Temple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Hindu temple treasure dilemma: Answers from the ancients - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
i have many chinese frnd in india in my steel plant these r engineers from sino steel company which work in paid sallary with our company.
they r very hard working nice guys the only problem is language so they have to carry english translator with them (she is hot chinese gal).
with them i came to know few thing abot chinese.
1. they r not very social like indian.
2. they drink lot of india beer.
3. they r chain smokers and perfer chinese cigareets.
4. they dance on bhangra beats.
5. they hate to talk about pakistan or sino india war and it chinese gov problem not ours.
6. they love india gal love india salwar kurta .
7. they love india in its bad colours also say how can india so kind to animals cows roam in roads and offered fruits by fruit hackers monkey and snake is prayed.

means the total problem between india and china is not d lama or boders dispute it china with pak which india thinks pak is using china to check in and usa india relation which china think usa using india to contain it to asia only.

and same problem in pdf

Well said friend.
We get along well in real life. Is sad to see Indians on the net mistrusting Chinese and imature Chinese deriding Indians. Mutual respect is key to friendship and prosperity!
Chinese and Indians should focus our efforts on fooking over the west for their pas and ongoing crimes!
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